Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP): What helps?

Posted by naiviv @naiviv, Sep 2, 2022

Has anyone been diagnosed with ITP? Does anyone take supplements for ITP? Food to eat to increase platelets?

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Pancytopenia and thrombocytopenia
All I really know is I found the diagnosis in my s/o’s medical file after he just had a recent injury and surgery to his hand. I’m in unfamiliar territory and I like to be some what familiar with what’s going on and what can be done as well as how serious this is for him. Any insight or experience would be great appreciated. A little history….he was a chronic alcoholic for all his life up until five years ago. His file said he had aplastic anemia, thrombotopenia and Pancytopenia. He also
Has cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism, a fatty liver, alcoholic neuropathy as well as many other I believe non relevant diagnosis’.

How did this happen what caused it or how do we find out. I see it says some medicines could cause it. He takes high blood pressure pills, diuretics, pain meds as he also needs a new hip, photonics, amd recently quit taking kratom only Taken for a short period of time.

I want to be familiar with these things so when we go in to the Dr he doesn’t lose me in big words and unfamiliarities. I want to be able to help if there are otc meds he can take or not take as well as foods etc he may need. He’s a vigilant exercise workout person so that’s covered. He’s always constantly
Drinking down bottle after bottle
Of water and has to pee constantly. A trip
To Walmart consist of at least three trips to the bathroom. He’s a godly man
And I know when I bring this up he’s
Gonna tell me to give it to
God but I can’t help but to
Want to do something if at all
Possible. How likely is it that he would start bleeding due to
Low blood cells or platelets. Would he know or would it be internally. What do we look for. He works in a tire shop
And is alway injuring his hands etc.
Thank you all for letting me vent and for any help you
May have to offer.

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@darlas1967, your significant other is facing a number of health issues at this time. I know you’re looking for answers but I need to reiterate, members in this forum are not able to diagnose ailments or offer treatments for other members. We can use our experiences to help you find some answers or guidance however.

Anytime someone is facing a new health crisis they’re met with unfamiliar medical terms and it’s difficult to know what they all mean. I know you want to be familiar with what your friend is dealing with, how he came to be in this state of health and how you can help him.
Those are questions for his doctors to answer. At this point all you have are terms but you don’t know the stages of any of the conditions he is facing. That will determine the treatment options for him.

The most recent discovery for you was his being diagnosed with aplastic anemia, Thrombocytopenia and Pancytopenia. Those 3 conditions point to a malfunction in his bone marrow; The blood manufacturing site and the heart of the immune system. That can leave him more prone to infections and bleeding.

Pancytopenia, from the information I provided to you in an earlier answer, is the decrease in all of the blood products crucial to his health. Not only are his disease fighting white blood counts low, but also his red blood cells and platelets. So he should be cautious on his job, avoiding injury because the low platelets can cause him to have bleeding internally or from cuts or contusions,. He will also need to avoid infections or being exposed to illnesses such as Covid and flu.

Help your friend keep track of any new symptoms he develops such as fatigue, fevers, swollen lymph nodes, bleed from nosebleeds, etc. Maybe jot these things in a diary.

Once he has a doctor’s appointment, go along with him and take notes. Then you’ll be able to ask questions on the terms being tossed out to you. If you don’t understand just ask for clarification at the time. Keep asking questions until you are comfortable with the answer.
I had a very serious blood cancer and a bone marrow transplant. Believe me, my husband and I went into both situations very unfamiliar with the terms and complexities of the disease. My doctors were all happy to answer our zillions of questions and actually relieved that we were indeed asking questions.

You might find this discussion in the forum helpful: How to get off to the best start with a new specialist. There’s a nice video attached from our Mayo Clinic site:

Finding a cause isn’t always easy. It could have something to do with his previous life style choices or not. But at this time, it’s no longer relevant. This is a new beginning point and you go forward from there. Please keep me posted on his condition and don’t hesitate to ask questions here too! 😊

Is he currently being treated for his liver conditions and anemia?


Pancytopenia and thrombocytopenia
All I really know is I found the diagnosis in my s/o’s medical file after he just had a recent injury and surgery to his hand. I’m in unfamiliar territory and I like to be some what familiar with what’s going on and what can be done as well as how serious this is for him. Any insight or experience would be great appreciated. A little history….he was a chronic alcoholic for all his life up until five years ago. His file said he had aplastic anemia, thrombotopenia and Pancytopenia. He also
Has cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism, a fatty liver, alcoholic neuropathy as well as many other I believe non relevant diagnosis’.

How did this happen what caused it or how do we find out. I see it says some medicines could cause it. He takes high blood pressure pills, diuretics, pain meds as he also needs a new hip, photonics, amd recently quit taking kratom only Taken for a short period of time.

I want to be familiar with these things so when we go in to the Dr he doesn’t lose me in big words and unfamiliarities. I want to be able to help if there are otc meds he can take or not take as well as foods etc he may need. He’s a vigilant exercise workout person so that’s covered. He’s always constantly
Drinking down bottle after bottle
Of water and has to pee constantly. A trip
To Walmart consist of at least three trips to the bathroom. He’s a godly man
And I know when I bring this up he’s
Gonna tell me to give it to
God but I can’t help but to
Want to do something if at all
Possible. How likely is it that he would start bleeding due to
Low blood cells or platelets. Would he know or would it be internally. What do we look for. He works in a tire shop
And is alway injuring his hands etc.
Thank you all for letting me vent and for any help you
May have to offer.

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@lori, volunteer mentor thank you for replying. I understand what you are saying I’m just a little frantic and impatient. But you have good ideas I need a notebook with Q&A stuff in it.
No he is not being treated for any of that. I don’t think if has even been discussed but this next appointment I’m going with him and I have already emailed the doctor with
Some questions about his blood work etc. so he should be prepared when we show up on Tuesday. I’ll do my best to keep you informed I’m unfamiliar with this page amd am learning how to navigate it. I’m sure I’ll be posting more even if to
Just vent or maybe to relate with someone else’s trials and tribulations. Thank you again


@lori, volunteer mentor thank you for replying. I understand what you are saying I’m just a little frantic and impatient. But you have good ideas I need a notebook with Q&A stuff in it.
No he is not being treated for any of that. I don’t think if has even been discussed but this next appointment I’m going with him and I have already emailed the doctor with
Some questions about his blood work etc. so he should be prepared when we show up on Tuesday. I’ll do my best to keep you informed I’m unfamiliar with this page amd am learning how to navigate it. I’m sure I’ll be posting more even if to
Just vent or maybe to relate with someone else’s trials and tribulations. Thank you again

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Darla, you’re doing just great! ☺️ The easiest way to make sure I see your replies or get notifications are to post your comments in the little black box that says Reply (not the blue comment box) when you’re answering something I’ve posted.
But I’ll be on the lookout for you anyway. So no worries.

Just to forewarn you, the world of medicine can turn slowly. So being frustrated when you want immediate answers is going to lead to more stress. 🙃 But you are on the right path to finding answers and getting the best treatment for your partner. The notebook will help keep track of appointments, symptoms, tests, treatment plans and vocabulary. Post it notes are great too for adding things to pages.
Venting and questions are welcomed here anytime! When you know more, I can help link you up with other members who are sharing the same conditions with your significant other. It helps to share with others going along the same journey.
Good luck with the appointment on Tuesday and I’ll be here if you need anything.


Darla, you’re doing just great! ☺️ The easiest way to make sure I see your replies or get notifications are to post your comments in the little black box that says Reply (not the blue comment box) when you’re answering something I’ve posted.
But I’ll be on the lookout for you anyway. So no worries.

Just to forewarn you, the world of medicine can turn slowly. So being frustrated when you want immediate answers is going to lead to more stress. 🙃 But you are on the right path to finding answers and getting the best treatment for your partner. The notebook will help keep track of appointments, symptoms, tests, treatment plans and vocabulary. Post it notes are great too for adding things to pages.
Venting and questions are welcomed here anytime! When you know more, I can help link you up with other members who are sharing the same conditions with your significant other. It helps to share with others going along the same journey.
Good luck with the appointment on Tuesday and I’ll be here if you need anything.

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Hi Lori I just thought I’d let you know that we saw his pcp yesterday. He had a follow up
Scheduled for his hand injury so I made sure he new ahead of time that I had some questions about his blood work etc. he addressed the hand issue and then ask about my questions and I told him I was concerned about his blood counts being low for so long and my discovery of these blood disorders and what we needed to do if anything as far as preventatives etc. He said yes his blood levels did drop more than usual Do to his hand injury but came back up to what is basicly
His new normal. He said even though the blood work is low that’s to be expected with the cirrhosis ( his health issues). But they have been stable for quite some time. Should anything change he would most defiantly be in touch with a plan. So I guess low wbc,rbc,hemoglobin,hemocrit, and platelets are normal for someone with his health issues. He didn’t seem concerned nor did he go into detail about anything else. I don’t know if that’s normal or not. I guess I just think that there should be preventative things like taking certain vitamins, eating more of certain foods than others. But this is the stuff I was reading back when I was googling for Information on these disorders. I don’t want to seem like I’m looking for problems or that I’m over reacting but does this sound correct to you? Any input would be greatly
Appreciated. Do you
Think we should just enjoy
Life and not be concerned unless something changes and requires us to react then?


Hi Lori I just thought I’d let you know that we saw his pcp yesterday. He had a follow up
Scheduled for his hand injury so I made sure he new ahead of time that I had some questions about his blood work etc. he addressed the hand issue and then ask about my questions and I told him I was concerned about his blood counts being low for so long and my discovery of these blood disorders and what we needed to do if anything as far as preventatives etc. He said yes his blood levels did drop more than usual Do to his hand injury but came back up to what is basicly
His new normal. He said even though the blood work is low that’s to be expected with the cirrhosis ( his health issues). But they have been stable for quite some time. Should anything change he would most defiantly be in touch with a plan. So I guess low wbc,rbc,hemoglobin,hemocrit, and platelets are normal for someone with his health issues. He didn’t seem concerned nor did he go into detail about anything else. I don’t know if that’s normal or not. I guess I just think that there should be preventative things like taking certain vitamins, eating more of certain foods than others. But this is the stuff I was reading back when I was googling for Information on these disorders. I don’t want to seem like I’m looking for problems or that I’m over reacting but does this sound correct to you? Any input would be greatly
Appreciated. Do you
Think we should just enjoy
Life and not be concerned unless something changes and requires us to react then?

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Also I have gone back through his files I’m not finding the aplastic anemia just chronic anemia, Pancytopenia, and Thrombcytopenia with the cirrhosis, hepatitis, and esophagus varies at one time with the past epistaxis and the hematemesis (in the past) and of course the continued low blood counts.


Hi Lori I just thought I’d let you know that we saw his pcp yesterday. He had a follow up
Scheduled for his hand injury so I made sure he new ahead of time that I had some questions about his blood work etc. he addressed the hand issue and then ask about my questions and I told him I was concerned about his blood counts being low for so long and my discovery of these blood disorders and what we needed to do if anything as far as preventatives etc. He said yes his blood levels did drop more than usual Do to his hand injury but came back up to what is basicly
His new normal. He said even though the blood work is low that’s to be expected with the cirrhosis ( his health issues). But they have been stable for quite some time. Should anything change he would most defiantly be in touch with a plan. So I guess low wbc,rbc,hemoglobin,hemocrit, and platelets are normal for someone with his health issues. He didn’t seem concerned nor did he go into detail about anything else. I don’t know if that’s normal or not. I guess I just think that there should be preventative things like taking certain vitamins, eating more of certain foods than others. But this is the stuff I was reading back when I was googling for Information on these disorders. I don’t want to seem like I’m looking for problems or that I’m over reacting but does this sound correct to you? Any input would be greatly
Appreciated. Do you
Think we should just enjoy
Life and not be concerned unless something changes and requires us to react then?

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Good morning, Darla! My first comment just has to be a reply to your last sentence, “ Do you
think we should just enjoy life and not be concerned unless something changes and requires us to react then?”
A resounding YES!
That is my philosophy in life not to dwell on ‘what ifs’ because those are time and energy drains…they create unnecessary stress. If/Then is a better way to live. 🙃

Your partner had some good news yesterday that there is nothing more amiss with his bloodwork at this time. His Cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis have an impact on his health and immune system but it looks like there is nothing new happening. So yes, I’d say at this point, with his doctor’s clearance to just keep on enjoying life to the fullest. Each day we’re not pushing up daisies from the other side is a gift. ☺️

You are definitely not overreacting in being proactive and concerned for your partner’s health! Knowledge is power and we always have to be advocates for ourselves and our loved ones. Your ideas of following through with good nutrition and healthy life style are excellent. I found a really good article on the NASH diet for people with Fatty Liver disease. It will be perfect for your friend as well. At least this will get you started in the right direction. He may also benefit from a visit with a dietitian. Often the family doctor can have that appointment set up.
But you don’t have to do all of these changes at once. Baby steps will keep it from feeling daunting.

Mayo Clinic’s information on cirrhosis might also be helpful for you too if you haven’t already seen this. Make sure you read to the bottom of each page where a large arrow directs you to the next page. It describes the disease process, diagnosis and treatment, diet, etc.

Now that you know his blood counts are chronically low, as I mentioned in a previous post, he will need to be more cautious to avoid getting ill from Covid and the flu. He may have a longer recovery time with illnesses and also more susceptible to infections. Frequent hand washing and hand sanitizers are a good first line of defense. He can benefit from wearing a mask in public gatherings especially during flu season. (And Covid is still with us).
With his platelets low, no knife jugging. 🙃

You’re doing great, Darla and being a wonderful life partner. But also remember to take care of yourself through all of this. What are some of your joys in life?


Good morning, Darla! My first comment just has to be a reply to your last sentence, “ Do you
think we should just enjoy life and not be concerned unless something changes and requires us to react then?”
A resounding YES!
That is my philosophy in life not to dwell on ‘what ifs’ because those are time and energy drains…they create unnecessary stress. If/Then is a better way to live. 🙃

Your partner had some good news yesterday that there is nothing more amiss with his bloodwork at this time. His Cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis have an impact on his health and immune system but it looks like there is nothing new happening. So yes, I’d say at this point, with his doctor’s clearance to just keep on enjoying life to the fullest. Each day we’re not pushing up daisies from the other side is a gift. ☺️

You are definitely not overreacting in being proactive and concerned for your partner’s health! Knowledge is power and we always have to be advocates for ourselves and our loved ones. Your ideas of following through with good nutrition and healthy life style are excellent. I found a really good article on the NASH diet for people with Fatty Liver disease. It will be perfect for your friend as well. At least this will get you started in the right direction. He may also benefit from a visit with a dietitian. Often the family doctor can have that appointment set up.
But you don’t have to do all of these changes at once. Baby steps will keep it from feeling daunting.

Mayo Clinic’s information on cirrhosis might also be helpful for you too if you haven’t already seen this. Make sure you read to the bottom of each page where a large arrow directs you to the next page. It describes the disease process, diagnosis and treatment, diet, etc.

Now that you know his blood counts are chronically low, as I mentioned in a previous post, he will need to be more cautious to avoid getting ill from Covid and the flu. He may have a longer recovery time with illnesses and also more susceptible to infections. Frequent hand washing and hand sanitizers are a good first line of defense. He can benefit from wearing a mask in public gatherings especially during flu season. (And Covid is still with us).
With his platelets low, no knife jugging. 🙃

You’re doing great, Darla and being a wonderful life partner. But also remember to take care of yourself through all of this. What are some of your joys in life?

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Good morning Lori it’s great to hear from you again. Thank you so much for your fast reply
And positive outlook lord knows I need it. It defiantly helps!
I am reaching the recovery stage of an staph infection in my first hip surgery. I have been told recently that if I could quit smoking for thirty days and pass a nicotine test they would schedule my needed other hip
Surgery. So that’s been difficult with all that’s been going on with every one else. I guess you could say I’m a mother hen to many who have no one else. Since my
Mobility is greatly reduced and due to the pain I am very limited in my activities. I enjoy
Working on my phone and computer. I’m up and down through the day and night due to the pain so I manage to
Keep my self busy and focused on others. I really enjoy helping others do research to get whatever it is they are in need of at the moment ie. Social security benefits, state benefits, stimulus checks, filing of taxes, law issues etc. of course my more recent personal journey of gaining more knowledge in the medical field with these issues that have just arose. I enjoying reading and researching and paperwork. Mundane as it seems it brings me satisfaction to help others if at all possible without having to
Leave the comfort of my home. I do run some errands, go to appointments etc but it’s quite painful to try to walk very much. I have three grandchildren by my oldest child that I enjoy when I get to see them. I also have six newly adopted step grandchildren from my youngest (son). The youngest is the one that keeps me on my toes one way or the other. He pushes me to get better and be pro active in my own health issues, checks in on me reguarly. However I am a worry wart and maybe a bit co dependent. I expect for all that to change once I have my next surgery though. We are currently in the beginning process of renovating the house so I imagine I’ll be busy with that soon.
I’ve been checking into going back to school once I’m better and possibly going back to work. I have not decided in what field I would like to resume working in yet. But you can bet it will be something along the lines of helping others in some way. I read your spot light. I’m impressed. Sounds like you’ve had quite the journey yourself and mentoring you to are giving back to others where you can and when needed. Thank you for that. You r an inspiration and again thank you for taking the time to reach out to me. It really means a lot.
Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.


Good morning Lori it’s great to hear from you again. Thank you so much for your fast reply
And positive outlook lord knows I need it. It defiantly helps!
I am reaching the recovery stage of an staph infection in my first hip surgery. I have been told recently that if I could quit smoking for thirty days and pass a nicotine test they would schedule my needed other hip
Surgery. So that’s been difficult with all that’s been going on with every one else. I guess you could say I’m a mother hen to many who have no one else. Since my
Mobility is greatly reduced and due to the pain I am very limited in my activities. I enjoy
Working on my phone and computer. I’m up and down through the day and night due to the pain so I manage to
Keep my self busy and focused on others. I really enjoy helping others do research to get whatever it is they are in need of at the moment ie. Social security benefits, state benefits, stimulus checks, filing of taxes, law issues etc. of course my more recent personal journey of gaining more knowledge in the medical field with these issues that have just arose. I enjoying reading and researching and paperwork. Mundane as it seems it brings me satisfaction to help others if at all possible without having to
Leave the comfort of my home. I do run some errands, go to appointments etc but it’s quite painful to try to walk very much. I have three grandchildren by my oldest child that I enjoy when I get to see them. I also have six newly adopted step grandchildren from my youngest (son). The youngest is the one that keeps me on my toes one way or the other. He pushes me to get better and be pro active in my own health issues, checks in on me reguarly. However I am a worry wart and maybe a bit co dependent. I expect for all that to change once I have my next surgery though. We are currently in the beginning process of renovating the house so I imagine I’ll be busy with that soon.
I’ve been checking into going back to school once I’m better and possibly going back to work. I have not decided in what field I would like to resume working in yet. But you can bet it will be something along the lines of helping others in some way. I read your spot light. I’m impressed. Sounds like you’ve had quite the journey yourself and mentoring you to are giving back to others where you can and when needed. Thank you for that. You r an inspiration and again thank you for taking the time to reach out to me. It really means a lot.
Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

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Darla, talk about inspirational! You are awesome! You have so much on your own plate right now and still ready to take on more for everyone else. That’s admirable but can also be draining. But I understand the valuable diversion it is to keep your mind off your own discomforts while helping others. 🙃
Thank you for giving me some warm fuzzies this morning.

I never smoked but grew up with parents who did and know how difficult it was for them to quit. So my best wishes to you for that challenge ahead of you. Though, from what I’m learning about you, I have no doubt you’re going to achieve your goal to stop smoking and get that sore hip taken care of and launch yourself into the next chapter of your life!

You wrote: “Keep my self busy and focused on others. I really enjoy helping others do research to get whatever it is they are in need of at the moment ie. Social security benefits, state benefits, stimulus checks, filing of taxes, law issues etc. of course my more recent personal journey of gaining more knowledge in the medical field with these issues that have just arose.”
You may have answered your own question as to what you’d like to focus on with your new start! There are always people who need someone to mentor them with all the items you mentioned above! Look into that area if you want to help others be advocates for themselves!

What really got my attention is the 6 recently adopted step grandchildren. What an instant family!! You sound like you have a wonderful support system and loving family around you. That is always joyful.

I found a couple of discussions in our forum with other members who wanted to quit smoking. Maybe these will give you some encouragement.

Keep in touch and let me know how both you and your S/O are doing, ok?


Does anyone else have ITP?


Does anyone else have ITP?

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Welcome, @cathy07. Have you only recently been diagnosed with ITP? How are you doing?

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