Mesenteric Panniculitis: What happens now?
Just got diagnosed from CT scan and really can’t find a whole lot of information. I have been put on steroids and it has helped some with the pain from the inflammation. I want to know more about my diagnosis and be for sure that this is exactly what I got. My question is what steps do I take now? Should I call my primary Dr. And request a MRI to make sure that I don’t have any underlying condition or get with a gastric Dr. I just had a colonoscopy the first of last year.
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I highly recommend seeing an MP specialist at Mayo. It can be a game changer. Steroids long term can be dangerous to your health. I was diagnosed a year ago and here is what I do. Make sure you get lots of sleep, seriously decrease stress, hydrate/hydrate/hydrate and exercise. In terms of food, triggers for me are dairy, sugar, alcohol, fried foods and spicy foods.
That was for @lisacw
Thank you so much for the info. Definitely going to look into seeing someone in Jacksonville at the Mayo. I don’t want to take the steroids no more than I have too!
@lisacw I believe the only MP specialists with Mayo are at Rochester, MN and somewhere in Florida. You can do teledoc appointments (I do) with the specialist and tests can be run at your local Mayo.
Hello, what do you do for the pain? Does it affect you doing things like going out? I get shortness of breath just walking to the bathroom and trying to clean. I think there may be something wrong with my heart also, on top of having this. One main factor for me is the stress I have in my life. I haven't figured out a way to cut it down.
@nedradenise are you having pain all the time or just when you have flares? Many of us have varying levels of pain or pangs often. Is the pain bearable or horrible, and how often? Some people find that heating pads or soaking in warm baths helps. When I have flares I certainly do not feel like going out. Shortness of breath is not uncommon because it is typically a reaction to doing too much. I space out my cleaning throughout the week: dust one day, sweep one day, mop one day, etc. Decreasing stress is a game changer! What things in your life do you feel are stressful? Attacking one at a time would be critical.
Thanks Erin for your helpful information, am looking for appointment with Mayo Clinic, I have Mp shows by C Scan last year now when I got my 2nd flare I got other issues gallbladder polyps , kind of scared me still waiting to see Surgeon to decided , am kind wondering is this issue for cause MP or not if you have any information, Thanks again
@smezaael no one is quite sure of the "cause" for MP. It is an autoimmune issue and, as is the case for many autoimmune issues, difficult to determine cause, best course of treatment, etc. Not enough people are diagnosed with MP (thank goodness) that it is not worth investing in research. So for now, we treat the symptoms.
a year ago, I started having problems with my stomach been going to a Gi specialist and was diagnosed with IBS and the problem has been getting worse so I went to the hospital not too long ago and sat for 6 hours to get a vat scan and they diagnosed me with mp i have no idea what to do they didn't tell me much all they said that my GI specialist diagnosed me wrong I need help I have no idea what to do I'm in so much pain and I can't eat they because I'm always throwing it right back up they put me on a liquid diet for right now but any tips would help last night it got so bad that I almost blacked out and had a seizure at work because i was in so much pain
I am 19-year-old women any tips would help