Rezum for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

Posted by scwhandyman @scwhandyman, Jan 26, 2020

I am 66 years old and have been diagnosed with BPH. I tried Alfuzosin unsuccessfully. My urologist recommended Urolift, but I have concerns about the procedure. Previously he had mentioned Rezum for prostates between 30 and 90 ml. Mine is 28 ml and he did not think this would be a problem. He is a younger doctor and this is a relatively new procedure. I expressed concern that since the procedure kills cells with steam would there be a danger of damaging the urethra, too much prostate, or the outer cover of the prostate. He said this would not happen. I have looked on line for resources that address this issue without success. Any assistance getting assurance that the doctor is correct is appreciated.

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Hi, got 2 glasses of prune juice in me. Walking around the place so I don’t just sit. Beautiful day. We are sorry to hear about your situation. What’s up with the kidney? Prognosis is positive we hope @ 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸

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My enlarged prostate over the years had caused retention. So, it got to a point that I went to the doctor for back pain, he ordered an ultrasound, that's when they saw that my bladder was not empty, that the urine had backed up to my kidneys causing some damage. The kidneys were also elevating my blood pressure. Finally, I got the kidney function back on track since they put in the catheter.


My enlarged prostate over the years had caused retention. So, it got to a point that I went to the doctor for back pain, he ordered an ultrasound, that's when they saw that my bladder was not empty, that the urine had backed up to my kidneys causing some damage. The kidneys were also elevating my blood pressure. Finally, I got the kidney function back on track since they put in the catheter.

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Sounds like the future is positive!! Good thing you had the back pain, might have even gotten worse. I don’t care for the catheter. Comes out Monday. Sorry about this, I had my 1st big bowel movement this morning X2. First time in 5 days. Happy New Year to that. Not pooping was TERRIBLE AND PAINFUL. All that pressure. What’s up in Spain?


Sounds like the future is positive!! Good thing you had the back pain, might have even gotten worse. I don’t care for the catheter. Comes out Monday. Sorry about this, I had my 1st big bowel movement this morning X2. First time in 5 days. Happy New Year to that. Not pooping was TERRIBLE AND PAINFUL. All that pressure. What’s up in Spain?

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Spain's government recognizes "art" as a separate labor sector, it also has socialized medicine which cuts both ways. USA, is profit driven, whereas socialized medicine is budget controlled by the government to save money. So, while some advanced procedures are available here under the socialized health because they are effective and cut cost, they may only be available in the USA for a premium price. My taxes also go into the health system and not some industrial complex. The rest is, history. However, Happy New Year 2023!


I have a cancer growing on the outside of my kidney. The doctors say the only way to remove it is
to take the whole kidney out. Are there other options?


Spain's government recognizes "art" as a separate labor sector, it also has socialized medicine which cuts both ways. USA, is profit driven, whereas socialized medicine is budget controlled by the government to save money. So, while some advanced procedures are available here under the socialized health because they are effective and cut cost, they may only be available in the USA for a premium price. My taxes also go into the health system and not some industrial complex. The rest is, history. However, Happy New Year 2023!

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Understanding. Happy New Year 🎉🍺🇺🇸


I have a cancer growing on the outside of my kidney. The doctors say the only way to remove it is
to take the whole kidney out. Are there other options?

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Treatments? There are probably several. Good luck with everything . Life sometimes isn’t fair.


Well everyone, LW is doing MUCH better. I have no problem going pee or anything. I am sorry it went this route but glad, so glad it’s over, almost as glad as my WONDERFUL wife whom I am happy to have married. LW


Oooh L W, my husband just went thru the urolift so I can sympathize. I hope all goes well. Vicki

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I am doing great now. Hope all is well with you folks.


Butt pain upon sitting starting day 2 after rezum shoots a bit down leg. At first bilateral now more unilateral also dull pain in left groin .
Is this just usual post op edema or inflammation or more permanent as per literature?

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Ron55, i had the Rezum procedure on March 31. (Note: I also have metastatic prostate cancer and appear to be emerging slowly from post-chemo remission, with very low, but slowly increasing, PSA numbers). After a week of precautionary nitrofurantoin the cath was removed and the improvement was dramatic. 2 weeks later a UTI set in and i became unable to urinate, requiring a trip to the ER, another week of nitrofurantoin, and two more weeks of foley cath. When the 2nd cath was removed, urination was perfect again. But all through this period i had intermittent fiery stabs of butt (rectal) pain which i thought were coincidental indications of a hemmorhoid attack. It’s now June 19 and i still have constant deep aching in the prostate and rectal area, a constantly itchy urethra, bladder irritation and urgency. I occasionally pass small blood clots and/or a small splash of red blood as urine starts to flow, but labs don’t show any evidence of UTI. I also did a full 5-day precautionary CIPRO regimen to help rule out prostatitis, but pain, aching and minor bleeding/clotting persists. My so-called recovery has been quite stormy but i have an excellent urologist and oncologist, and am still hoping for eventual alleviation. From my experience, Rezum may work but healing may take many months.

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