Can Gabapentin make neuropathy pain worse?

Posted by cwallen9 @cwallen9, Apr 16, 2019

I started getting peripheral neuropathy pain about nine months ago in my feet and hands right after I received a cervical steroid injection. I started taking gabapentin about 7 months ago. I have gradually increased my dose from 100 mg a day to 1500 mg. I can't say that it has decreased my pain at all. In fact, my pain has gotten steadily worse. I was just wondering if it is possible that gabapentin can sometimes make neuropathy pain worse. My EMG and biopsy results are negative for short fiber neuropathy so far.

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Interesting, I had a similar experience 7 months ago. I had a corticosteroid injection in my hip for what my Dr. thought was a lingering ear infection and I immediately had pain which developed into very severe hip and leg pain, radiating pain down both legs, much worse at night, over the following 2 weeks. Eventually the Dr prescribed Gabapentin and Acyclovir. I took the Acyclovir first and was better within hours, so I never took the Gabapentin, but the Dr wants me to quit the Acyclovir and take the Gabapentin. I am not sure why. I have tried not taking the Acyclovir, but after about 12 hrs the pain is back and it is very severe. Has anyone else tried both of these drugs and is there a preference. I have yet to see a neurologist. I made an appt a few months ago - for April.


the only experience I had was with my dog and it wasn't a positive experience at all. He had immune system problems and had him to several vets trying to get him help. he was 4 years old and had suffered respiratory problems from altered immune system' the 3rd vet I took him to prescribed gabapentin. I read up on it and was a little skeptical but was desp[erate to help my dog. the 2nd day on the gabapentin I noticed my dogs head looked like he had lost weight or something. It was barely noticable. on the 3rd day his head on the right temple area on his head had a started to cave in, forming a 3" sunken circle, and it was about 1/2 " deep. I called the vet and they didn't know why that hd happened but didn't feel the gabapentin was the cause. all of a sudden, his immune system had started to attach the body itself thinking good cells were deceased cells. it was awful. He died 2 weeks later after taking him to emergency hospital. I have no diagnoses or proof it was the Gabapentin that caused my dog to take a turn for the worst so quickly, but watching him getting eaten up by his immune system so quicklyand then him dying within 2 weeks of taking the Gabapentin convinced me to stay away from that drug. I personally will never take it and warn others to read up on it in detail before they ever consider taking it. my opinion would be, Don't!!!


good evening nervelady-70,
sounds like your pain is severe and you are not getting relief from the gabapentin prescribed by your doctor. I am so sorry to hear that. I have been using gabapentin for about 1 1/2 years for severe CIDP. In the beginning the medication gave a little relief and I was noticing that I did not take the medication every 8 hours and if I missed a dose I could never catch up and get the pain under control. So what I did was take a dose at 5am, 1pm and a large dose at 9pm. usually prior to when the next dose is due I am just starting to feel a bit of discomfort. My doses have been adjusted several times but if I truly make an effort to take the pills on time I find I can tolerate the small amount of pain I have.
You mentioned that your pain was so bad that you once contemplated suicide, PLEASE talk with your doctor and tell them your thoughts, feeling and perhaps consider getting a second or third opinion. Have you ever asked you doctor to refer you to a counselor. Please let us know how you are and if you have any of your medications changed and if your pain improves. I hope things get better for you.

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Kim - My Gabapentin experience is most similar to yours. Unlike many others, I have minimal discomfort in the overnight hours, so I take one at night around 10pm, then wait 10 hours to 8am to take 1st dose of the day, then the 2nd and 3rd doses are 7 hrs apart. I guess we learn how to minimize the discomfort that sets in as it comes time for the next dose. I'm glad that you too found the time stretching that works for you!


My experience: I took 2 pills the first night and woke up the next morning like a zombie and I didn't feel pain all day but was non-functional.
Next night I only took 1 pill and it increase the tingling and burning pains in my legs and feet then start hurting , felt something like a jolt of electric in my leg. This went on for 2 hours from 10:30PM TO 1:30AM so not much relief and not a reliable pain reliever for me. It should not be making my symptoms worse. This was my 2nd try from 2021 to now 2023 and similar effects. I will not take this anymore.. Back to Tizanidine to try for some relief.


I had several surgeries in 2020 to repair badly broken arm bones. After the last surgery, which required a bone implant, I was left with chronic nerve pain. This pain NEVER STOPS. It can range from low (good days) to very, very bad.
I have tried everything. Gabapentin, Savella, opioids, massage, acupuncture, capsaicin, Voltaren, lidocaine patches, therapy, hypnosis. What works best is cannabis, but the side effects are not practical (dizziness, confusion.) Lidocaine gives temporary relief -- 30 minutes. My surgeon sent me to a Pain Clinic at a regional university hospital. They told me nerve pain is "all in the brain" as the nerves are firing with no real reason. They also recommended lidocaine patches and positive thinking. Before all this I was THE most positive person.

I have considered suicide and will probably follow through in the next 5 to 10 years, as my doctor and surgeon have explained that the pain is incurable. Although not depressed -- I love life --- I am very discouraged.
My Gabapentin dose at present is 2700 mg a day. Sometimes 3000, But even this dose doesn't seem to help much -- if at all. A friend with diabetic neuropathy says her rheumatologist is taking her OFF Gabapentin, saying it can actually exacerbate nerve pain. I never heard of this, but have been lowering my dose. Has anyone
heard of this? Have any doctors investigated this? Thanks...

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It absolutely exacerbated my pain on 2 attempts at taking it in 2021 and 2023


Yes. This happens to me, too. Not all the time but ever so often. It triggers my arthritis and causes severe nerve pain. At first I thought it was in my head, but then I noticed it only happened if I sometimes double up on my 400mgs. (800mg) My shoulder blades and spine would feel raw and overstimulated. It's the craziest most painful feeling. This is the only way I can explain it. I hope you feel better.


I believe in the theory of acupuncture because it was explained to me well and I have had a couple of friends who benefited from the treatment as well. It seems to block pain conduction in vital areas for a while, but it is no cure. bviously gabapentin is not helping and higher doses is not a good answer, but it is not clear to me that it makes the pain worse. if the medicine wears off overnight and you aren't moving, that is helping the pain conduction. Are you exercising? Do you find any stretching or exercise that helps the pain?
With my mild neuropathy, I find that exercise makes it go away. Massage makes a person feel better when nothing else helps, but it can be an expensive regimen. It sounds like you need a different opinion, a different therapy, and a different approach to try. Dorisena

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Hi there. Reading your comment helped me to realize that higher dosages of Gabapentin may actually cause nerve pain to worsen. I took have experienced this nerve pain, but only when I double up on my 400mg dosage. (800) After reading this, I think I will stick to the doctor's recommended dosage.


That's the real question: Does it lessen the pain? If not, dump it!!!


That's the real question: Does it lessen the pain? If not, dump it!!!

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I see my Doctor tomorrow and I will ask her if I should stop taking the Gab, because I hear that you shouldn't go cold turkey with meds like these.


I see my Doctor tomorrow and I will ask her if I should stop taking the Gab, because I hear that you shouldn't go cold turkey with meds like these.

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good luck, be careful.

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