Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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I was drinking Bourbon and more heavily, I don't think wine here and there should hurt, lol. If you haven't had a metabolic blood panel, you should have one. Super easy and very very informative.

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I actually had a metabolic panel drawn recently for something unrelated and everything came back normal. Potassium was slightly lower but still within normal range


Hello I'm almost 16, I just woke up from a bad dream that vividly sent vibrations to my entire body and to be honest it scares me. This is the 2nd night of me experiencing it. It started yesterday, in which the dreams were both mentally tiring as it involved me being un-alived, it felt real and I'm assuming that my body responded to it as something that was actually happening and activated my fight or flight senses. I've read articles regarding to this feeling of realness of dreams as the REM Sleep or Rapid Eye Movement, and according to most of the articles, stress and anxiety is two of the closest symptoms that I can apply to myself as a 1st year STEM strand student (I have been cramming a ton to go after dues, also meant losing hours of sleep as I have morning classes). I came across this forum in hopes to find a probable answer as to why these scary dreams are sending vibrations to my body, this is also an interesting topic for research so it would be my pleasure to look out for new updates regarding this matter.

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Hi @cielos, this must leave you shaken and nervous about what is happening. At the same time, it sounds like you are already on your way to identifying the problem. Stress can wreak havoc on our bodies and you are under a lot of stress right now.

The next step is finding a way to manage the stress. Luckily, most schools offer mental health services for free. Might you seek out which services are available to you from your guidance department and talk with someone?

On a related note, I have a favorite podcast called Hidden Brain and I recently listened to an archived 2 part episode about reframining stress. You might appreciate listening to it.
Reframing Your Reality Part 1 and 2


Google Astral travel, sleep paralysis, out of body experience.

I was haunted by very similar symptoms for close to a decade. When I realized that thousands of people are dedicating a lot of time to reach this state, it only took a little reading to have my first "OBE" which I can only describe as ecstatic. I woke up with my face covered in tears of joy. After that the phenomenon slowly disappeared.

One of the scariest aspects of my life had turned into the most rewarding experience I've ever had.

Don't let the spiritual context in which many approach this issue hold you back. You will need to find your own explanations, because medicine as of today has no answer for this issue.


I am having a very similar condition. About 9 months ago I started having a vibrating sensation in my upper chest around the area of my collar bones. It would only happen when I was just drifting off to sleep, when briefly waking up during the night, or when waking up. It would never happen when I was awake. It scared me at first so much that I was afraid to even go to bed but over time I realized it didn't seem life threatening and just accepted that it would happen. It happens every single night with no exception. Sometimes it is continuous all night long or comes and goes throughout the night. Having some medical background I ruled out a heart problem (EKG, Stress Test and Chest X ray); most medical issues (normal Hemotology, Chem, B-12 , Blood Glucose an Blood Pressure) and any supplements or medications. I have seen my Doctor and he doesn't know what it is. It happens no matter what position I am in. It always it is same rate but intensity varies during the night and night to night. I can reduce the intensity by stretching and changing position but it only goes away completely when I am fully wake up. I am a female 74 years old, still playing soccer so active, retired veterinarian and not under any stress. Got my third Covid vaccination shortly before signs started and have never had Covid that I know of. I would love to find out what this is and be in any study if one was available.

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Have you lost a loved one around the time the vibrations started? I have vibrations too (heightened nerve tingle or electrical type energy feeling that's vibrating on the body and becomes more intense heightens within the body also) which started after my husband unexpectedly passed ( it's almost been two years ago now). I don't get them every night or all night when it does happen- appx. every 4-6 weeks time frame. I can be asleep and become aware that's it's happening, or it happens right when I'm drifting off to sleep and it fully awakens me. Sometimes it's so intense it's like a tickling feeling which I can't handle 'cause I'm very ticklish (right at my sides and my husband used to tickle me and laugh watching me laugh and beg him to stop). When I do move into another position the vibrations will stop, but sometimes will come back shortly after I go back to sleep ( also will stop when fully awake, but have felt it lightly and briefly when awake a few times). I feel like my husband visits me the reason I get these vibrations. The first time I felt it I was asleep my husband called out to me loud and clear, I didn't awaken but just became aware, then I felt this tingling vibrations and hugging feeling it all was so strong and intense. I used to be scared too (sometimes I still am), just because I felt that I would "see" or experience something I wasn't ready for... By the way I'm 49 years old with no health problems. I'm a licensed practical nurse, and haven't been vaccinated for COVID ( had COVID once July 18, 2022; feeling like I had a cold/sinus congestion for three days, temp 102.0 F.


Is there anything new out there for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)??
I really am desperate for some help with this evil disease.
I walk the floor night after night after night.


Is there anything new out there for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)??
I really am desperate for some help with this evil disease.
I walk the floor night after night after night.

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Have you tried any anti-seizure meds, which are supposed to help? I just read an article about low ferritin levels causing RLS. You can get your ferritin levels checked through a blood test. Low levels are related to anemia. You can find more info on-line on how it's related to RLS.


I had something possibly similar as a child. Sometimes, I'd have a feeling of partial-spinning...a feeling of turning maybe 20° to the right, then 20° to the left. It felt as if it went on for a minute or so, getting progressively slower and fading away. All I remember was that the pediatrician told my mother that it was fairly common and I'd likely grow out of it. And it was fun in a way.

It still happens, maybe once every few years, if I get overtired. An acupuncturist once told me that it's just the body rebalancing energy when the body is at rest.

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This sounds like astral projection. Try looking into that. C I A have a paper on how it’s real.


This sounds like astral projection. Try looking into that. C I A have a paper on how it’s real.

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That would be interesting but, alas, I never seemed to leave my body and 'go' anywhere. I have a friend who is extremely intuitive and has all kinds of interesting and unusual experiences including a lot of precondition. She's described a lot what sound like 'out of body' episodes she had as a child that sound fascinating but, for her, were very scary.


I was diagnosed with MS in 2014. I started having internal vibrations and tremors that were outside of my normal MS symptoms about two years ago. My doctor said it is MS and just small changes that have happened that the MRI doesn't pick up. Its common in MS with 36% of patients experiencing it. However other causes lead to it as well. I can't post the link because I am new, but just select Healthline Internal Vibrations and you will all have your answer.


I was diagnosed with MS in 2014. I started having internal vibrations and tremors that were outside of my normal MS symptoms about two years ago. My doctor said it is MS and just small changes that have happened that the MRI doesn't pick up. Its common in MS with 36% of patients experiencing it. However other causes lead to it as well. I can't post the link because I am new, but just select Healthline Internal Vibrations and you will all have your answer.

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Welcome @wramer81, Thank you for sharing your experience. I thought I would post the link you wanted to share for you. As a new member you will be able to post links after short period of time which helps us prevent spamming.

-- Internal Vibrations: Is it MS, Parkinson's, or Something Else?:
Since you mentioned MS, I thought you might be interested in the following discussion:
-- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - please introduce yourself:
Do you mind sharing what you were searching for when you found Connect?

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