Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

Posted by sieb369 @sieb369, Jan 3, 2022

It has been 5 weeks since my COVID symptoms began. I am well past the isolation date. I had nausea and diarrhea during COVID along with the usual symptoms of cough, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and sinus issues. I have felt like I was over this, but I began having GI pain in the last week. I feel as if my intestines are sore on the inside. I guess it is inflammation. Has anyone else had this and is there anything I can do to help it? Probiotics maybe?

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I am dealing with fatigue, abdominal pain, constipation, some nausea and reflux. At times I feel dizzy and lightheaded. I had covid in Jan for 2 wks and a very, very mild case in July . I have all shots and boosts. Taking a high quality probiotic and prebiotic for the past 2 months has helped as well an enzyme to aid in digestion etc. I continue to watch what I eat...nothing spicey or rich... some of it is trial and error so keeping a food diary is helpful. FODMAP may be helpful it to understand better. I am still doctoring but after a lot of blood tests, ct scan with dye contrast and numerous tests on stool samples there is nothing. It is frustrating and it has changed my quality of life.

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I have been wondering about a digestive enzyme and your are the first to write about it. Please, if you’ve found one that helps, share which one it is.


I have been wondering about a digestive enzyme and your are the first to write about it. Please, if you’ve found one that helps, share which one it is.

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My enzyme, prebiotic and probiotic are from Klaire Labs. My chiropractor recommended them as high quality... having the needed ingredients etc. You can order them online. Also another thing I've started doing every day, as recommended by chiropractor, is to put a tablespoon of Braggs vinegar and a bit of lemon juice in a glass of water. She has me do this each morning 15 min before eating anything.


My enzyme, prebiotic and probiotic are from Klaire Labs. My chiropractor recommended them as high quality... having the needed ingredients etc. You can order them online. Also another thing I've started doing every day, as recommended by chiropractor, is to put a tablespoon of Braggs vinegar and a bit of lemon juice in a glass of water. She has me do this each morning 15 min before eating anything.

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Thank you!


I’ve had similar issues for the past 17 months. I’ve had just about every test out there done to discover very little until…my GI doctor did a gastric emptying test & discovered I have gastroparesis. Simply stated…Covid caused some neuropathy in my stomach thus
making 25% of it not properly moving the food out of my stomach as it should. This has caused nausea, weight gain, dizziness, etc…I now have to eat smaller meals & easily digestible foods (no raw veggies, etc)… If nothing is found next week, ask her GI DR to consider this test…Having a diagnosis, although annoying & disappointing, still helps. Best of luck & please keep us posted

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Any special diet? I've seen the FODMAP one, and my daughter has a dairy allergy (which we've managed for 7-8 years), but now they're saying she has to cut out all dairy, even though it doesn't seem to make her stomach any worse. She already feels like crap and has trouble eating, I hate to take away all of the foods she loves.


Thank you!

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What are your GI symptoms?


Hi..saw your post..what are you doing as far as diet and supplements. I am desperate for any help you can offer. I have been told to watch the sugar as it can cause inflammation. I try to follow a low residue low fiber plan as much as I can, if I eat forbidden foods , I pay for it dearly. I eat at home, make my food here, and do not eat out at all, it is not worth it . I ate some other food last week at work, and was ill christmas eve and all day Christmas. Can you tell me about the supplements you take and your diet plan. Happy New Year..Sincerely kitty2..hope your christmas was peaceful.

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My gut has settled down with only Activia am and bedtime. Immodium for the
diarrhea. Stay on a bland diet till things improve, then slowly test other


It’s been 1 year since my then 12 yo had an inflammatory response post covid (it was not defined as Mis-C, but did cause her to be hospitalized). Some of her symptoms has faded, but she is left with a constant stomachache, sore throat, and dizziness. 19 doctors later she is diagnosed with gastroparesis and SIBO. So far the medication (Creon and motilium) and dietary changes have not helped.

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I'm lootto get tested for SIBO. My doctor doesn't know anything about. Is it a GI doc? What is the test?


I'm lootto get tested for SIBO. My doctor doesn't know anything about. Is it a GI doc? What is the test?

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My 17yo is getting tested for SIBO next week (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth). There is a home test available but we are doing it at the GI doctor's office. It's a breath test done over 2-3 hours after 24 hours of pretty strict fasting and then drinking a special drink.


Glad I stumbled across this thread. Had covid first time, last Feb. Had again last month. Gut has been "off" since the first round. Lots of belching, bloating like crazy, constipation, slow motility, pain, inflammation, my hs-crp level was elevated 2 weeks post. I never even had a fever or sore throat. Muscle aches still and all GI stuff. Anyone else have this going on? Tried PPI's, dont like the negative side effects. On H1/H2 histamine blockers now, Pepcid and Zyrtec with hopes of helping. Supposed to have upper GAI scope done end of month, but from what I have been reading everywhere- this is just COVID!!! Thoughts? I have been eating low fodmap for 4 weeks, helps some but serious malnutrition if follow long term.


Thank you for your comments! A couple of people asked what has helped my gut symptoms. I can share some diet and supplement recommendations that I received. But, of course, I am not recommending them to you. I suggest you might do research on them. Diet: --More plant based foods, less highly processed foods. -- Increase foods that foster good bug growth in gut, especially avocados & chick peas each day [huge help for me]. --High quality probiotic, I settled on Garden of Life. --Include two probiotic strains: Bif. Longum and Bac. Subtilis, might need to buy separately. --Prebiotic during flareups, I like Heather’s. –Pepcid [its antihistamine properties are found in some long covid studies]. –NMN to reduce inflammation [also in lots of studies, but be careful, high doses might cause stomach upset!] plus Trans-resveratrol. Other supplements were recommended to me to repair ACE2 and mitochondria, that might help gut. But, I suggest doing research on these. Be well!
PS I can tell you what did not help: Tums, Prevacid & other PPI's. All the lab tests I did have been negative, which I think everyone has experienced!

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What supps to repair ACE2 and mitochondria? I have covid gut stuff and inflammation. Low Fodmap diet really not helping. On Pepcid and Zyrtec for H1/H2.

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