Scar tissue in throat caused by radiation and chemo treatment

Posted by keith123 @keith123, Jan 22, 2019

Is there anything done to remove scar tissue so you can eat?

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I had some scar tissue after chem/radiation/major surgery for Stage 4 esophageal cancer. During my recovery, I had my esophagus stretched under sedation. During 1 of the stretchings, the doctor broke thru the scar tissue and my swallowing was much better.


tongue is searing hot were anything, liquid or solid touches it. entire mouth filledd with chile peppers.
Is this common? finished 35 weeks of radiation last week (11/30/22


I also would like to know the answer to this question. I am always getting food stuck in my throat. Sometimes it's phlegm build up but it has become an issue.


I also would like to know the answer to this question. I am always getting food stuck in my throat. Sometimes it's phlegm build up but it has become an issue.

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O Don't that sound familiar, I do, especially Bread, pills, try drinking water before you eat, its a buildup of Mucus from Radiation also my voice still gets Hoarse from it..& I finished Radiation 3/22/22..It will pass or try Mucinex, Honey, drink warm Liquids..
Hope this helps..


Wow.... exactly like my problem. If I can't move the food stuck I take a small amount of mucus/phlegm cough syrup. It usually moves it. I hope it subsides but have my doubts. I wonder if anyone else has a remedy. Have a good day!


O Don't that sound familiar, I do, especially Bread, pills, try drinking water before you eat, its a buildup of Mucus from Radiation also my voice still gets Hoarse from it..& I finished Radiation 3/22/22..It will pass or try Mucinex, Honey, drink warm Liquids..
Hope this helps..

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Oh yes. Eating white mushy bread is not a good idea. Try eating rye, toasted bread, pumpernickel, thick whole wheat.


Sometimes I think its a Late effects of Radiation, as I had it to my Throat, Larynx Cancer, Radiation twice a day for 7 night I have to sip water as Its rough. Feels like you can't breathe & its effecting my voice..Humidifier doesn't help, Mucinex doesn't help..
But it's a small price to pay as we're still here, & we're all here for each other to lean on
Hugs ❤


I completed radiation in early September and I have very dry mouth, especially at night. I can swallow okay, but I wake up with a horse voice and sometimes have a cough because of excessive mucus. At least the sore throat is gone and my taste buds are coming back. Im hoping it will continue to improve, but I can live with this if I have to. It is great to be alive!


I had Stage 4 esophageal cancer surgery. Was on a feeding tube for 6 mo. After finally returning home w/o feeding tube, I was told I'd need my esophagus stretched. 1st couple of times it didn't provide much swallowing relief, but on the 4th try doctor broke thru the scar tissue and I've not needed another stretching in 14 mo.


To all of you who have suffered with esophageal cancer my heart goes out to you. My husband was diagnosed Aug 2016 with it. He had 4 strong rounds of chemo then he had his stomach stretched to recreate his esophagus.(1/2017) Within 3 months afterwards he was having a problem swallowing. Fortunately he still had the jtube. He had 6 dilations from March to July. The doctor couldn’t understand why he couldn’t swallow. Finally a stint was placed in his throat. Then he couldn’t breathe they removed the stint because it was being covered by scar tissue then when it was removed both of his vocal folds were paralyzed and then a tracheostomy. At this time we were told there was no cancer. I kept asking this. But thinking back no one really checked. Then we find out after being sent to Stanford the end of July within the scar tissue There was cancer!!! He has not had anything to eat or drink by mouth since. It has been mentioned that if he can be cancer free they will place a stint so that he could eat and swallow his spit. The doctor at Stanford even mentioned another type of surgery but His PETs keep showing up with a little cancer here and there. Then chemo or radiation. The last doctor we saw told us that his cancer was high in his throat where usually it is lower. Then she explains that the longer you stretch a rubber band it is smaller and tighter so my question is, why did he have this surgery since it was so high up? Deep down I feel there were mistakes made along the way. If I had to do this again I would get a 2nd and 3rd opinion. It is just that when you hear cancer you freak out! My husband was very healthy so we never saw hospitals for anything! This was and is all new to us. It is so sad to see him just sit my heart breaks. He can’t swallow, he can hardly talk. He is constantly battling with this trach. I wished I could have said way back then WAIT we need another opinion or two. Good luck to you all and my prayers are with you and your healing. My thought is that esophageal cancer comes on slowly you may have it for quite awhile before you are actually diagnosed so take the time and get that 2nd or 3rd opinion. Ask a lot of questions.

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So sorry to hear what you and your husband are going through! I wonder how he's doing by now. I've found that even though I ask questions, many times the answer is a glum stare, a shrug, or simply, this is one of the long-term effects of radiation treatment. It begins to feel like Drs. treat what they can and they they can be done--they don't have to deal with the aftermath, which is ongoing and terrible.

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