Anyone tested for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)?

Posted by ericy210 @ericy210, Nov 3, 2022

Another site had long Covid people saying they were getting tested and some had positive results for having Epstein Barr, which I read is latent in 90% of humans and can cause my symptoms of brain fog and fatigue.

I asked the UIC/Mayo long Covid study (Recover) director at UIC about it. She said EBV testing is outside the scope of the study. She said it would be a good idea for me to ask my primary care doctor about it. So I’ll ask him to prescribe a test for me.

Have any of you been down the EBV road?

This disease is so odd. I’ve learned about naltrexone and EBV from these sites to bring up to my long Covid specialists at UIC and Northwestern. So much to learn.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

I agree with much of the what you wrote. I believe good health requires nutritional and positive lifestyle support. And it's true that science and medicine are constantly evolving with new information. There are some conflicting agendas in the overall system. I was just trying to make a point that there are limitations to individual actions and innate responses when some diseases and injuries overwhelm our systems. Sometimes mistrusting professional Medicine or delaying too long to reach out beyond alternative or self treatment can be detrimental to ones health. Not every medical condition requires professional medical care. Some alternative medicine is beneficial for health. But for those who do require modern professional medical treatment, it's an art and a science that is performed in the best way known at the time. It's based on scientific research. I have a lot of respect for that. My view does not diminish the value of alternative medicine but it does place it in a lower category when ranking approaches to serious illness, in my personal opinion.
I happen to have particular high respect and even some awe for the highly intelligent and educated people who work in institutions such as Mayo, Scripps Clinic etc. Having been exposed to such high level of intelligence and professional performance left an incredible impression upon me such that I hold what they have to offer in very high esteem.


I didn't mean to state we can't heal from any virus. I'm unfortunately focused on the COVID virus in those where it lingers and is not healed by out bodies and continues to be a problem. Persistent virus is what I was thinking of ...such as HIV, Hep C .. etc. In some cases, COVID-19 seems like it may be a persistent virus in some people. In this case, it requires medical intervention.

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Oh I was just sharing my experience,I'm new to having health issues so reading alot and trying to understand stuff.
That's all my comment was for,to share what my experience was with EBV.


In early March 2020, I had returned from New York with a dry cough and pneumonia. Tests came back positive for actve Epstein Barr with extreme bouts of fatigue. I think it was COVID but no one would test for COVID. Weird hot distorted joint began on my hands and legs Then I got COVID in September 2022. Followed by rebound COVID. After finally testing negative for a few days, came one infection after another each subsequent weak. Infected scratches, blister. Swollen legs stretched taught swollen skin, hot painful soles of the feet and hands. Horrific cramping and leg spasms, UTI muscle and joint. All within a Four week post COVID period. Depressing. My hope is to get into a long COVID group at UCLA.


Hello, @ericy210

I never new I had EBV until I had many tests and blood work drawn for the many issues I’ve had after the vaccination.

I do believe there may be a connection to us who are struggling with long Covid or post vaccination issues. However, so many people are positive for EBV, it may just be a coincidence.



Yea Mono… they’ve come to recently find out that anyone who has had Epstein-Barr or mono any time in their life due to the fact that it remains dormant. Once you get Covid, it irrupt and it gets activated, and it can turn into full-blown chronic fatigue syndrome and that’s what I’ve had for the past year and it is terrible. I’ve been taking tons of homeopathic medication. I’ve tried some Covid medication and at the end the only thing that’s been helping me is taking a low dose of Adderall under the care of a physician. It’s allowed me to kind of get back to work and cleaning and feeling normal again, but I still fall asleep when I take the Adderall sometimes that’s how Strong my chronic fatigue is.


I haven't done a lot of reading about long Covid until recently and ran across something that said a percentage of people with long Covid had been previously diagnosed with EBV. I was diagnosed with EBV, CMV and chronic fatigue syndrome in my late teens. That was a long time ago and I never talked about it much because many Drs didn't believe in chronic fatigue syndrome. I had almost forgotten about the EBV and CMV until reading a couple of articles possibly connecting it to long haul. I'm interested to find out more about it all. I get embarrassed and frustrated quite often due to the shortness of breath, brain fog, coughing and stopped up, runny nose.

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