What's the best way to get off Xanax if on it for years?

Posted by enrique5544 @enrique5544, Feb 6, 2022

Best method or treatment to eradicate this addiction

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Hello Enrique, I was administered Xanax, following a horrible divorce. That was 24 years ago. Xanax became my friend, and I loved it. That was until my body hit tolerance. It began to cause me anxiety, instead of relieving it. In 2019 a new psychiatrist prescribed Klonopin (.50 2 X per day.) Klonopin worked very well, but I felt that I needed to get off of all benzos. I first started cutting the pill in half and after a month, I started water titration of the remaining half. The titration took 8 months. I have been benzo free for over 2.5 years now. I am still healing from the withdrawals but that is getting better as the days go by. I feel that I am experiencing PAWS and I am not surprised, due the many years that I was on the benzo. Dr. Heather Ashton's Manuel is the best route to take at getting off of benzos. I also joined Benzobuddies.org. I wish you the very best on your journey.


Hello Enrique, I was administered Xanax, following a horrible divorce. That was 24 years ago. Xanax became my friend, and I loved it. That was until my body hit tolerance. It began to cause me anxiety, instead of relieving it. In 2019 a new psychiatrist prescribed Klonopin (.50 2 X per day.) Klonopin worked very well, but I felt that I needed to get off of all benzos. I first started cutting the pill in half and after a month, I started water titration of the remaining half. The titration took 8 months. I have been benzo free for over 2.5 years now. I am still healing from the withdrawals but that is getting better as the days go by. I feel that I am experiencing PAWS and I am not surprised, due the many years that I was on the benzo. Dr. Heather Ashton's Manuel is the best route to take at getting off of benzos. I also joined Benzobuddies.org. I wish you the very best on your journey.

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The fact that you’re experiencing PAWS could be that you tapered too quickly.


Please stay in touch with me if u find out it is dangerous to get off of without doc hospital . It affect the center Al nervous system and more . Do not drink with it can be fatal . down50tammmy@yahoo.com


The fact that you’re experiencing PAWS could be that you tapered too quickly.

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Hi Sears. I do feel that I tapered off too quickly. Sometimes, I think I should have tapered off of the Xanax first, instead of making the jump to Klonopin but since the Xanax was now causing me anxiety, I started on the Klonopin. When I tried to read Dr. Ashton's manuel, at that time, my concentration span was so poor, due to the withdrawals, that I went with the advice of a friend that told me about water titration and she simplified it for me. I feel so much better today but it was a long rough journey. On the brighter side, I did have to learn how to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts--something I should have done before getting on Xanax. I should have had counseling and mindfulness meetings. It took about 2.5 years for me to feel like myself again and I am regaining self confidence in steps. I do feel so much better, and I hope that people that are currently trying to withdraw will persevere because they will overcome it.


Hi Sears. I do feel that I tapered off too quickly. Sometimes, I think I should have tapered off of the Xanax first, instead of making the jump to Klonopin but since the Xanax was now causing me anxiety, I started on the Klonopin. When I tried to read Dr. Ashton's manuel, at that time, my concentration span was so poor, due to the withdrawals, that I went with the advice of a friend that told me about water titration and she simplified it for me. I feel so much better today but it was a long rough journey. On the brighter side, I did have to learn how to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts--something I should have done before getting on Xanax. I should have had counseling and mindfulness meetings. It took about 2.5 years for me to feel like myself again and I am regaining self confidence in steps. I do feel so much better, and I hope that people that are currently trying to withdraw will persevere because they will overcome it.

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Glad you’re feeling better! Thanks for sharing your experience.


Glad you’re feeling better! Thanks for sharing your experience.

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My faith in God is what got me through it.


6 mg/day-10yrs; 4 mg/day-4yrs; 2 mg/ now. I am now paranoid and unsure of anything including my future stability.


Those taking lower (recommended) doses will usually experience only mild withdrawal if the medication is stopped abruptly. When benzodiazapines are take at much higher doses, it's necessary to cut the current dose by 25 to 50 percent and then reduce the remaining dose by 10 to 20 percent for one week to ten days and continue this schedule until the end. Of course this taper would be recommended to a healthy (mentally and physically) person but it can be stretched out longer if one chooses to do so. As for Xanax, once you taper down to about .25 mg or less, it's generally safe to just stop. Any withdrawal at all should be very mild and last no more than a few days. It's always best to discuss your plans for benzo discontinuations with your doctor. Good Luck.


6 mg/day-10yrs; 4 mg/day-4yrs; 2 mg/ now. I am now paranoid and unsure of anything including my future stability.

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Hi Joe. I guess you are speaking of Xanax? Benzodiazapene withdrawal is a very uncomfortable experience to go through. Maybe your doctor can suggest mindfulness meetings and support groups to go to. I was uncomfortable with being around people at that time, during my taper. As a result, I connected with Benzo Buddies.org. To some degree, it was helpful to hear other people's experiences so that I could compare notes. It sounds like you have made a great deal of progress, now that you are at 2 mg--wow! From what I read, depending on how long a person is on it and/or if it was abused would determine how long the withdrawals will last. I can honestly tell you that my withdrawals lasted 2.5 years, but they did weaken considerably as time went on and now, I get them only seldom. Dr. Heather Aston's Manuel is very informative. She spent many years working with so many people suffering from what you are going through.


Those taking lower (recommended) doses will usually experience only mild withdrawal if the medication is stopped abruptly. When benzodiazapines are take at much higher doses, it's necessary to cut the current dose by 25 to 50 percent and then reduce the remaining dose by 10 to 20 percent for one week to ten days and continue this schedule until the end. Of course this taper would be recommended to a healthy (mentally and physically) person but it can be stretched out longer if one chooses to do so. As for Xanax, once you taper down to about .25 mg or less, it's generally safe to just stop. Any withdrawal at all should be very mild and last no more than a few days. It's always best to discuss your plans for benzo discontinuations with your doctor. Good Luck.

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This is the worst taper schedule I’ve ever seen. It would be dangerous for most.

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