Problems After Hysterectomy: Abdominal Pain & Cramps

Posted by cherelle @cherelle, May 27, 2019

I had a total abdominal hysterectomy 3 years ago but now for the past year I have been having bad abdominal pain and cramps I have gone to a gastrointestinal Dr and to my ob and both have said they don't see anything but my gastrointestinal Dr gave me some glycopyrrolate 1mg twice a day before it was every few months now it's more often like after intercourse sometimes I feel so bad the cramps is bad please tell me what could be going on.

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Hello @goldilocks22. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. We are not medical professionals here on Connect. All of us come here to discuss, share, and offer support. I can see why you are worried about your symptoms.

Can I ask a few questions to help you in figuring out what to do?

What do you mean by a partial hysterectomy? Does this mean that you have bilateral fallopian tubes and ovaries intact? What was the original medical reason for removal of uterus and cervix?

What is your age?

Are you looking for another opinion? Did your gynecologist do any other tests other than the ultrasound? I'm having difficulty with the gynecologist's recommendations based on your symptoms and I would very much like to help you figure out your best course of action.

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Yes I have my tubes and ovaries intact. I had a hysterectomy due to abnormal cells caused from HPV. They would remove a small piece of my cervix to remove the abnormal cells. It would grow back healthy, and then the abnormal cells would end up coming back. After doing that a few times, it was either getting a large part of the cervix removed, or do a hysterectomy. I got the hysterectomy. I will be 40 this year. My gynecologist only did a regular PAP and ultrasound, no other testing. I was hoping to see if there is anyone that has experienced this or heard of this before. I wonder about getting a second opinion as the gynecologist I see has no experience with my situation, and seems to be guessing.


After having a total abdominal hysterectomy (2009) as a treatment to relieve pain from what was diagnosed as adenomyosis & endometriosis - I still deal with chronic pain. It isn't as bad as it was presurgery - but, it does impact daily life and I deal with it 24/7. Scar from hysterecomy is almost looks like I had a c-section (but never have). Pain is always localized on the left side and often radiates around to the hip/pelvic area and often to the lower back/pelvic. After primary physician said likely scar tissue/adhesions - they didn't give much help to try to resolve pain. Last year went to another ObGyn for second opinion. Have been working with a physical therapist w/ minor results (pain persists). Went off HRT (which I had been on since hysterectomy) & was placed on Orilissa (trial to see if I might have leftover endo). Appointment coming up Thursday, Orilissa doesn't seem to be making any difference. Unfortunately, can't take OTC anti-inflamatories due to weak stomach.

Any thoughts or suggestions on avenues to explore? Really ready to get rid of the pain!

Thank you!

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Hey! I'm so sorry ur still in pain I feel your pain so much. I had a total hysterectomy whenni was 26 in 3 different surgeries within 1 month removed my uterus first then I grew massive cysts on one overy had to go back in and remove that with tube then 2 weeks later I grew another one on my other overy so. Anyways I still have horrible pain it gets so bad that brings me to the ground and cant walk. I have been to many doctors for different opinions and I still have the pain that just seems like it lasts for ever. Last month I couldnt even walk or get out of bed cause the pain was so unbearable. I take a testosterone shot weekly and seems like it helps some days I cant take any kind of birth control pills cause my liver enzymes go way to high. I hope u find relief!


After having a total abdominal hysterectomy (2009) as a treatment to relieve pain from what was diagnosed as adenomyosis & endometriosis - I still deal with chronic pain. It isn't as bad as it was presurgery - but, it does impact daily life and I deal with it 24/7. Scar from hysterecomy is almost looks like I had a c-section (but never have). Pain is always localized on the left side and often radiates around to the hip/pelvic area and often to the lower back/pelvic. After primary physician said likely scar tissue/adhesions - they didn't give much help to try to resolve pain. Last year went to another ObGyn for second opinion. Have been working with a physical therapist w/ minor results (pain persists). Went off HRT (which I had been on since hysterectomy) & was placed on Orilissa (trial to see if I might have leftover endo). Appointment coming up Thursday, Orilissa doesn't seem to be making any difference. Unfortunately, can't take OTC anti-inflamatories due to weak stomach.

Any thoughts or suggestions on avenues to explore? Really ready to get rid of the pain!

Thank you!

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I had been diagnosed with endometriosis as a teen and told that I most likely would not be able to have kids due to having an unusually tilted uterus. Well I had 3 sons in my early to mid 20's the endometriosis calmed down but in my early 30's I got pregnant again. It was a very difficult and high risk pregnancy. I toughed it out and had a beautiful little girl this time. However, after delivery the endometriosis came back like a tsunami. My ob-gyn started me on shots. I think it started like every month, then every two weeks, then every week....finally he said no more. In the last mri you couldn't see my ovaries through the cysts. The pain was horrible. I wasn't really sexually active after the surgery but now that I'm in a relationship I am in constant pain during sex. It feels like my insides are being twisted.


I'm having non stop cramping 3 weeks out from a hysterectomy. My surgeon thinks it could be a cyst and wants to do a CT Scan. Any advice?

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I have had pain on my right side forever. I was told basically that I was feeling ovulation. It would get sore every other month for a couple days and go away. It started at around 15 years old, when I started my period, the pain started, like I said every other month, it became an ordinary part of feeling the pain my period was about to start. So I dealt with it, I thought it was normal. I have had 2 kids, no problems. I went into menopause 3 years ago. 5 months ago, I started bleeding, like a period. Went to see Gyno, after tests, he found a large cyst in my left ovary and lots of uterine fibroids. Even the Dr commented that he thought it was weird that my right ovary had pain and my left one with the growth had no pain. I had a hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes. There was no cancer, and everything went well. During and after the healing time, I still had the same pain on my right side. I told the Dr and they did a CT scan of ky pelvis and abdomen and found nothing that could cause me the pain I’m in. The pain has progressed to constant. There were a few things they noted like my spleen was enlarged and fatty liver. But nothing in the area of my complaint. It’s been a month and a half since surgery and the pain is the same pain I had prior to surgery. Obviously everything wrong within my uterus and ovaries wasn’t even the pain culprit to begin with. I am now noticing a new pain that is up under my rib cage on the right side, it feels as if something is jammed between my ribs. I also still have the pain on ny right side around where my ovary was. I have a gallbladder ultrasound coming up in 10 days and then I’m seeing a general surgeon in January to schedule a colonoscopy. I feel like the outcome to these things has nothing to do witj the “old original” pain, but perhaps the rib pain is my gallbladder, which is something completely new. I just wish someone had ideas about the right side pain. It’s not my appendix. It almost feels like bad period cramps, but I literally have no parts left. My uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are all removed. My surgery was done robotically, if anyone needs to know that detail. Anyone have any ideas on what could be going on? Why I’ve had a pain there since I started having periods, it obviously isn’t normal but I really learned to accept it that way. I’m tired of living in pain.


I have had pain on my right side forever. I was told basically that I was feeling ovulation. It would get sore every other month for a couple days and go away. It started at around 15 years old, when I started my period, the pain started, like I said every other month, it became an ordinary part of feeling the pain my period was about to start. So I dealt with it, I thought it was normal. I have had 2 kids, no problems. I went into menopause 3 years ago. 5 months ago, I started bleeding, like a period. Went to see Gyno, after tests, he found a large cyst in my left ovary and lots of uterine fibroids. Even the Dr commented that he thought it was weird that my right ovary had pain and my left one with the growth had no pain. I had a hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes. There was no cancer, and everything went well. During and after the healing time, I still had the same pain on my right side. I told the Dr and they did a CT scan of ky pelvis and abdomen and found nothing that could cause me the pain I’m in. The pain has progressed to constant. There were a few things they noted like my spleen was enlarged and fatty liver. But nothing in the area of my complaint. It’s been a month and a half since surgery and the pain is the same pain I had prior to surgery. Obviously everything wrong within my uterus and ovaries wasn’t even the pain culprit to begin with. I am now noticing a new pain that is up under my rib cage on the right side, it feels as if something is jammed between my ribs. I also still have the pain on ny right side around where my ovary was. I have a gallbladder ultrasound coming up in 10 days and then I’m seeing a general surgeon in January to schedule a colonoscopy. I feel like the outcome to these things has nothing to do witj the “old original” pain, but perhaps the rib pain is my gallbladder, which is something completely new. I just wish someone had ideas about the right side pain. It’s not my appendix. It almost feels like bad period cramps, but I literally have no parts left. My uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are all removed. My surgery was done robotically, if anyone needs to know that detail. Anyone have any ideas on what could be going on? Why I’ve had a pain there since I started having periods, it obviously isn’t normal but I really learned to accept it that way. I’m tired of living in pain.

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I've been told by physicians they think I have Uterine Cancer and can't find a GYN ONCOLOGIST.
We're you happy with your surgeon?
And if so, could I get their name?
I'm willing to travel anywhere to get help!!!


I have had pain on my right side forever. I was told basically that I was feeling ovulation. It would get sore every other month for a couple days and go away. It started at around 15 years old, when I started my period, the pain started, like I said every other month, it became an ordinary part of feeling the pain my period was about to start. So I dealt with it, I thought it was normal. I have had 2 kids, no problems. I went into menopause 3 years ago. 5 months ago, I started bleeding, like a period. Went to see Gyno, after tests, he found a large cyst in my left ovary and lots of uterine fibroids. Even the Dr commented that he thought it was weird that my right ovary had pain and my left one with the growth had no pain. I had a hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes. There was no cancer, and everything went well. During and after the healing time, I still had the same pain on my right side. I told the Dr and they did a CT scan of ky pelvis and abdomen and found nothing that could cause me the pain I’m in. The pain has progressed to constant. There were a few things they noted like my spleen was enlarged and fatty liver. But nothing in the area of my complaint. It’s been a month and a half since surgery and the pain is the same pain I had prior to surgery. Obviously everything wrong within my uterus and ovaries wasn’t even the pain culprit to begin with. I am now noticing a new pain that is up under my rib cage on the right side, it feels as if something is jammed between my ribs. I also still have the pain on ny right side around where my ovary was. I have a gallbladder ultrasound coming up in 10 days and then I’m seeing a general surgeon in January to schedule a colonoscopy. I feel like the outcome to these things has nothing to do witj the “old original” pain, but perhaps the rib pain is my gallbladder, which is something completely new. I just wish someone had ideas about the right side pain. It’s not my appendix. It almost feels like bad period cramps, but I literally have no parts left. My uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are all removed. My surgery was done robotically, if anyone needs to know that detail. Anyone have any ideas on what could be going on? Why I’ve had a pain there since I started having periods, it obviously isn’t normal but I really learned to accept it that way. I’m tired of living in pain.

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@slodick - I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing all this pain... I can relate with the frustrations you are going through, however my pain isn't as complex as what you are dealing with. For my issues I have started seeing an acupuncturist/Chinese medicine practitioner - more for the acupuncture.
** I originally had a partial hysterectomy (2015) and my ovaries were left intact. The surgery went well overall and I recovered. Then in 2018, I discovered I had fibroids grow back and a large cyst formed on my right ovary... again I went back into surgery to have my right ovary removed. This surgery and recovery was fine too. However about a year after all this surgery I started having chronic lower back pain, along with 'straining and pulling' in my abdomen area. It was debilitating at times. The tightness in my back also caused a 'strain' down my left leg. I tried to stretch it out, but it didn't help. Physiotherapy on my lower back only helped a little, the pain was still there. It didn't help that I sit a lot for work either. I figured the pains were all connected to the surgeries. After just 1 acupuncture session, I have already noticed a difference. My practitioner released the tightness down my left leg and explained how the pain was connected to my kidney issues (which I knew I had - I can go on about this..) Anyway, maybe give acupuncture a try to do a myofascial release, it may help with your other internal pain issues as well (gallbladder & spleen). In Chinese medicine, certain pains can come about and can be connected with organs in our body. All the best.


I had a surgery go wrong an the doc punctured my aorta. I went in for same day hysterectomy. Since then I have had pain. Mainly on my ride side.. I am going crazy with this pain. All testing is not showing any reason for this pain! I am so lost!!


I had a surgery go wrong an the doc punctured my aorta. I went in for same day hysterectomy. Since then I have had pain. Mainly on my ride side.. I am going crazy with this pain. All testing is not showing any reason for this pain! I am so lost!!

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Hi @honeysuckle45, I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing pain after your hysterectomy. I moved your post to this existing discussion with other members like @cherelle @pattitoo @robinw @pinkbubbblez @tonyah @sandytoes14 @baxtersmom who can relate. See here:
- Problems After Hysterectomy: Abdominal Pain & Cramps

Honeysuckle, have you looked into getting a second opinion?


Hi @honeysuckle45, I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing pain after your hysterectomy. I moved your post to this existing discussion with other members like @cherelle @pattitoo @robinw @pinkbubbblez @tonyah @sandytoes14 @baxtersmom who can relate. See here:
- Problems After Hysterectomy: Abdominal Pain & Cramps

Honeysuckle, have you looked into getting a second opinion?

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I have not really had any doc I have seen willing to hear me out!! All my testing always comes back good with no reasons I should be in pain!! I have reached out to get some counseling!! I feel at most times like I am either drug seeking or attention seeking..


I'm actually heading back into my doctor (after months of physical therapy & manual therapy (I think it's been like myofascial release) -- it's likely looking like the options would be to continue therapy, live with it or exploratory surgery with the thought that the pain is being caused by scar tissue - maybe adhesions. Has anyone dealt with surgery for scar tissue/adhesions?

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