Long Covid + getting more boosters- any reputable info out there?

Posted by ericy210 @ericy210, Sep 21, 2022

I had the two Moderna shots and one booster. Got Covid in May and have been suffering with neurological long Covid issues. Lots of neurological studies and appointments for me.
Now I wonder if I should get a new booster. Would it help? Is it safe? Will it help or worsen my condition?
Anybody seen any reputable studies or articles addressing this? I’ll be asking my own doctor too. Just don’t know what to do!

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Covid is normally associated with respiratory symptoms I believe. Neurological symptoms seem to be more associated with the vaccine. I’m curious if long Covid is actually just the side effects of the continuous shots? I’m not a doctor but I’m definitely skeptical of the continuous boosting and the constant weird diseases, rise in cancers and deaths that seem to be happening. What are the shots doing if you can still get Covid and be very sick ?


It’s such a dilemma trying to figure out what is best for us since we all have different experiences, different symptoms, not to mention conflicting information, bad information or no information. Yikes! I’ve had long covid since 3/20, mostly now with my lungs and fatigue. The second vaccine and first booster brought a lot of the old symptoms back and lasted for 3 months, especially the neuro ones, headaches and fatigue. I just today decided to get the third bivalent booster this weekend after swearing up and down I’d never get another one. It was a gut wrenching decision but I got sick with a lung infection all this past summer until recently and I’m concerned if I catch covid again, it’ll do me in good! It’s definitely a difficult decision and I admit I’m scared but I got pneumonia 6 months into covid and it took over a year to even feel a little better. I got a flu vaccine last week but I personally wouldn’t get a covid booster and a flu vaccine together unless I had a good immune system and wasn’t inclined to get sick. I also think it’s good to space them out as not to induce too much more chaos in my already confused body. Tough tough decision folks. I hope we have some good living left to do because this isn’t easy, is it?

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From what I read, you don't need to space out the flu and Covid vaccine or booster. I would get all the vaccines and boosters you am supposed to get. That's my advice. What ever problem you think the vaccine or booster might have caused, Covid causes symptoms 100 times worse.


From what I read, you don't need to space out the flu and Covid vaccine or booster. I would get all the vaccines and boosters you am supposed to get. That's my advice. What ever problem you think the vaccine or booster might have caused, Covid causes symptoms 100 times worse.

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It’s a personal choice. My opinion is from my own personal experience and also from working in the medical field for 40 years. Some people’s immune system can be more sensitive, especially if you have long covid or some other chronic illness or autoimmune disorder.


Yes I have. Didn’t help at all. But thank you for the comment.

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I'm so sorry to hear that didn't help..I'll pray for you!


Is it safe for someone who has "Long Covid" to get the next round of boosters?
Also, is there any consensus of opinion on how much immunity we may have and how long it might last? There seems to be a huge variety of opinion about this.


Is it safe for someone who has "Long Covid" to get the next round of boosters?
Also, is there any consensus of opinion on how much immunity we may have and how long it might last? There seems to be a huge variety of opinion about this.

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@prancer20, you ask a good question: "Is it safe for someone who has "Long Covid" to get the next round of boosters?"

I moved your post to this existing discussion where others are asking similar questions and sharing information:
- Long Covid + getting more boosters- any reputable info out there? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/long-covid-getting-more-boosters-any-reputable-info-out-there/

You're right that there's a lot of opinion out there. Be sure to check the source of any information you read that it is coming from a validated medical authority. Here one place to start.

- Mayo Clinic: Are COVID-19 vaccine boosters or extra shots recommended? https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-boosters


@prancer20, you ask a good question: "Is it safe for someone who has "Long Covid" to get the next round of boosters?"

I moved your post to this existing discussion where others are asking similar questions and sharing information:
- Long Covid + getting more boosters- any reputable info out there? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/long-covid-getting-more-boosters-any-reputable-info-out-there/

You're right that there's a lot of opinion out there. Be sure to check the source of any information you read that it is coming from a validated medical authority. Here one place to start.

- Mayo Clinic: Are COVID-19 vaccine boosters or extra shots recommended? https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-boosters

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Wow! Sounds as if no one really knows, since everyone is so different. I will have to discuss this with my Covid specialist when I finally get to see him in May.


Covid is normally associated with respiratory symptoms I believe. Neurological symptoms seem to be more associated with the vaccine. I’m curious if long Covid is actually just the side effects of the continuous shots? I’m not a doctor but I’m definitely skeptical of the continuous boosting and the constant weird diseases, rise in cancers and deaths that seem to be happening. What are the shots doing if you can still get Covid and be very sick ?

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I got Covid before the vaccines were available and got neurological issues. From my experience it is from Covid and not the vaccines.


I am so confused by what our "Government" is recommending versus pharms which other nations showed as effective. Are there reputable studies on this dilemma?


Find out first if clinical trials have been completed before you get it. The 4th. Shot from Pfizer was released before they were done. I got it and instant ear ringing. Went to see ENT and he told me they been hearing this effect, no pun intended. So be mindful and ask and read before making any decision on getting any further.

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