Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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I suffer from real bad neuropathy - from the top of my head down to my toes. It is very painful. My Dr. has me on Neurontin (Gabapentin) and Lamictal (for the nerves) along with Tramodol and naproxen sodium (for the pain). With that combination it has been keeping my pain level at a bearable level of 4-5 and gives me some quality of life. I’m able to get out and do things and go places. I’m not stuck in a bed or chair unable to move or get up because of the pain being too much.

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Can't remember how long I was on Tramadol but over a year maybe two before having some painful side effect. Check out the list here. Kind Regards,

I tried smoking it 4 years ago. It made my heart beat real fast. I ended up in the hospital. The UA tested negative. My brother told me I smoked way too much in one sitting. It gave me zero relief. I will never use it again. I have many friends who use the gummies, make oils for rubbing it on, or they vape. It gives them a lot of relief for neuropathy pain. These people use one or both the CBD or the THC. They find purchasing from dealers rather than state smoke shops is better quality. The only problem with purchasing from a dealer is their could be something you don't want added in. Use caution. I did ask my doctor before trying it.


Yes in fact I do! Just went to the dispensary today. I don't really bath in it, but I need my doctor to allow me more. Why are they limiting my topical. Freaking Florida laws. It's like they charge you the most to get it, and then by default give you the lowest. I 'm not even allowed flower. I barley use it so my doctor will up it if I want like an 8th. I still have a little so need to use it up.
They suggested 100 percent THC for the salve instead of the 50 50. Going to try that. This is a test, this is only a test. Good grief!

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Florida laws are too strict in that research hasn’t yet determined what is a therapeutic dose and for which strain. Israel has been doing cannabis research for far longer than anyone else and they barely scratched the surface. I’m sorry you’re being limited.


Thank you so much for researching and providing info for me!

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How close do you live to the MN border . They are now selling CBD and Delta9 products . I use a tincture of CBD and THC . It helps with the pain and helps me sleep . I also take gabapentin and tramadol .


The surgeon I saw is part of a group I trust and respect. Orthopedic surgeons who have taken care of athletes and dancers who are well known. (Their signed pictures and posters are all around the waiting room.) One replaced my arthritic hip. When the surgeon told me the strength in my legs and feet would continue to decline if I did not have the surgery to open up my spine and that I would end up in a wheelchair, that was all I needed to hear to decide to go ahead with the surgery. I live in a third floor apartment in the city, I don't have a car, I take public transportation. A wheelchair?
I'm still recovering from the last surgery 3-4 weeks ago, I still have pain and I can't yet walk the way I could before. But I can walk, I need a cane to climb the stairs to my apartment. But I can do it.

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Good job !!! Accept victories big or small . The are still victories . I take a cbd/thc ticture for the pain .


How close do you live to the MN border . They are now selling CBD and Delta9 products . I use a tincture of CBD and THC . It helps with the pain and helps me sleep . I also take gabapentin and tramadol .

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20 minutes


Has anyone taken Arnica orally in capsule form to lessen the pain? Any luck?


Florida laws are too strict in that research hasn’t yet determined what is a therapeutic dose and for which strain. Israel has been doing cannabis research for far longer than anyone else and they barely scratched the surface. I’m sorry you’re being limited.

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However we can find out which terpines are in the cbd and thc and what strains seem to help

Used to smoke thc but then I started getting bad and racing thoughts and was like why would I pay for something that makes me feel worse also would get too high. During the day I use a thc and cbd vape. Only a few puffs and I feel the result quickly. If I want more will take a few more puffs until I’m at the desired effect. Not impaired at all during the day in order to function and before bed I take 60 mg gummy to sleep with some thc vape and I get high and able to go to sleep
Luckily my Endocrinologist has some knowledge and incorporates the vape as part of my wellness plan. On the other hand my pulmonologist wrote in my chart that I admit to using a vape. But damn it’s a medical prescription and they don’t write admits to using beta blockers. So make sure your physicians have understanding of the huge benifits


Opioids never took my pain away but certainly eased it. High cbd with thc reduces pain but it also relaxes your mind and body enough to remember your breathing exercises which calms the body. Unfortunately it’s costly and insurance will not cover it. It is critical that you don’t buy stuff on the street since one doesn’t know if it’s pure or laced with something. If you are lucky enough to live in a state where you could grow even one plant and it would be organic and safe and use the harvest to grow organic clean weed Now in NYS you can grow two mature plants (has buds) and two small ones that haven’t flowered yet. One plant produces enough to make waxes, canna butter , tinctures as well as really nice holiday gifts
Israel has the most research on medical weed and the US is slowly doing more research. Because federally it’s illegal so no $ and big pharma is terrified that they will lose money
Just saying this was my first time in ten years that I’ve been able to do things and be able to work in my garden prior to that the pain physically and emotionally prevented me from any kind of work and have moved more physically than I have in years and much more present


However we can find out which terpines are in the cbd and thc and what strains seem to help

Used to smoke thc but then I started getting bad and racing thoughts and was like why would I pay for something that makes me feel worse also would get too high. During the day I use a thc and cbd vape. Only a few puffs and I feel the result quickly. If I want more will take a few more puffs until I’m at the desired effect. Not impaired at all during the day in order to function and before bed I take 60 mg gummy to sleep with some thc vape and I get high and able to go to sleep
Luckily my Endocrinologist has some knowledge and incorporates the vape as part of my wellness plan. On the other hand my pulmonologist wrote in my chart that I admit to using a vape. But damn it’s a medical prescription and they don’t write admits to using beta blockers. So make sure your physicians have understanding of the huge benifits

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Pulmonologist are tuff ones to convenience especially if vaping ad if you have a pre-existing respiratory illness forget it. Glad you found compassionate docs though. We have a few here in Pennsylvania who are nay sayers but we are hoping recreational cannabis is here in 2 years. We have medical and that’s fine by me and 2 bordering states have recreational. Stay healthy, stay pain and happy.

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