Does a wedge help with nighttime acid reflux?

Posted by cblue @cblue, Dec 10, 2022

My regular G.I. doctor has been following me for what appears to be some loss of or total loss of esophageal function. Differential was achalasia. I had consult with endoflip and bravo. Ph results Suggested fundoplication might be necessary. First wants change in medical intervention (recommended early dinner, ichange in meds.Also wants wedge 20 degree angle .
Main question to group: he suggested a wedge how to I don’t know how to find a wedge really works to help with the nighttime acid reflux. my temporary wedge using something for my husband‘s back surgery doesn’t seem to be working though I think I’m doing it correctly. Saw an ad for med Klein reflux reflux relief relief system. Expensive but looks like it might be more comfortable any news about that or any suggestions about what type to buy?

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I am here because I could not sleep due to heartburn/Gerd. Went to a holiday party, forgot to take my omeprazole and here I am at 3am. I accidently came upon this website. My guardian angel must have guided me! I have been reading everyone's posts and am learning so much and also being scared to death! I have been on meds for about 30 years. I have a hiatal hernia. After reading about the side affects of long term use I decided to try controlling it with diet. I did well for a few years, lost weight, very little problems I could control with apple Cider vinegar or baking soda. For whatever reason I fell totally off the healthy wagon and the discomfort and pain came back with a vengeance. I finally got an app for a scope. She said she had not seen such an angry esophagus in a long time. She put me on meds for 2 months and did repeat scope and much relieved that there was improvement. First round of biopsies were negative, still waiting on the second round results. After this episode tonight and reading all of your experiences has really made it hit home for me how deadly serious this is . There is one thing that I do experience sometimes when I get an attack of heartburn that I have not seen anyone mention and that is I get what feels like my heart pounding. EKG's are always normal. Has anyone ever experienced this as well?? I apologize for the long post. Thank you for all being here and sharing. You have opened my eyes and helped me to become a better patient. I will pray for those who are going through tough times right now!

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@cusemom, I'm glad to hear that medications have helped your esophagus. It sounds like you are still awaiting confirmation of a diagnosis. Do I have that right? Does your doctor suspect Barrett's esophagus? Are they taking a biopsy to rule out cancer?


@cusemom, I'm glad to hear that medications have helped your esophagus. It sounds like you are still awaiting confirmation of a diagnosis. Do I have that right? Does your doctor suspect Barrett's esophagus? Are they taking a biopsy to rule out cancer?

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Hi Colleen,
Thank you for commenting! Yes, they did biopsies at both scopes and all results posted in my chart look to me as being negative. I have not heard personally from my doctor yet, However I did see Barrets in my chart so I'm not sure if it was there as "r/o" or an actual diagnosis. After reading comments in this thread I have a lot of questions for her. If I don't hear from her in the next week or so I will call for a follow up visit so I can understand exactly what condition my condition is in!
Any advice on what questions I should ask would be appreciated! Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Hi Colleen,
Thank you for commenting! Yes, they did biopsies at both scopes and all results posted in my chart look to me as being negative. I have not heard personally from my doctor yet, However I did see Barrets in my chart so I'm not sure if it was there as "r/o" or an actual diagnosis. After reading comments in this thread I have a lot of questions for her. If I don't hear from her in the next week or so I will call for a follow up visit so I can understand exactly what condition my condition is in!
Any advice on what questions I should ask would be appreciated! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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Here are a few questions I might ask:
Do my lab reports show precancerous changes (dysplasia)? If so, what is the grade of my dysplasia?
How much of my esophagus is affected?
How often should I be screened for changes to my esophagus?
Do I have dysplasia and if so was it confirmed by an expert pathologist?
What's my risk of esophageal cancer?
Do I need to make diet or other lifestyle changes?
I have other health conditions. How can I best manage these conditions together?


I am here because I could not sleep due to heartburn/Gerd. Went to a holiday party, forgot to take my omeprazole and here I am at 3am. I accidently came upon this website. My guardian angel must have guided me! I have been reading everyone's posts and am learning so much and also being scared to death! I have been on meds for about 30 years. I have a hiatal hernia. After reading about the side affects of long term use I decided to try controlling it with diet. I did well for a few years, lost weight, very little problems I could control with apple Cider vinegar or baking soda. For whatever reason I fell totally off the healthy wagon and the discomfort and pain came back with a vengeance. I finally got an app for a scope. She said she had not seen such an angry esophagus in a long time. She put me on meds for 2 months and did repeat scope and much relieved that there was improvement. First round of biopsies were negative, still waiting on the second round results. After this episode tonight and reading all of your experiences has really made it hit home for me how deadly serious this is . There is one thing that I do experience sometimes when I get an attack of heartburn that I have not seen anyone mention and that is I get what feels like my heart pounding. EKG's are always normal. Has anyone ever experienced this as well?? I apologize for the long post. Thank you for all being here and sharing. You have opened my eyes and helped me to become a better patient. I will pray for those who are going through tough times right now!

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Thank you so much! I was not aware of dysplasia or what it means. This is so helpful! I appreciate your time and suggestions!!


I am here because I could not sleep due to heartburn/Gerd. Went to a holiday party, forgot to take my omeprazole and here I am at 3am. I accidently came upon this website. My guardian angel must have guided me! I have been reading everyone's posts and am learning so much and also being scared to death! I have been on meds for about 30 years. I have a hiatal hernia. After reading about the side affects of long term use I decided to try controlling it with diet. I did well for a few years, lost weight, very little problems I could control with apple Cider vinegar or baking soda. For whatever reason I fell totally off the healthy wagon and the discomfort and pain came back with a vengeance. I finally got an app for a scope. She said she had not seen such an angry esophagus in a long time. She put me on meds for 2 months and did repeat scope and much relieved that there was improvement. First round of biopsies were negative, still waiting on the second round results. After this episode tonight and reading all of your experiences has really made it hit home for me how deadly serious this is . There is one thing that I do experience sometimes when I get an attack of heartburn that I have not seen anyone mention and that is I get what feels like my heart pounding. EKG's are always normal. Has anyone ever experienced this as well?? I apologize for the long post. Thank you for all being here and sharing. You have opened my eyes and helped me to become a better patient. I will pray for those who are going through tough times right now!

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Drinking apple cider vinegar is like pouring acid down your throat. Not good!


Here are a few questions I might ask:
Do my lab reports show precancerous changes (dysplasia)? If so, what is the grade of my dysplasia?
How much of my esophagus is affected?
How often should I be screened for changes to my esophagus?
Do I have dysplasia and if so was it confirmed by an expert pathologist?
What's my risk of esophageal cancer?
Do I need to make diet or other lifestyle changes?
I have other health conditions. How can I best manage these conditions together?

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Hi Colleen!
Hope you had a greatChristmas!
So I finally heard back from my gastro office. She said I had inflammation of my esophagus and stomach and to stay on my acid reducing medication ( omeprazole 40 nmg) and will discuss at next office visit (which I need to call for I guess). From different things I have read the reason for reflux is a lack of acid to help digest food. ( I am 70). Omeprazole reduces acid. I am confused. I'm sure we will go over this at my visit but I would appreciate your input. I know I do feel better taking it but I am worried about side effects.
Thank you!


Hi Colleen!
Hope you had a greatChristmas!
So I finally heard back from my gastro office. She said I had inflammation of my esophagus and stomach and to stay on my acid reducing medication ( omeprazole 40 nmg) and will discuss at next office visit (which I need to call for I guess). From different things I have read the reason for reflux is a lack of acid to help digest food. ( I am 70). Omeprazole reduces acid. I am confused. I'm sure we will go over this at my visit but I would appreciate your input. I know I do feel better taking it but I am worried about side effects.
Thank you!

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@cusemom, I'm glad to hear that you don't have esophageal cancer. I merged your discussion to this existing discussion in the Digestive Health group:
- Does a wedge help with nighttime acid reflux?

I did this so you can read previous posts and connect easily with other members dealing with GERD.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid repeatedly flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach (esophagus). This backwash (acid reflux) can irritate the lining of your esophagus. Many people experience acid reflux from time to time. However, when acid reflux happens repeatedly over time, it can cause GERD.

Over time chronic inflammation in your esophagus can cause inflammation of the tissue in the esophagus (esophagitis). Stomach acid can break down tissue in the esophagus, causing inflammation, bleeding, and sometimes an open sore (ulcer). Esophagitis can cause pain and make swallowing difficult.

I agree with @riflemanz64 that you should stop using apple cider vinegar until you can talk with your doctor. Adding acid is not a good idea. You want to reduce acid. You can read more in this information from Mayo Clinic:
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle and home remedies

Until your appointment, try raising the head of your bed to improve the nighttime discomfort.


@cusemom, I'm glad to hear that you don't have esophageal cancer. I merged your discussion to this existing discussion in the Digestive Health group:
- Does a wedge help with nighttime acid reflux?

I did this so you can read previous posts and connect easily with other members dealing with GERD.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid repeatedly flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach (esophagus). This backwash (acid reflux) can irritate the lining of your esophagus. Many people experience acid reflux from time to time. However, when acid reflux happens repeatedly over time, it can cause GERD.

Over time chronic inflammation in your esophagus can cause inflammation of the tissue in the esophagus (esophagitis). Stomach acid can break down tissue in the esophagus, causing inflammation, bleeding, and sometimes an open sore (ulcer). Esophagitis can cause pain and make swallowing difficult.

I agree with @riflemanz64 that you should stop using apple cider vinegar until you can talk with your doctor. Adding acid is not a good idea. You want to reduce acid. You can read more in this information from Mayo Clinic:
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle and home remedies

Until your appointment, try raising the head of your bed to improve the nighttime discomfort.

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Thank you so much! I will definitely follow the digestive health group! I feel that I have found a place for information that I can trust. I have already learned so much. I am still hoping to find an alternative to omeprazole!
Thank you again!


Hello cblue. I have had GERD since 2015. I was on omeprazole 40 mg for a year and since then 20mg daily. It really works! I also invested in an adjustable bed that raises my head (and legs). I sleep like a baby and my reflux doesn't bother me at night. If you can't afford to invest in an adjustable bed, use a wedge or multiple pillows to elevate your head. You will get a lot of relief with the omeprazole, but also watch what you eat. Certain foods can trigger acid reflux. I hope this helps and I wish you well.


Hello cblue. I have had GERD since 2015. I was on omeprazole 40 mg for a year and since then 20mg daily. It really works! I also invested in an adjustable bed that raises my head (and legs). I sleep like a baby and my reflux doesn't bother me at night. If you can't afford to invest in an adjustable bed, use a wedge or multiple pillows to elevate your head. You will get a lot of relief with the omeprazole, but also watch what you eat. Certain foods can trigger acid reflux. I hope this helps and I wish you well.

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I have been looking for an adjustable bed that raises both head and feet. It's all too confusing! Do you like your bed? Would you recommend it? Will you share any info so I can get one. Thanks in advance.

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