IT band syndrome after knee replacement

Posted by Faith M @collielady, Jul 26, 2018

I had both knees replaces last month. Right on 6/4 and left on 6/13. The right knee has done great. But the left has had issues. This week both PT and the surgeon's nurse said I have IT band syndrome. PT put a strip of K-tape down the side of my leg and suggests ice massage to the area. And the nurse showed me a stretching exercise to do. I am wondering if others have had this problem and how it was handled and how long it took to get better. The pain behind my knee prevents me from raising my leg while walking.

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Hello, I am at week 9 and have IT Banding too. I am wondering if you ever got better and how long it took to recover? This is Awful the pain is so bad. My knee swells up everyday so far.

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Welcome @gh120, Sorry to hear you are having bad pain and swelling after your knee replacement. You mention the knee swells up everyday. I was told I wasn't icing and elevating my leg enough during my recovery. When I had my follow up with the surgeon, he made it clear that when I wasn't doing anything - exercises, walking, etc., I should have my leg elevated along with frequent icing.

Have you talked with your surgeon or care team about the pain and swelling?


Welcome @gh120, Sorry to hear you are having bad pain and swelling after your knee replacement. You mention the knee swells up everyday. I was told I wasn't icing and elevating my leg enough during my recovery. When I had my follow up with the surgeon, he made it clear that when I wasn't doing anything - exercises, walking, etc., I should have my leg elevated along with frequent icing.

Have you talked with your surgeon or care team about the pain and swelling?

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I am now at week 13 and it is some better. It still swells when I go for a walk. I have talked to my Surgeon and he says that I have IT Banding. And he says as far as the swelling that it may take 12-18 months before the swelling goes away. My swelling and pain are mainly behind my knee. My surgeon is against using I too much. He says he has found that Ice just prolongs the recovery. He does over 350 TKR's per year. Who knows there are so many opinions out there. I purchased a Massage Hammer to help with the IT Banding.
Thank you for the reply.


I had a total knee replacement 3.5 years ago. Due to excessive exercise and walking ~6-8miles/week, I have an overuse injury. I use RICE to help the knee but the ITB is still aggravated. I do not hike and can only walk 1.7 miles. I reduced my exercise regimen to mostly upper body and chair exercises. Afterwards I elevate and ice. How long will it take to get back to “normal “? If I rest it’s fine but once I work out the band gets tight. I have no problem with ROM. Thanks

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Have you tried this simple stretch:

While standing, cross one foot over the other and keep them side by side. Bend at the waist until you feel a stretch in the ITB band of the crossed foot. You should feel the entire ITB stretch. Don't over reach. Once you feel a slight discomfort from the stretch, hold that for 30 seconds or a minute. Then slowly stand up, cross the other foot and repeat.

This is the best and easiest stretch for the ITB that I know. I ran many, many marathons and had this issue often. And of course ice it afterwards. Hope this helps.

(Oh and I've now had both knees replaced and still do this stretch.)



I am now at week 13 and it is some better. It still swells when I go for a walk. I have talked to my Surgeon and he says that I have IT Banding. And he says as far as the swelling that it may take 12-18 months before the swelling goes away. My swelling and pain are mainly behind my knee. My surgeon is against using I too much. He says he has found that Ice just prolongs the recovery. He does over 350 TKR's per year. Who knows there are so many opinions out there. I purchased a Massage Hammer to help with the IT Banding.
Thank you for the reply.

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I have never heard that icing prolongs any injury recovery. I would check on that. Maybe you're in a unique situation but icing reduces inflammation and swelling. And most swelling should be gone by 12 months, usually much sooner. Stick with it!


What my Dr. said is he doesn't like people to use the Ice Machines. That if you are going to use Ice to only use it for a short time. Said he found that people that use the Ice Machines tend to over use them and that is what prolongs the healing. I am just passing on what he told me. Don't shoot the messenger.


What my Dr. said is he doesn't like people to use the Ice Machines. That if you are going to use Ice to only use it for a short time. Said he found that people that use the Ice Machines tend to over use them and that is what prolongs the healing. I am just passing on what he told me. Don't shoot the messenger.

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No I'm not being critical of you. It's just the first time I heard that icing too much prolongs injury. If it were heat, then I'd agree.


No I'm not being critical of you. It's just the first time I heard that icing too much prolongs injury. If it were heat, then I'd agree.

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@gh120 @heyjoe415, I do think each surgeon may have their own recommendations for a good recovery. I also had always heard that icing is needed to reduce the swelling along with elevating the leg. I've had more than one Mayo surgeon emphasize that point with me. It definitely helped reduce the swelling with my TKR.

From the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
" Swelling
You may have moderate to severe swelling in the first few days or weeks after surgery. You may have mild to moderate swelling for about 3 to 6 months after surgery.

To reduce swelling, elevate your leg slightly and apply ice. Wearing compression stockings may also help reduce swelling. Notify your doctor if you experience new or severe swelling, since this may be the warning sign of a blood clot."


Had IT associated pain after left total knee surgery in May. It may have been related to preop Valgus deformity.
I am now 6 months postop left knee and the pain resolved at 3-4 months postop with PT and time


I have used this stretch and it does work!


I have used this stretch and it does work!

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Great to hear, thanks Cindy. I'm sure there are other ways to stretch the ITB. This stretch works for that, and also stretches the lower back. Like any stretch, just go into it very easy and back away if there is any sharp pain anywhere.

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