Post COVID: Anyone experiencing internal vibrations?

Posted by sharho @sharho, Jul 7, 2022

I have had long covid for over two years and a symptom began sporadically during the initial seven weeks that has worsened since a second covid experience. It began as a “flutter” in my chest upon waking, lasting 5 seconds or so. It is not painful just a new sensation I have never experienced. After getting covid again in February 2022, the internal vibrations have become full body and go on for forty seconds. It is always upon waking or falling asleep temporarily during meditation and waking again. Long Covid retired me from my profession and I am not under any stress. I had a recent cardiac incident (also due to long Covid) and wore a Holter monitor. I triggered it whilst having an IV incident: definitely not cardiac induced. Has anyone else experienced IV like this?

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I am so sorry you are going through this - it's a depressing and isolating debilitation that the people around you cannot fathom. Tomorrow will be ONE YEAR since my booster and not one day symptom free. That being said - I'm doing a lot better - learning to function through whatever charges through my body. I don't want to lose any more life to this no matter how difficult some days are. I've just started doing LED Light Therapy and it seems to be helping. After the first session, it really took the edge off the burning stinging feeling in the back of my head (I had 3 squares of LED lights wrapped around my head and one 3 square down the center of my body). I'm hopeful this will kill off the activated dormant viruses floating around. I am also still electrolyte chugging. I rest when I need to. I take a lot of supplements (B, C, D, K, zinc, resveratol, tumeric, magnesium, liposomal glutathione the liquid kind). Lucky to have found a functional doctor who is very supportive and he gives great recommendations so you aren't using the wrong type of supplementation. Lastly, lots of self talk - sounds nuts - but I've been working with different healers in different ways and acknowledging the pain, the vibrations, and all the other crappy symptoms strangely works - acknowledging them, sitting with them, and then telling yourself over and over you don't need this protection anymore (because that's what is happening right? Your body is over charged and over fighting). I know none of this is in your head or mine - but our brain / body connection is quite powerful. I wish you the best and please know you are not alone and I have no idea why no one is talking about this - we are the hidden casualties of the pandemic. I've yet to be strong enough to figure out what to do about that. Reach out if you have any questions or need support.

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Hello again,
Thank you for your response.
It seems the majority of people experiencing internal tremors/buzzing have had Covid and think this is 'Long Covid'". You are one of the few people like myself who did not contract Covid (that we are aware!) I did numerous home tests and was also tested at hospital - with negative results each time. However, the traits of this virus are so varied, with so many different side effects being experienced by people it's interesting to note that we are having the same side effects as Covid sufferers.
Thanks for listing the supplements and treatments you are trying - not heard of the light therapy?
I have dropped caffeine and reduced my sugar intake. Also trying mindfulness (I agree about the power of the brain and positive thinking). I am also just about to try a herbal tea infusion containing Ashwagandha root (please Google this)
Let's hope our self-help measures give us some relief and we can one day get back to normal health.
My short term memory is just awful and hoping this also improves.
My very best wishes to you. Please post how your light therapy goes.


Hope this information is helpful - I have never had Covid - I was tested by an immunologist 4 months after the Pfizer booster (to which I had an immediate reaction). I had 2 tests - one was antibodies and the second a covid nucleocapsid test. The second test was negative meaning I never had covid - so my extremely high level of antibody response was solely from the booster or perhaps the building of all 3 jabs. I have what is being called Long Covid Vaccine Injury. Most of the same long covid symptoms without having had covid. It's been a scary ride. I was completely debilitated for the first 4 +months wondering how I could even make it through the day. I was on a beta blocker but thankfully have gotten off for months now. I don't have a heart condition but the vaxx gave me spikes and palpitations. I've tried to focus on the concept of not letting my body get to a 10 on the reactive scale - what can I do to keep at lower levels of activation - and that helped a lot. As I said in prior posts (see above) I'm on a lot of antioxidant fruit and also supplements. I drink electrolytes daily. I pace myself. 'Earthing' has been extremely helpful for internal vibrations. I hit my one year mark on November 30th - one year of daily symptoms. Hard to fathom. But I'm still here! I've seen every type of doctor - in the Western world - I'm a healthy 56 year old woman. This is a hidden disorder. I see a functional medicine doctor who believes everything and has given me hope. I started Photo (Light) therapy a week and a half ago - and starting this week on twice a week 25 minute sessions. The info link is It explains everything. That's from the pamphlet the doctor gave me - I don't have any ties to the company. After the first session, the stinging burning sensation in the back of my head decreased so much I could not believe it. Any small amount of relief is huge! After 3 sessions, I feel like maybe the active viruses are slowly going away - I feel less like I am pounding on the inside and my body feels calmer overall. And also it makes me feel happier than I have been in a long time! I take any small win!


I have had 3 Covid shots but now I am positive as of Monday Dec 9th 2022 .... I woke to feeling like I swallowed my electric toothbrush Dec 9th 22. I was vibrating and feeling very weird..I took my B/P at First my B/p monitor was hesitant but finally did a reading which was normal but the vibrating was very much still there....I sat calming myself or about 1 hour and final had to take 1 ml Ativan which help to calm the vibrations to a very dull tingle....I think I might be low on potassium or magnesium. I still have a odd feeling in my chest ,,Hopefully tomorrow will be better...


I have had 3 Covid shots but now I am positive as of Monday Dec 9th 2022 .... I woke to feeling like I swallowed my electric toothbrush Dec 9th 22. I was vibrating and feeling very weird..I took my B/P at First my B/p monitor was hesitant but finally did a reading which was normal but the vibrating was very much still there....I sat calming myself or about 1 hour and final had to take 1 ml Ativan which help to calm the vibrations to a very dull tingle....I think I might be low on potassium or magnesium. I still have a odd feeling in my chest ,,Hopefully tomorrow will be better...

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I caught the Covid virus the end of Jan 2022. It went to Long Covid. I’m still suffering with it coming up on a year. The internal vibrations are still happening. Not all the time now. About 5 days a week and not all day.
Hang in there. You’re not alone!!!! Be kind to yourself. Drink plenty of fluids and rest, rest and more rest.
Just a reminder, anything you do takes the energy from healing to what ever you’re doing. So keep your energy focused on healing your body.


We can only hope that the medical profession will take note of the side effects of the Covid vaccine asap. (I.e. internal tremors/vibrations and erratic heart palpitations etc, etc) and address these.

Whilst I understand that the vaccine may have been effective for many people; an in depth study of the debilitating and scary side effects that may have been caused by the vaccine needs to be undertaken. Medicine cannot progress safely and effectively without such studies being carried out and the findings reported and utilised to safeguard people's wellbeing.

My support and sympathy to all people posting on here. Please keep updating - we need to communicate with each other.

Kind regards


We can only hope that the medical profession will take note of the side effects of the Covid vaccine asap. (I.e. internal tremors/vibrations and erratic heart palpitations etc, etc) and address these.

Whilst I understand that the vaccine may have been effective for many people; an in depth study of the debilitating and scary side effects that may have been caused by the vaccine needs to be undertaken. Medicine cannot progress safely and effectively without such studies being carried out and the findings reported and utilised to safeguard people's wellbeing.

My support and sympathy to all people posting on here. Please keep updating - we need to communicate with each other.

Kind regards

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I wish I knew for sure whether or not my internal vibrations were post covid related or the second booster I received just 2 short weeks after I recovered? I guess I'll never know but I think I made a big mistake by rushing out to get my second booster just 2 weeks post covid. This was in late July, I'm just hoping either the side effects of covid or the vaccine wear off and I get back to normal soon. At this point I am leary as to whether or not I will ever get another covid booster etc.


I am actually so relieved to read all of your comments. It validates my experience where no physicians have!
Covid positive August 2021 with 2 doses (pre booster time). Secondary bacterial pneumonia all treated at home. Have been connecting the dots ever since with a number of odd symptoms, one of which is internal vibrations. they began in December of 2021 and I experience them each and every day. Mine come only at night: buzzing in chest and down both arms. Not painful, not bothersome really but definitely not normal. They changed in character over time through the last year - early very coarse like holding a jack hammer, other times like a buzzing cell phone. The last several months quite mild but remain consistent and daily. I've made peace with this aspect and just go with the flow. MRI head and neck without explanation of symptoms. Neurologist just kind of shrugs. Hoping time will see them fade away. Thank you all for your input.


I am actually so relieved to read all of your comments. It validates my experience where no physicians have!
Covid positive August 2021 with 2 doses (pre booster time). Secondary bacterial pneumonia all treated at home. Have been connecting the dots ever since with a number of odd symptoms, one of which is internal vibrations. they began in December of 2021 and I experience them each and every day. Mine come only at night: buzzing in chest and down both arms. Not painful, not bothersome really but definitely not normal. They changed in character over time through the last year - early very coarse like holding a jack hammer, other times like a buzzing cell phone. The last several months quite mild but remain consistent and daily. I've made peace with this aspect and just go with the flow. MRI head and neck without explanation of symptoms. Neurologist just kind of shrugs. Hoping time will see them fade away. Thank you all for your input.

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Julie, thanks for posting. I have not had my vibrations for as long as you, being around 4 months now, also only at nighttime or even during day if I happen to take a nap, lol, but also am hoping they slowly disappear over time. Best to you.


I have internal and out ternal tremors and have had them since iI got COVID, I started in the hospital, they were so bad I shook uncontrolable for months. They now hit me every day, and I never know when. It has caused me not to be unable to drive any longer. Its beena year and a half now.

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I’m sorry to hear how debilitating your tremors are for you. I am in month 9 of Long Covid and experience mostly internal full body “buzz” but have had two incidents of ‘out ternal’ shaking and tremors, most recently this week following vestibular testing that I believe was too much stimuli for my nervous system. I do hope we have more information about this bizarre LC symptom soon. Feel better.


I had covid for first time in August. Had 4th vaccine two weeks before so fully vaccinated. No health issues before covid. 2nd & 3rd days of covid had what felt like electric shocks going through body. A few days later developed tremors, twitches and body jerks. Mostly in evening before & after sleeping. Two weeks into covid went to Dr to find during covid I developed kidney failure- stage 3b. Never had any kidney problems before covid. Kidneys bounced back- not to normal, but very manageable. Tremors have continued and although not painful they do make sleeping difficult. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist locally, but I am hesitant because I am not sure anyone locally would have any idea. I also suspect they will think it is in my head! I have had external tremors off and on now for around 80 days. Hoping they will simply go away but scared they will not. I do not know anyone with this symptom so just trying to roll with it. It is a bit scary… I do not know if go just ignore or if it could morph into something worse? I do not know how to proceed and have not actually found information on what could help with the tremors and muscle jerks. Would love to find things that might help.

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You are not alone. I am 9 months in and have been experiencing full body “buzzing” for several months. I have experienced 2 major episodes of full body, visible shaking and tremors, left hand worse than rest of body. It is a bizarre LC symptom and baffles all medical docs. It is frustrating and frightening. I am starting to feel I would be better off disengaging from the medical community and deal with it all myself, because no one really knows what is happening to us. I hope we all come through this stronger and better for it. Peace.

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