Total Knee Repair Revision: A Success Story

Posted by ezas123 @ezas123, Aug 4, 2022

Hi all I I am 1 week out of revision today . I must say this recovery has been so different from my first. I have so much more movement in my knee …. My leg goes straight….. my flexion work in progress but I was at .70 right out of surgery ….. I was there a year after tkr…..struggling of course with inflammation which I expected….I am icing and going to my therapist to help with edema…. I started pt this week also so you know how it goes take to where you can than push little more…..the pain really sucks going through this all over again I have not forgot the pain from last time … but the difference is I know I am seeing results already….even with the pain for right now I am so glad I did revision….. good luck to others going through and might be going through this .

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Hello Ezra, I went through TKR back in 8/2019. Suffered for 4 yrs. With constant pain. Well after seeing 12 doctors finally found Dr. Shah, at Columbia Presbyterian, NY. He did partial revision and removed the piece under my patella. When he went in he found the piece was incorrectly put in and it broke! My first surgeon refused to even listen to me. What a difference after this second surgery….hardly any pain and I went back to P.T. One week post op! Now I know what p.t. Is supposed to be like and the progress I see and now I don’t have the pain at all like first time. I’m so happy that I did the partial revision and taking the time to find a doctor who would even consider doing the surgery! I was truly petrified about going through the revision. It is just over two months post op and am continuing p.t. To get my muscles strong and work properly. Oh, and I had found out, AFTER the first surgery that I am allergic to the cement/glue! I had a ton of scar tissue the dr. removed with great difficulty. That also contributed to not being. Able to rehab my knee properly! But I am on the road to recovery. @irish283


I am now 5 months out ….I scaled back some of my exercise routine …. I go to pool 2 week I just started doing steps in the pool again ….I am slowly starting different exercises … if it hurts too much I back off don’t want to swell up again…I also do mfr twice a week …. I am starting back up slow and steady…. So far first week pain is minimal mfr definitely helping with swelling and tightness…. I am icing after mfr and exercise….I so enjoyed the bike but that is one thing I have to stay away from for now…before I did everything I was asked to do from dr therapist… now I feel need adjust my workout to my life …. the past several weeks I was only told to stretch which makes sense to get capsulitis under control….now I want to keep it under control and that means listen to my body …. My team got me to 110-115 I lost a little … but with all I have learned I am confident I will get it back …I must say again I don’t like steroids I won’t do again …. Caused so much pain when they were done ….I am writing this to help me remember where I was and where I want to be…. When I decided to get revision my goal was get to 80 well I exceeded that goal… my new goal is get to 110-115 and maintain it comfortably….

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Congratulations on the good results. i am having TKR on my right knee on Jan 3, 2023.
You are a shining example of consist exercise and determination.


Good luck to you please come back let me know how you are doing….


I am now 5 months out ….I scaled back some of my exercise routine …. I go to pool 2 week I just started doing steps in the pool again ….I am slowly starting different exercises … if it hurts too much I back off don’t want to swell up again…I also do mfr twice a week …. I am starting back up slow and steady…. So far first week pain is minimal mfr definitely helping with swelling and tightness…. I am icing after mfr and exercise….I so enjoyed the bike but that is one thing I have to stay away from for now…before I did everything I was asked to do from dr therapist… now I feel need adjust my workout to my life …. the past several weeks I was only told to stretch which makes sense to get capsulitis under control….now I want to keep it under control and that means listen to my body …. My team got me to 110-115 I lost a little … but with all I have learned I am confident I will get it back …I must say again I don’t like steroids I won’t do again …. Caused so much pain when they were done ….I am writing this to help me remember where I was and where I want to be…. When I decided to get revision my goal was get to 80 well I exceeded that goal… my new goal is get to 110-115 and maintain it comfortably….

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So about revision, I will be 11months out of tkr surgery January 2nd. Had a mua at about 4 month out, big mistake, took me so far back. My leg is not straight, can't bend well. WA
K with a cane. Hurt pretty bad most of the time. 8 months of thearpy and at home thearpy. Changed Dr's. He says he would do no kind of surgery or break up scar tissue for at least 1 year after surgery. He has moved a long ways from me now. And I havebeen sent to pain mgt. Jan.17th. Unreal. Would a revision straighten my leg, help my bend. I am my husband's caretaker, there is no one but us now. VA is sending someone to help next week with him if they will? So with a revision is it like having surgery all over again or is it worse? Thanks. I am so depressed. Never could have imagined this would happen.


Our stories a lot alike in so many ways…. But I want to tell you there is hope…. My revision was amazing …. But understand I had wrong size in there so getting three times smaller I was able to bend right after surgery ….but yes you are getting tkr done all over …. But it was different I was prepared I knew what was going to happen …. I expected the worst but I was pleasantly surprised when pain was managed by meds …my new dr procedures were so much better … after waking from recovery you go to pt they have you walk and do steps I was amazed…..the nerve block they used worked this time the first tkr I woke up with severe pain so yes I was pleasantly surprised… elevate a few days than 4 days out at pt … I also did mfr for the swelling never had much swelling due to 2 treatments a week…so if a dr finds something wrong with first tkr may be very helpful to have revision…. It is a lot of work just like first tkr difference is you retain what you work towards…. Good luck in whatever you chose to do ……if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.


Thank you for replying. Needless to say I am terrified. Hard with pain meds when I have to do all the driving. I am getting help coming Wed. With my husband thru VA so this will be a Hugh help. Something had to change. He is not happy with that but if I don't get well he will end of in a home this I do not want. I am healthy able to help him just need this knee taken care of properly. We have been married 51 years and I want the best for him. Thanks for encouragement.


Thank you for replying. Needless to say I am terrified. Hard with pain meds when I have to do all the driving. I am getting help coming Wed. With my husband thru VA so this will be a Hugh help. Something had to change. He is not happy with that but if I don't get well he will end of in a home this I do not want. I am healthy able to help him just need this knee taken care of properly. We have been married 51 years and I want the best for him. Thanks for encouragement.

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Thank you for hug, don't get many of those. My husband has also been diagnosed with dementia. Anyone that prays ,I would certainly appreciate prayers. Thank you


Our stories a lot alike in so many ways…. But I want to tell you there is hope…. My revision was amazing …. But understand I had wrong size in there so getting three times smaller I was able to bend right after surgery ….but yes you are getting tkr done all over …. But it was different I was prepared I knew what was going to happen …. I expected the worst but I was pleasantly surprised when pain was managed by meds …my new dr procedures were so much better … after waking from recovery you go to pt they have you walk and do steps I was amazed…..the nerve block they used worked this time the first tkr I woke up with severe pain so yes I was pleasantly surprised… elevate a few days than 4 days out at pt … I also did mfr for the swelling never had much swelling due to 2 treatments a week…so if a dr finds something wrong with first tkr may be very helpful to have revision…. It is a lot of work just like first tkr difference is you retain what you work towards…. Good luck in whatever you chose to do ……if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

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Thank you for posting! We think that is what is wrong with my tkr- wrong size. I e been in pain since 4/2017. Had fluid removed in November. Worth a try- but still in pain most of the time.


Thank you for posting! We think that is what is wrong with my tkr- wrong size. I e been in pain since 4/2017. Had fluid removed in November. Worth a try- but still in pain most of the time.

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Are you saying wrong size implant in your knee? How can they do that? All 2 Dr's have told me is that everything is in place on x rays. No ct scan til first year, which will be Feb. 2nd. I know this has wore me out. 2 back surgeries don't even compare to this knee thing I'm going thru. And because of having 2 blood clots already since tkr I can only take Tylenol no more celebrex.


Thank you for posting! We think that is what is wrong with my tkr- wrong size. I e been in pain since 4/2017. Had fluid removed in November. Worth a try- but still in pain most of the time.

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That is a long time to be in pain …As soon as I seen new dr he took one look at X-ray told me was too big….. the X-ray I had gotten from my original dr. …. So if that is the issue with your knee is very fixable ….so stay strong keep on exercising as much as you can … exercising now will benefit you after surgery…. If it hurts to walk do sitting exercises anything to help build up your muscles…. I felt like you down tuff time getting motivated to do anything….. but once I seen new dr and he told me what was going on and I knew was nothing I could have done to get that bend …. I was relieved … so hopefully you will see your new dr get your date soon

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