Has anybody successfully tapered off of lorazepam (Ativan)?

Posted by healthlady22 @healthlady22, Feb 5, 2019

Has anybody successfully managed to successfully wean off of Lorazepam?
If so how was it done?
And if it was by way of switching to other drugs, were you then able to taper off of those entirely under a doctor's guidance?
My husband has been on Lorazepam for 16 years
He did well for 14 years, but dragged his feet about trying to withdraw while he was feeling better.
In May he had a relapse of anxiety, and insomnia, with brain fog, heart palpitations, and more.
Currently he's doing better, thinking better, but still feels like crap a large part of the time, can't sleep without the drug, can't nap.and still struggles with anxiety.
At this point, I believe it's the drug that is actually causing the problem. Currently he's doing 1 mg at bedtime and 3/4 mg when he wakes up at 2:30 am.
I know it takes 2 years for the brains GABA receptors to normalize after taking Benzodiazepines.
Also know it's really hard to withdraw, has to be done extremely slowly, and the side effects are exactly the same as the symptoms it is meant to help.
My goal is to eventually wean him off of all drugs as functional health tests show they block his nutritional absorption and may be damaging his intestinal lining. I would like to be able to repair his health using nutrition, supplements, and neurotransmitter amino acids.
All feedback is welcomed!

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Stopping Ativan completely was really difficult for me. I was on 2 mg for sleep, for about ten years. Weaning down very slowly wasn't difficult at first. 1.75 mg for a couple of weeks, and so on. It went smoothly until I tried to stop the last .5 mg. For some reason it was extremely difficult to stop that last .5.
It took months. Cutting pills into halves and quarters. Relentless anxiety returned, as did sleep problems.
Back on it after three years off. I know there is a trade off and there are risks, but for the time being it's something I need to have. My doctor concurs.


How long did you taper? Mine seems soooo long!

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It took me a full year to get off Ativan completely.


It took me a full year to get off Ativan completely.

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That’s wonderful! Congratulations!!!


Need schedule to taper 8 mg Ativan
I take 2 mg Ativan 4x a day. Been taking this for about 13 years. Do I taper one dose at a time until I'm finished then go on to next dose? Thank you kindly for any help


Need schedule to taper 8 mg Ativan
I take 2 mg Ativan 4x a day. Been taking this for about 13 years. Do I taper one dose at a time until I'm finished then go on to next dose? Thank you kindly for any help

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Welcome @marydoe and @pamee, I've moved your messages to this existing discussion about tapering safely off lorazepam (Ativan) to this existing discussion:
- Has anybody successfully tapered off of lorazepam (Ativan)? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/tapering-off-of-lorazepam-ativan/

I did this so you can review the previous posts and connect with helpful members like @jbrathbun @sears @marjou @healthlady22 @ainsleigh @benzossuck @aarniek @brandman48 and more.

You may also find useful tips in these related discussions:
- Weaning Off of Ativan For Sleep https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/weening-off-of-ativan-for-sleep/
- How did you successfully taper off of 0.5 lorazepam (Ativan)? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/lorazepam-0-5-taper/

Are you working with your doctor to get guidance for the taper?


Need schedule to taper 8 mg Ativan
I take 2 mg Ativan 4x a day. Been taking this for about 13 years. Do I taper one dose at a time until I'm finished then go on to next dose? Thank you kindly for any help

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The first thing you need to do is google the Ashton Manual. It’s the best tapering method out there at this time. This method will want you to switch over to Valium. Please read through the Manual and get back to us. You’re doctor will most likely want you to taper much much too quickly.


The first thing you need to do is google the Ashton Manual. It’s the best tapering method out there at this time. This method will want you to switch over to Valium. Please read through the Manual and get back to us. You’re doctor will most likely want you to taper much much too quickly.

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Thank you for the reply. I have the Ashton Manual in book form. I've tapered twice with it and it seems I'm somewhat allergic to diazepam. My symptoms became worse. For the most part I would recommend the Ashton Manual to everyone as it's the best taper plan.


How long did you taper? Mine seems soooo long!

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The first time I did the Ashton to taper off xanax it took 18 months.


I was on up to 8 mg daily and blacking out suffering 3 concussions and broken bones so I told my neurologist I wanted to stop it. He switched me to Valium,40 mg,week one,20 week two,10 week 4 and 5 mg week five, then none ! Now over 6 years later I cannot walk more than a few feet due to muscle spasticity ,have severe head pressure,loud tinnitus and the worst thing,I have no long term memory! I tell you this because I am sure it was being taken off in a few weeks that is responsible so if he stops ,he must taper off for at least a year ,and as for me I don't expect to survive this cold turkey withdrawal as there is nothing that doctors can give me to help!

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I'm so sorry to hear how much you have suffered because of these drugs and also doctors who don't have the experience to wean you properly. These type of drugs were designed for a quick fix during a bad situation but many of us are using them on a daily basis. I've been using ativan for over 20 years but then suddenly my doctor decides to reduce my dosage without even a discussion about it or even a plan. I told him he was doing more harm than good by doing this and since I had cancer twice I'm more stressed than ever. It might be a good idea if you talk to your doctor about another type of med that helps with anxiety on a long term basis. I'm also taking a antidepressant and it also reduces the intensity of my anxiety so I can use less of the ativan. I wish you the best with your mission and hope you will come out on top.


They say it is best to go on a longer acting Benzo such as Clonazepam when trying to wean off Ativan. Does your husband see a psychiatrist? If not it may be worth a visit. He/she can help with the tapering process. You have to be insistent though, otherwise they will try to put him on another drug.

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