Just started Xanax...anyone have experiences to share?

Posted by alanism @alanism, Jan 31, 2019

I recently moved to a new house I am not liking, and have always struggled with anxiety. My anxiety has spiked and has been out of control over this move which I feel was a mistake. My doctor prescribed sertraline, but I understand I will not feel the affect of the sertraline for 6-8 weeks. For the past couple of weeks I have been taking two .5 mg of Xanax a day, which has really helped. My doctor said Xanax is not a long term solution but that this is a safe dose. I am afraid of addiction and of Xanax, but right now it seems to be the only thing calming me down. Just wondering what others have experienced with Xanax.

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Addiction is different for everyone. Some have a disposition to addiction. That's where the term a drug is a drug is drug comes from I think, AA meetings. I don't have that dna, but being on Xanax for 30 years might also add to the problem. It's not impossible, but it can be difficult when it's the drug that has worked for you for so long. I question to get off it, once I get to to like .25 twice a day if I can, I think then I may be able to switch to a 100 percent homeopathic path. That is the goal. Anxiety comes from everywhere, and if there is still chronic pain, there may not be anything that does the same thing. It is a difficult road to remove a drug, I wish it were as easy as was for you, I think the need for a drug increases its dependance. I surely will try . You never know if the pain is coming from a chronic/ acute pain issue, or from the withdrawal? Some conditions never heal, measuring the pain level and what can control it is half way there, then you have to get there slowly. My Dad is older and getting off a more addictive drug he took to sleep. The doctor is going to start him on 10 mg of time release melatonin seeing he is 90 years old, once he is able to get off that medication.

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Out of curiosity why is your dad’s doctor wanting him off this drug at age 90?


All I can say is I’ve been on Xanax for a long time, different doses. I’m taking .5 at bedtime. I’m planning on going off it as I’m taking Medical marajuana! 1/2 CBD &1/2 THC. I have a medical card and it’s all legal. It’s the BEST thing I’ve ever taken for anxiety!!! It helps me relax and I’m also less depressed! It also helps with nerve pain! I am take CBD in the morning as well.


Drugs that share this are Berberine, CBD, THC, Xanax, BENZOs, Gabbapentin, Grapefruit, other opioids. Seach P450 interaction. I stopped taking my berberine after almost going to the emergency room yesterday. No alcohol should be taken with Xanax type drugs.

Research P450 drugs and Cannabis and Xanax.


All I can say is I’ve been on Xanax for a long time, different doses. I’m taking .5 at bedtime. I’m planning on going off it as I’m taking Medical marajuana! 1/2 CBD &1/2 THC. I have a medical card and it’s all legal. It’s the BEST thing I’ve ever taken for anxiety!!! It helps me relax and I’m also less depressed! It also helps with nerve pain! I am take CBD in the morning as well.

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What do you take for sleep?


Dear alanism@alanism,
I totally can relate to the terrible feeling of not thriving at all, and feeling that moving to a new place was a huge mistake. I have been feeling like that since I moved in August last year. I wanted to move because I do not drive, and this new house was very close to some stores - which made me hope my life would make a turn toward something better. I have a lot of different health issues. The one I find very hard to (survive) live with is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the horrible depression that follows as a consequence of feeling terribly weak for 6-7-8 months in every given year. I have never used Xanax. I use a minimum of Clonazepam (I cut in 4 a 0,5 mg tablet) when depression and anxiety become unbearable. I know it's a yucky feeling when we take something that we would hope we did not need to take. On the other hand, see it this way: Meds were invented because sometimes they are necessary. They don't always work. Sometimes they even make things worse. But if you have found something that is a good crouch and is helping you in this moment of need and difficulty ... well, I would say keep using it. When you get better you won't be needing it anymore (I am not a doctor, but since you use a very low dosage of Xanax I am sure it is not going to be a big problem getting off it later on :>)) Good luck. Don't give up. You are not alone. All my best to you. Happy 😊 New Year!!


Dear alanism@alanism,
I totally can relate to the terrible feeling of not thriving at all, and feeling that moving to a new place was a huge mistake. I have been feeling like that since I moved in August last year. I wanted to move because I do not drive, and this new house was very close to some stores - which made me hope my life would make a turn toward something better. I have a lot of different health issues. The one I find very hard to (survive) live with is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the horrible depression that follows as a consequence of feeling terribly weak for 6-7-8 months in every given year. I have never used Xanax. I use a minimum of Clonazepam (I cut in 4 a 0,5 mg tablet) when depression and anxiety become unbearable. I know it's a yucky feeling when we take something that we would hope we did not need to take. On the other hand, see it this way: Meds were invented because sometimes they are necessary. They don't always work. Sometimes they even make things worse. But if you have found something that is a good crouch and is helping you in this moment of need and difficulty ... well, I would say keep using it. When you get better you won't be needing it anymore (I am not a doctor, but since you use a very low dosage of Xanax I am sure it is not going to be a big problem getting off it later on :>)) Good luck. Don't give up. You are not alone. All my best to you. Happy 😊 New Year!!

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Gosh! After using a lot of energy writing this post of mine, I now realize alanism@alanism wrote his or hers back in 2019 (!) :<(( This happens when I am not well. My concentration unfortunately is not there and ... well, I am sure alanism@alanism might not be needing my post/comment anymore, but maybe someone else will (at least I hope so, or it would have been a total waste of time and energy on my part). Anyhow, one thing at least I have learned today, and is to always, always check the date of the post/comment before posting anything.


What do you take for sleep?

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Melatonin. But I also take Trazadone 100 mg. I was on 200 mg. I’m hoping to get off of it all together. Honestly, I really don’t need the melatonin. Hope this helps!


Hi Dorisena, I think you're right, it did the job when you needed it and the fact you didn't increase or use it to cope with things allowed you a perfect dismount. I imagine for many people this is what doctors hope is that people don't use them as tic tacs and create a problem.
When they don't work for any reason people will increase the dose, that's the issue with it.
I have come off of 3 mg before down to 1 mg day now without a issue. I don't think it's one of the most addictive drugs in itself. The drugs interactions with CBD may distort the doses by its activation through the liver, THC also becomes THCA which is ten times stronger leaving the liver. So key to getting off the Xanax merry go round may be lowering dose slowly of both. Alcohol increases this toxicity to the third degree. So much for my occasional glass of wine. Happy Holidays

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I am realizing that I did some things right in not drinking at all during the period that I took the Xanax. Living with alcoholism and its bad effects made the thought of drinking alcohol disgusting and repulsive. Years later I can enjoy a glass of wine with pasta and it doesn't affect me or bother my attitude at all. i do not think that I sacrificed much to get better health so that is a blessing. I do miss eating much ice cream but am responsible about the matter. So addiction doesn't get me going down the wrong health path. I must avoid donuts, however.
That is another story. Dorisena


I remember questioning my doctor about why I should take medication when I did not have an addiction problem and suggested that my husband with the problem should be taking medication instead of me. But we could never get any treatment for him to happen, and I continued the Xanax treatment basically for preventative purposes, so that could be part of the reason why it was so easy to discontinue it at the end. It kept my dysfunctional marriage in tact and I was never out on the streets or any bad consequences. I am a very content widow working on chronic aches and pains that come with an old, worn out body.. I feel a little better than expected so that provides contentment at age 87.


All I can say is I’ve been on Xanax for a long time, different doses. I’m taking .5 at bedtime. I’m planning on going off it as I’m taking Medical marajuana! 1/2 CBD &1/2 THC. I have a medical card and it’s all legal. It’s the BEST thing I’ve ever taken for anxiety!!! It helps me relax and I’m also less depressed! It also helps with nerve pain! I am take CBD in the morning as well.

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My headset is I should be able have my medical oils and salves and cannabis products cover all my issues, as that is what they all do. I am trying to get off that .5 xanax and I'll be there. With my chronic pain, this has been quite a challenge. For others maybe its no big deal. I think muscle, gastro issues, and liver problems could result with long term use of both. If damage has already occurred, that may be part of my fight. Look into melatonin for sleep.

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