Learned I had PD after anxiety, depression, panic attacks

Posted by doorman @doorman, Mar 19, 2022

So after three long years suffering from anxiety , panic attacks , and depression…..I find out the cause…drumroll……Parkinson’s Disease. Turns out, my symptoms: loss of smell, constipation, tripping over my own feet, lack of arm swinging, and horrible anxiety, all are EARLY SYMPTOMS OF this disease. Who would have thought. Anyone else in the same boat?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Parkinson's Disease Support Group.


I bought a body pillow but haven't received it yet. Going to put between us and see if that helps. Did ya'll stop having sex ?

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On the Parkinson's online support site I read about a man going to be diagnosed to see if he had Parkinson's. The female doctor asked him ,"if he could still get it up?" He was embarrassed and lied saying, "yes." She then said, "Then you don't have Parkinson's."
Yes, sex was out of the picture. I don't see how a body pillow will help if he is still making the bed shake with his thumps and bumps.
This sounds awful, but once when he woke me up thrashing around, whamming and banging, I said to myself. "If I had a gun I'd shoot him!"


Thank you for your reply. I texed your reply to my husband. He doesn't know I've been on the group chat for PD.
Was your dosage lower when you first started ?

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They almost always start at 37.5 which is a dose they use on children …..teens….you get enough of a reaction to know you are good but under- medicated. My script reads three a day, and the third one I rarely take. It’s there for intense days “as needed.”


They almost always start at 37.5 which is a dose they use on children …..teens….you get enough of a reaction to know you are good but under- medicated. My script reads three a day, and the third one I rarely take. It’s there for intense days “as needed.”

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75 x 3 per day. I weigh about 155. I just helped a woman get her life back….anorexic, but she weighs only 112 and is5’10. She takes 75 x 2 per day. But honestly you will know ……he will know…….you just feel like someone took a ton of weight off your back you never realized you carried!…


On the Parkinson's online support site I read about a man going to be diagnosed to see if he had Parkinson's. The female doctor asked him ,"if he could still get it up?" He was embarrassed and lied saying, "yes." She then said, "Then you don't have Parkinson's."
Yes, sex was out of the picture. I don't see how a body pillow will help if he is still making the bed shake with his thumps and bumps.
This sounds awful, but once when he woke me up thrashing around, whamming and banging, I said to myself. "If I had a gun I'd shoot him!"

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When you sit on our bed it doesn't move. It's just when he starts jerking if the pillow is between us, maybe I won't feel him slightly touching me which wakes me up. I hope it works anyway. He put up with my snoring for several years until I finally admitted I had sleep apnea and use a cpap machine now. I had driven him to the couch. Made me sad 😔 Last few years he's in our bed again. Now he's having night tremors in his sleep. So sad 😞 but I have to try something since we only have a one bedroom and I have a rod in my back so the couch is out of the picture.


I'm no expert yet, having just been diagnosed with PD this year, but I have the tremor dominant form and my symptoms are nothing like yours, except that I did lose my sense of smell years ago. It seems that PD is like cancer in that it may not be a single disorder but several different diseases that share certain characteristics? This would obviously complicate the ongoing search for treatments and a cure. So far I have been advised to only do a daily exercise program, stay on my former med for essential tremor, and delay the seeming only treatment for PD which is Levodopa to forestall its long term side effects. In my case too, I think Deep Brain Stimulation, although the idea of brain surgery is daunting, may relieve my symptoms and get me pretty much back to normal. I don't know, it's a strange disease. Good luck to you.

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You mention that you had Essential Tremor, and that is what caught my eye. There have been studies done by the NIH that say someone with Essential Tremor is 4 times more likely to eventually be diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I have had Essential Tremor for 10 years and the loss of sense of smell. Lately the tremor is at rest, not simply when in motion, so I’m getting a little concerned. I see a Neurologist annually, take Propranolol, and exercise daily. I don’t know of a family history of either disorder. Sometimes I wonder if people who have careers and hobbies that require constant handwork are more susceptible to Essential Tremor. My doctor said there haven’t been studies to answer that. Good luck to you!


On the Parkinson's online support site I read about a man going to be diagnosed to see if he had Parkinson's. The female doctor asked him ,"if he could still get it up?" He was embarrassed and lied saying, "yes." She then said, "Then you don't have Parkinson's."
Yes, sex was out of the picture. I don't see how a body pillow will help if he is still making the bed shake with his thumps and bumps.
This sounds awful, but once when he woke me up thrashing around, whamming and banging, I said to myself. "If I had a gun I'd shoot him!"

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Well, I am 80 years old; diagnosed with Parkinsons 5-6 years ago. I do not have any tremors, but my speech is horrible; I am extremely tired every day, forcing myself out of the house everyday to work out or socialize . My falling down frequently is my biggest concern.
I am taking Carbadopa/Levadopa 4 times per day, and eventhough I do not have a willing sexual wife, I am still practicing masterbation almost daily. So, I guess I am questioning the doctor's statement re: having sex means you do not have Parkinsons. Can someone explain further? thanks...


I think you are lucky to still be able to enjoy sex. My husband couldn't do it, though he could think about it.
I have neuropathy and poor balance. I take a patch from VoxxLife that has helped my balance a lot and I'm now able to tromp around on uneven surfaces. I wish I'd known about it when he was alive to see if he would have been more stable, It also helps me with things like hip pain.


I think you are lucky to still be able to enjoy sex. My husband couldn't do it, though he could think about it.
I have neuropathy and poor balance. I take a patch from VoxxLife that has helped my balance a lot and I'm now able to tromp around on uneven surfaces. I wish I'd known about it when he was alive to see if he would have been more stable, It also helps me with things like hip pain.

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Thanks for your feedback. Not sure if VoxxLife will help me or not. I will ask my neurologist about it. To add to my medical background, in the last 3 years, I have had Covid, Vertigo, Cervical Stenosis Surgery, relieving nerve pain (with metal plate inserted to support 5-7 vertibraes, Bronchitis, Sleep Apnea, both shoulder dislocations, swallowing disorder, Planters Fasciitis, Rotator Cuff Tear, Tendonitis etc. etc.
I am not complaining, nor is it anything to brag about! Simply saying that I will continue loving life, loving people and I will continue fighting until I have no air left in me. I am blessed every day, as I continue doing my part in attempting to out-progress this so-called progressive disease! I am a believer in a "Higher Power", and I am very spiritual in a very "Stoic" manner!
So, all I have remaining to say is, keep the faith; fight the battle; and never give in! Look forward to all of the daily favors that will surely come your way every morning, upon your waking up!


I'm 81, a widow now. I love life! I survived breast cancer a few years ago. I have a lot to be thankful for. I'll try to send the VoxxLife info. Three of my friends use it for balance and pain in their feet.I don't sell it. I found out about it on my Mayo neuropathy site.


Thanks for your feedback. Not sure if VoxxLife will help me or not. I will ask my neurologist about it. To add to my medical background, in the last 3 years, I have had Covid, Vertigo, Cervical Stenosis Surgery, relieving nerve pain (with metal plate inserted to support 5-7 vertibraes, Bronchitis, Sleep Apnea, both shoulder dislocations, swallowing disorder, Planters Fasciitis, Rotator Cuff Tear, Tendonitis etc. etc.
I am not complaining, nor is it anything to brag about! Simply saying that I will continue loving life, loving people and I will continue fighting until I have no air left in me. I am blessed every day, as I continue doing my part in attempting to out-progress this so-called progressive disease! I am a believer in a "Higher Power", and I am very spiritual in a very "Stoic" manner!
So, all I have remaining to say is, keep the faith; fight the battle; and never give in! Look forward to all of the daily favors that will surely come your way every morning, upon your waking up!

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