Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600

Posted by lsh @lsh, May 3, 2020

Hello, I am searching for information and also input because of my hideously high lab results for EBNA Nuclear AB IGG. My result was given as over 600. The range is less than 18 is negative. Over 22 is positive. To restate, my lab result is over 600.

I am 52. I did have mono at age 11. For at least four years I have complained on numerous times to my PCP of fatigue. We suspected thyroid but that has been treated and I still have suffered from bouts of fatigue, feeling like I was coming down with a bug, dizziness, etc for 3 or 4 days out of just about every month for the last eighteen months. I finally saw a naturopath who tested me for EBV.

I love my Naturopath, but I am wondering if I should be seeing a specialist because of this high lab result.
I am on a treatment plan of antiviral supplements, and immune supporting vitamins and supplements which she said will probably need to be taken for at least three months.

Has anyone else had numbers this high? I am having trouble finding much information on reactivated EBV.

Thank you!

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This discussion has been really helpful! It’s like being stuck in a maze trying to understand and navigate EBV between doctors acting as if it’s not a big deal to terrifying research articles about the deadly forms of CAEBV. My anxiety has been wreaking havoc on top of dealing with feeling unwell and what seems like it might be CFS.

I recently had an EBV DNA test on whole blood that showed 203 copies/ml (2.3 log10 copies/ml). I think this is fairly low but it’s also not negative which is what I was hoping for. @seehawkeye you mentioned that your viral load levels were low and I was just wondering what your numbers were like.

I also have high EBNA IgG of >600 and a slightly high VCA IgG of ~90. Other antibodies are negative. I’ve been panicking that I am dying of the scary CAEBV but perhaps I’m actually suffering from more mild EBV activity that still causes debilitating CFS symptoms. I am hoping to get more insight from doctors, but that hasn’t worked out so well so far. Interestingly many of my symptoms worsened after my covid booster in May, and I saw others on here also noting an increase in symptoms after vaccinations. I did test positive for full fledged mono back in February 2021 when I was actually quite sick with a fever for 10 days, but that resolved. I’ve seen studies showing a connection between covid and EBV reactivation, so I wonder if the circulation of this new virus is causing some of us more problems with the old EBV.

Overall, I hope you all find ways to feel better! One thing I’ve noticed that helps me is high dose IV Vitamin C. But it’s costly to maintain that program on a weekly basis. I also definitely feel worse if I eat sugar or drink alcohol. And stress and anxiety don’t help (which are of course hard to get rid of when you’re worried about your health)!


Hello! I am also in the same boat, after being silenced by multiple doctors I’m doing some intense Google searching. I just turned 30 and had mono back when I was 17 and I have been struggling with extreme fatigue and exhaustion on and off since. Doctors keep telling me that chronic EBV isn’t real after I come in with multiple case studies. I’m so happy I found this to bring to my new doctor in two weeks.


I too have had this same problem. My numbers right now are above 600.
Glands in my neck are huge. Last week I was awakened with a severe sore throat and was just miserable. Went to my local urgent care the next morning and was given Augmentin for what appeared to be a sinus infection.
On Monday of this week, I saw my internist who ordered a lot of testing because of the glands still being swollen and my right upper quadrant of my abdomen being very uncomfortable. I received the results last night on my phone app and am awaiting the dr to read and finalize one way or the other if I have once again active mono. Today, I’m in bed and feel my right upper portion of my abdomen very well as if there’s something there. Not actual pain but very uncomfortable.
While I’m awaiting my drs report, does anyone know how to read the Epstein Barr testing?
I’m so frustrated. I am 62 and tired of this 40+ year long war from this virus on my body!


I am a 67-year-old female, and I was diagnosed with EBV back when I was in my early 30's. The symptoms eventually went away but started coming back to haunt me throughout my adult life. It would manifest and I would be almost debilitated with pain and fatigue for a couple of days and then it would subside. I found that many times it was stressed related. Then it was almost like fatigue and aches became a way of life. I started seeing a Naturopath about 15 years ago, and she is a God send! She never stops trying to figure out my symptoms. She discovered by thyroid was low several yeaars ago as well as my Cortisol, but we did get that back to normal, but the body aches and extreme fatigue became a regular issue down the road. Then low and behold she tested me for EBV and my numbers were like so many of you, OFF THE CHARTS! She did tell me it has become CAEBV and we started medication for 60 days at a time. After the first round the symptoms were still evident, but after the second round I am feeling much better. By better I mean, not so achy and the fatigue is bearable, but I still have some days where I have to determine myself to move, get up and get something accomplished! I hate it! I have brain fog but some of that I believe is age related but I'm sure it exacerbates it. My recent testing shows that the numbers have decreased from 600+ down to 535. Better but still symptomatic. I just got the results, so I am waiting to talk with her about them. She also did a more thorough test regarding Lyme, those results have not been returned yet.

Let me tell you though, she is like a ferret. She keeps testing and researching, and we have now tested for Black Mold. It also was positive! Which came first? I don't know yet. I am learning as I go here and always have lots of questions. The one thing that made so much sense was, I was diagnosed with breast cancer June 2020. That came totally out of left field because I am totally not a candidate. I am healthy, active, eat natural, NO CANCER ON EITHER SIDE, breast fed my babies and am small chested. God was good and we caught it early, but it was a totally enigma. Then, after all of these tests, it made a whole lot more sense. My immune system was weak and threatened. I continue to work on staying healthy, exercise (which is not always easy) eat right and take supplements that are recommended.

I have never been told that I am contagious. Initially Mono is, but once it becomes advance into CAEBV, it is not. I also have regular testing done regarding my liver, as CAEBV can totally affect it as well as the medication unfortunately. Hopefully I am done with that for a while.

I hope my story helps for someone out there. Many doctors don't believe, agree or have knowledge about CAEBV. ( Lyme as well). If you are not satisfied, I would find a doctor who does support these viruses, because they are real. Naturopath's usually are not covered by insurance which makes it difficult so all things are in stride and when I can afford them.

Bless you all that are suffering and don't lose heart. There are many of us out here that feel your pain and frustration. Take care and do your best. It is hard to have something that is hard to explain to others. Having a group of people here to chat with, that knows what you are talking about, helps in many ways and to know that you are not crazy :O)

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Hello-I am struggling with my tests results as I wait to get in to a naturopath. You said your numbers were 600+...as are mine. My EBNA IGG is 600+ and my AG VCA IGG is 750+ with no active infection. would this be considered CAEBV?


My doctors didn’t explain why the numbers were so high. My other tests were all negative so I’m not even sure myself what that tells me. My doctors aren’t that knowledgeable I learned more from reading about EBV on my own and belonging to a EBV Facebook group. I find this very informative.

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Just wondering if you ever found any more insight as to why your numbers are so high. Mine are ebna 600+ and vca igg 750+. No active infection


Hi Lisa-Sorry to come across your post so late. Did you ever find reasons as to why your numbers were so high?
My EBNA IGG is 600 and my VCA IGG is 750. I cant seem to find anyone to address why those are so far out of the range.


Hi Lisa,

I'm terribly sorry to hear about your condition. I've joined this thread in hopes to hear the same information and help myself as well. I'm 47 years old and I've never been diagnosed with Mono, not as a child OR as an adult. However, during some extensive blood work my Doctor ordered VCA IgG test and my 1st result came back as 368 in 4/2021. Four months later is was 627 in 8/2021. I continue to suffer from the terrible symptoms of EBV.

The Doctor ordered new labs today and I'll have the results back within 2 days. If my numbers are still high, should I look at testing for CAEBV?

Any information anyone would like to share would be greatly appreciated.




Meant heartfelt thank yous post!

Question: Have you or anyone else who has > 600 EBV Nuclear Ag Antibody IgG results been tested or diagnosed w/ a primary autoimmune disease?

Last month I asked my internist to order a serum EBV Nuclear Ag Antibody IgG (U/mL) test, along w/ other EBV tests. The sole out of range result was EBV Nuclear Ag Antibody IgG (U/mL) test > 600.

I googled + discovered the following info in a research article (link below), which I’m thinking may be of interest.

- high anti-EBNA-1 antibody levels may reflect a deficient control of the EBV infection, increasing the tendency toward autoimmunity
- the risk of MS increased with increasing anti-EBNA-1 antibody levels (p for trend <0.0001)
- elevations in anti-EBNA-1 antibody levels become increased between 15 and 20 years before the first symptoms of MS and thereafter remain constant over time

Interestingly, over a few decades, I received the following diagnoses
- 1974 (age 17) Infectious Mononucleosis … which I only recently learned is EBV + a herpes virus.
- 1987 (age 29) Pars Planitis, now called intermediate uveitis, a condition I was advised is often seen with primary autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune disease test results were negative and pars planitis improved.
- 2011 (age 54) Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
- 2021 (age 63) Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. My early symptoms: 1) sudden leg weakness that lasted a few days then improved 2) bi-lateral tingling in my toes that over a few weeks rose to my waist then over weeks returned to my toes/feet/lower legs. Over 3 yrs, I consulted 3 neurologists, had multiple spinal MRIs that revealed a stable T7 lesion, numerous blood tests + several EMGs … was advised my tingling might be early peripheral neuropathy. On a hot day, I experienced significant difficulty walking. A brain MRI revealed lesions + spinal tap revealed oligoclonal bands resulting in an MS diagnosis … w/ a strong suspicion that I’ve had MS since the 1987 pars planitis diagnosis.

I’m most interested to learn
- if you or others w/ elevated EBV Nuclear Ag Antibody IgG results have received autoimmune diagnoses

Thank you again!

“High Levels of Epstein–Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen-1-Specific Antibodies and Infectious Mononucleosis Act Both Independently and Synergistically to Increase Multiple Sclerosis Risk”



I had stage 5 EBV at 17 (1969) (called mono back then) and hospitalized for months in a neurological hospital where I was in a ward for the brain damaged or dieing. Could not walk, talk or eat. Convulsed constantly and vomited all the time. They tapped my medula and then could not get rid of the head-ache for 3-months. Over time I regained my strength, could eat small bites and walked again, but had to regain memory and speech. 1-1/2 years of craziness.

Skip ahead to when I was 55 years and I came down with it again. This time had a huge geographic tongue, swollen glands and slept endlessly...it finally went away after I went green for a month and worked out for 2 hours a day to sweat it out of me, then I would colapse.

About 2-years ago, I am now 71, I got the Pfizer/Moderna vaccine. I was perfectly healthy, happy and working and worked out regularily. The first was ok, I just slept a lot, then I had to go 3-weeks later for the #2 shot. I was fine sitting for the 15 minutes but when I left the facility I was staggering like I was drunk. I laid in my car for an hour and it passed enough allowing me to drive home. I went to sleep and slept for 3-days, only to get up to use the bathroom.

My body was so weak and lifting my legs to walk was impossible. I fell on the way to the bathroom on to the tile floor and cracked my head open. Laid in so much blood I could not stand, had 7 stitches and a black and blue face. 3-months later I lost me balance and fell to the floor and broke my back. It was my Summer from Hell.

Going forward I asked the doctor to check for EBV since I was still so weak. Bingo! 7-1-21 my EBV EA lgG 138, 1-year later 79.6; EBV VCA lgG 7-1-21 170 and 1 -year later 136; EBV Nuclear Antigen IGG on 7-1-21 50.9 and 1-year later 51.6.

I still find my legs go limp and my arms go weak, I have no stamina and need to lay down all the time. 2-hours or so after I wake up I am so weak I have to lay back down and go to sleep. My physical therapist works with me weekly and electrical stimulation is a joy to have.

My reason for writing is to let you know you are not alone. the Neurologist said many who have had the Covid shot have gone through the reharvesting of the EVB virus and have been weakened like me. They just tell me to keep doing what I am doing and rest. Good Luck to you and know you are not alone.


I had stage 5 EBV at 17 (1969) (called mono back then) and hospitalized for months in a neurological hospital where I was in a ward for the brain damaged or dieing. Could not walk, talk or eat. Convulsed constantly and vomited all the time. They tapped my medula and then could not get rid of the head-ache for 3-months. Over time I regained my strength, could eat small bites and walked again, but had to regain memory and speech. 1-1/2 years of craziness.

Skip ahead to when I was 55 years and I came down with it again. This time had a huge geographic tongue, swollen glands and slept endlessly...it finally went away after I went green for a month and worked out for 2 hours a day to sweat it out of me, then I would colapse.

About 2-years ago, I am now 71, I got the Pfizer/Moderna vaccine. I was perfectly healthy, happy and working and worked out regularily. The first was ok, I just slept a lot, then I had to go 3-weeks later for the #2 shot. I was fine sitting for the 15 minutes but when I left the facility I was staggering like I was drunk. I laid in my car for an hour and it passed enough allowing me to drive home. I went to sleep and slept for 3-days, only to get up to use the bathroom.

My body was so weak and lifting my legs to walk was impossible. I fell on the way to the bathroom on to the tile floor and cracked my head open. Laid in so much blood I could not stand, had 7 stitches and a black and blue face. 3-months later I lost me balance and fell to the floor and broke my back. It was my Summer from Hell.

Going forward I asked the doctor to check for EBV since I was still so weak. Bingo! 7-1-21 my EBV EA lgG 138, 1-year later 79.6; EBV VCA lgG 7-1-21 170 and 1 -year later 136; EBV Nuclear Antigen IGG on 7-1-21 50.9 and 1-year later 51.6.

I still find my legs go limp and my arms go weak, I have no stamina and need to lay down all the time. 2-hours or so after I wake up I am so weak I have to lay back down and go to sleep. My physical therapist works with me weekly and electrical stimulation is a joy to have.

My reason for writing is to let you know you are not alone. the Neurologist said many who have had the Covid shot have gone through the reharvesting of the EVB virus and have been weakened like me. They just tell me to keep doing what I am doing and rest. Good Luck to you and know you are not alone.

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My heart goes out to you @lesd70! I have had a similar history with the EB Virus coming back over and over again. In my 30’s I was paralyzed with Guillian Barre Syndrome, which took quite a few years to overcome. If I let my guard down at all on diet and supplements I find myself in an awful Flare again. My Titers are always above the normal range considerably. I finally retired at 65 due to inability to have any life after I got home in the evening. To function I would basically have to go to bed until it was time to go back to work again. I am now almost 70, and nothing has changed. I have learned to live with it, by pacing myself, eating tons of supplements and meds. My PA just put me on LDN to see if that would help. (Low dose Naltrexone). I’m only up to 2 mg. So far but am cautiously optimistic about improvement. I was told years ago at Duke University Hospital when I had GBS, to NOT ever take anymore vaccines. So I did not and will never take the C19 vaccine. I hate so bad that you did. It sounds like it has done quite a bit of damage to your already damaged nervous system. I will pray for your continued recovery. Take care of you, no one else can!

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