Severe constipation after covid: What helps?

Posted by sapna @sapna, Jul 25, 2022

I have been suffering from severe constipation since 6 months after i had covid. Did tried laxatives bit it only gives temporary relief. Did CT scan, colonoscopy , had pancreatic juices supplements but no luck. Has anyone experienced the same ? Any kind of help is welcome.

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Thanks artist, much appreciated. I'm taking Linzess and it's not working. I'll ask my Dr. about this. Again, thank you.


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Linzess didn't work for me either. You can also take Amitiza with the lactulose. That should do it for sure!!


I experienced the same thing, and found that taking 4 docusate sodium (stool softener) tablets every night helped a lot.


Yes, all my tests came back fine. I started with a functional gastroenterologist md. She did a fecal study on me and found I had a big difference between the good and bad bacteria in my gut. (published research on this in long covid). I was put on a microbiome building program of prebiotic foods, probiotic and emzyme supplements. After 6 weeks little by little things improved greatly in the gut part of my LONG COVID nightmare, which continues...


Hi @sapna, Fellow members like @marcconley @ahernandezvaldez @ npinner04 have also mentioned constipation as a challenging long-term side effect of post COVID and may be able add tips about what helped them.

Long COVID gastrointestinal issues vary widely from patient to patient as Dr. Van, Mayo Clinic post COVID expert explains in this blog:
- A Gut Feeling: Long COVID and GI symptoms

Some people experience constipation while other have the opposite problem with diarrhea, as you can see from this related discussion:
- Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

Sapna, have you tried CALM magnesium citrate? I manage constipation (not Covid related) with prunes and drinking CALM in the evening. It works for me.

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Thanks. I caught covid in mid-June. One of the first ways that I noticed something was "off" was when I cancelled 2 trips to events/meet-ups with friends in NJ that would have required driving. I just didn't feel safe reacting (I was anxious and "jumpy"), correctly following directions to new destinations, and generally didn't have confidence that I could be a safe driver. I live in NYC, and I'm lucky enough to be able to pretty easily function without driving (walking/public transportation/my wife drives), and I realize that a lot of people with long covid are not in the same situation. That being said, I'm concerned that a number of people who post here who report significant cognitive issues who also mention driving on a regular basis. I'm not sure whether to bring up (or how to bring up) how to assess whether they should still be driving.


Yes, all my tests came back fine. I started with a functional gastroenterologist md. She did a fecal study on me and found I had a big difference between the good and bad bacteria in my gut. (published research on this in long covid). I was put on a microbiome building program of prebiotic foods, probiotic and emzyme supplements. After 6 weeks little by little things improved greatly in the gut part of my LONG COVID nightmare, which continues...

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It doesn’t go away easily
My opinion long covid just moves around in your body from ears to headaches to middle of back pain to intestines
Seek out your gastrointestinal doc to prescribe you xifaxan
It does help
And a good priobotic plus b12 and liposomal gulitinan
I’m March 2020 inflammation is not good with long covid so watch your sugars
Also try citracel
You may think about joining the Facebook groups they have helped me more than the dang doctors
The local doctors don’t seem too interested in doing their research
You can pm me on Facebook if you want sue semb west Salem


Thanks. I caught covid in mid-June. One of the first ways that I noticed something was "off" was when I cancelled 2 trips to events/meet-ups with friends in NJ that would have required driving. I just didn't feel safe reacting (I was anxious and "jumpy"), correctly following directions to new destinations, and generally didn't have confidence that I could be a safe driver. I live in NYC, and I'm lucky enough to be able to pretty easily function without driving (walking/public transportation/my wife drives), and I realize that a lot of people with long covid are not in the same situation. That being said, I'm concerned that a number of people who post here who report significant cognitive issues who also mention driving on a regular basis. I'm not sure whether to bring up (or how to bring up) how to assess whether they should still be driving.

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Goodluck with that. I didn't drive for 2 years because I was afraid of potentially harming others after one day I was so confused with brain fog my body couldn't remember how to use gas and brake properly. Multi-tasking is difficult. But no doctor, including the 20+ i saw at Mayo ever talked to me about driving restrictions. Even after a few brain MRIs and tons of neurological testing. When I started Immunoglobulin therapy my cognitive function started to improve. I would drive short distances while husband was in the car with me and built up my ability over time. It's a great question but people are not going to give up driving. Unless you fail a vision test. I agree it's unsafe.


Thanks. As I've stated before, I have the advantage of not needing to drive for every day needs. I'm concerned about people posting here who have significant cognitive problems and are continuing to drive.

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