My Experience on Evenity for Treating Osteoporosis

Posted by arlene7 @arlene7, Jul 7, 2020

Thought I would share for those considering or on Evenity for osteoporosis:
Afer much research and discussions with my GP and Cardiologist, I have decided to start my treatment with Evenity injections. As with all drugs, there are many side effects. My biggest concerns were stroke and heart attack. However, considering that I do no have any history for either, for me personally, the benefits outweigh the risks. As my GP said to me, "if everyone only thought about the side effects of the drugs, no one would be taking them".

I had my first injections (subcutaneously in the back of each arm) on June 30th. The nurse that administered the injections discussed the drug in depth, along with all the possibilities that may occur. She also mentioned that for all the patients that she has seen, none has had any side effects.

The injections are once a month for only one year, so I'm hoping that this works well for me and I can improve my bone density, especially in my spine, where I need it the most.

My endocronologist has also prescribed Hydrochlorthiazide for my idiopathic hypocalcemia. I have an appointment with an allergist this month to confirm whether I still have an allergy to sulfa drugs, since this drug contains sulfa. Apart from this I take D3 orally and try to obtain additional calcium through foods not supplements. Trying to walk 3-4 times a week and will begin with a few weight bearing exercises.

My journey began September, 2019 when I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. After waiting to see three doctors, receiving three denials from insurance company for Evenity, which took several months, I am hopefully on my way for a favorful outcome.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


I spent months researching the various drugs. Especially, helpful we’re the video presentations found online by university experts. I settled on Evenity with my first shot last Friday. I was a little sore at the injection sites, on the back of my arms. I feel good and was surprised to have less pain in my lower back by Saturday morning. I was approved the drug by Medicare in less than a week. My T-score in my lower back is -3.4.

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@dnanduca. Good for you.....this is a great message that you have shared with the Osteoporosis Support Group. It is encouraging when a patient digs in and learns as much as she can about the condition and the options for treating it. We know that our medical professionals are well-trained and honorably certified. However, there is no possible way they can learn enough about your medical history and your current condition to make 100% sure that the perfect medication is chosen.

You are the one that remembers a long-ago situation that revealed a potential allergic
reaction. You are the one who has anxiously waited for clinical test results to be available.

Thank you also for sharing yours right away. Evenity is mentioned as a fast bone growth solution. Was that a factor in your decision?

@kirstenlheld And good evening to you. Thanks for acknowledging the help you have received from members who shared their experiences on Connect. Are you working on your list of questions and issues for your endocrinologist? Stay with us.....we will be "listening".

May you both be healthy and whole.


Wow! How neat to see Dr. McCormick's name here. I flew from Texas to Massachusetts to have a consultation with him in August. I am following all his recommendations and reading his book a 2nd time. It is The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis. The first thing he said to me was I had no choice but to go on medication, because of a T-score of -5.1. I was persuaded and pick up a prescription for Tymlos tomorrow. I was diagnosed in 2000 and chose not to go on medication. There is so much I did not know as I made changes to my lifestyle, diet and supplements over the years. I am well-informed now, but it's a bit late, so I'll try to medication.

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Hi t-scores are similar, some worse. Thank you for mentioning Dr. McCormick and his book. I am wondering if you might share why Tymlos rather than Evenity? I'm about to embark on the medication path soon. Thanks so much, hope it works and no side effects. Kolika


I highly recommend the YouTube videos with Dr. Janet Rubin and Margaret Marin P.T. I was going to choose no medications. I changed my mind after listening to these women. They have decades of experience treating women with osteoporosis.

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Thank you for the suggestion. I will look them up for sure. I am indeed generating a list of questions for my upcoming visit. After watching the hip conference webinar, I came away thinking that going on some kind of medication is probably going to be advisable. Before watching that, I was really leaning toward waiting awhile. I tend to be so reactive to medication though. I wish there was a way to start on a lower dose and ramp up with even the biposphonates like you can with Tymlos.


@kolika I also saw Dr. McCormick and recommend his book. He suggested Tymlos for me as well. I like the adjustable dose with the Tymlos pen, and I was told I can take Evenity after Tymlos but not the other way around.

@kirstenlheld I don't see any reason why you cannot ramp up with bisphosphonates. With pills I guess you have to check if they can be cut, or look into compounding. For infusions. my doc is going to give me 1/4 dose Reclast (with lots of hydration and premedication, and a slow infusion) to see how I react- after my Tymlos.


@kolika I also saw Dr. McCormick and recommend his book. He suggested Tymlos for me as well. I like the adjustable dose with the Tymlos pen, and I was told I can take Evenity after Tymlos but not the other way around.

@kirstenlheld I don't see any reason why you cannot ramp up with bisphosphonates. With pills I guess you have to check if they can be cut, or look into compounding. For infusions. my doc is going to give me 1/4 dose Reclast (with lots of hydration and premedication, and a slow infusion) to see how I react- after my Tymlos.

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Thanks to you windyshores and kirstenlheld,, really appreciate your comments and help. We'll see what happens soon and will let you know. Take care all and keep sharing, please. TY Kolika


@dnanduca. Good for you.....this is a great message that you have shared with the Osteoporosis Support Group. It is encouraging when a patient digs in and learns as much as she can about the condition and the options for treating it. We know that our medical professionals are well-trained and honorably certified. However, there is no possible way they can learn enough about your medical history and your current condition to make 100% sure that the perfect medication is chosen.

You are the one that remembers a long-ago situation that revealed a potential allergic
reaction. You are the one who has anxiously waited for clinical test results to be available.

Thank you also for sharing yours right away. Evenity is mentioned as a fast bone growth solution. Was that a factor in your decision?

@kirstenlheld And good evening to you. Thanks for acknowledging the help you have received from members who shared their experiences on Connect. Are you working on your list of questions and issues for your endocrinologist? Stay with us.....we will be "listening".

May you both be healthy and whole.

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I was very reluctant to try any medications. I am a fit 69 year old who thought diet and exercise would avoid potential breaks. After losing 1.25 inches in height, I realized it wasn’t a great plan. I met with my endocrinologist several months ago who was aware of my reluctance. She scheduled a future appointment to give me time to consider the options. After spending many hours researching and listening, I discussed my findings with the doctor. Fortunately, she agreed with the findings. I started Evenity because it currently provides the best building bone opportunity for me. My concern now is what will I do at the end of the year to maintain the bone quality. I’m reluctant to start Prolia at my age and their is evidence that I may be allergic to Fosamax. I found an interesting comment made by a university professor. She said there is a thought in the community the Evenity should be used first to build bone then at the end of the year use Fosamax. She didn’t believe insurance companies may not approve the approach.



I was very reluctant to try any medications. I am a fit 69 year old who thought diet and exercise would avoid potential breaks. After losing 1.25 inches in height, I realized it wasn’t a great plan. I met with my endocrinologist several months ago who was aware of my reluctance. She scheduled a future appointment to give me time to consider the options. After spending many hours researching and listening, I discussed my findings with the doctor. Fortunately, she agreed with the findings. I started Evenity because it currently provides the best building bone opportunity for me. My concern now is what will I do at the end of the year to maintain the bone quality. I’m reluctant to start Prolia at my age and their is evidence that I may be allergic to Fosamax. I found an interesting comment made by a university professor. She said there is a thought in the community the Evenity should be used first to build bone then at the end of the year use Fosamax. She didn’t believe insurance companies may not approve the approach.

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@dmanduca i share the concern, though since I did Tymlos I might be able to do Evenity afterward. My doc said if my DECA is good enough after 18 months of Tymlos, he will try 1/4 dose Reclast (which like Fosamax is a bisphosphonate) because I react to so many meds. I wil have a lot of water, maybe Tylenol, maybe Benadryl, and a slow infusion. My doc will not prescribe Prolia for me.


I have been taking Forteo( no side effects) for 1 year 1 month I was healthy before my T-12 fractured . I was in the jim before 5 days a week yoga 3 days weight training 3 days biking 3 days now I am in a lot of pain for 2 years from the fracture and arthritis and the degenerative spine and just tried perm mat and lazer mat it has helped with the pain I was told it helps osteoporosis is this TRUE ? can we ever overcome Osteoporosis?

Jump to this post is not a disease that can be cured... I got mine from have no choice...sorry but I am hoping for future treatments .



I was very reluctant to try any medications. I am a fit 69 year old who thought diet and exercise would avoid potential breaks. After losing 1.25 inches in height, I realized it wasn’t a great plan. I met with my endocrinologist several months ago who was aware of my reluctance. She scheduled a future appointment to give me time to consider the options. After spending many hours researching and listening, I discussed my findings with the doctor. Fortunately, she agreed with the findings. I started Evenity because it currently provides the best building bone opportunity for me. My concern now is what will I do at the end of the year to maintain the bone quality. I’m reluctant to start Prolia at my age and their is evidence that I may be allergic to Fosamax. I found an interesting comment made by a university professor. She said there is a thought in the community the Evenity should be used first to build bone then at the end of the year use Fosamax. She didn’t believe insurance companies may not approve the approach.

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Happy Snow Day (in MN), @dmanduca, It looks like you have a health plan in progress. Thanks for sharing it with me. How did you lose 1.25 inches in height? I lost 3 inches in the last few years. I was 5'8" and liked that height. All of a sudden my dress pants are all too long. Can't roll them up well. At my annual, my PCP said I was now 5'5". I made her show me.

So I do have another question. Would you mind sharing with me the evidence you have found that says you may be allergic to Fosamax? Here, briefly, is why. I went from Tymlos to Prolia. That was not successful. I found a new endocrinologist who stopped the Prolia which was injected every 6 months and changed to Fosamax which presents as a tablet that I take every Monday morning. It appears that some of us cannot handle a 6 mos supply of medication in our bodies. Reducing the amount and increasing the frequency seems to work well. Just another idea for your research and planning.

May you be healthy and happy!


@dmanduca i share the concern, though since I did Tymlos I might be able to do Evenity afterward. My doc said if my DECA is good enough after 18 months of Tymlos, he will try 1/4 dose Reclast (which like Fosamax is a bisphosphonate) because I react to so many meds. I wil have a lot of water, maybe Tylenol, maybe Benadryl, and a slow infusion. My doc will not prescribe Prolia for me.

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This was very helpful! Can you say why not Prolia? I understand their is a risk of rebound fractures if you stop. I’m concerned that I’ll have to take it forever if I start.

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