Neuropathy Feet and legs

Posted by danwealthy @danwealthy, Oct 6, 2022

Hi my feet and legs are like on pin and needles. I have lower back issues L4-L5 which shots in the low back have been unsuccessful. One of my doctors advised me to get some cream or something that has Capsaicin in it to help bloc the nerve signal. The one I choose was PainBloc 24 unfortunately they have stopped production. Im looking for anything I can replace it with any suggestions? I want a roll on or spray because I cant reach my back with a frozen shoulder!

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I am in chronic pain with peripheral neuropathy. I have had it for over two years and it's got worse. The pins and needles and pain in my feet and lower legs is excrutiating. Does anyone else suffer with this condition?

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Hi @fisbo, You will notice we moved your post to an existing discussion on the same topic here:
-- Neuropathy Feet and legs:

Have you tried any topicals or other treatments to see if they might provide some relief?


I have severe Neuropathy in my feet. As the years go by it does get more painful. The thing that helped reduce the amount of pain for me, is THC cream. I use it every morning and night. (Every once in a while I will use it during the day as well.) This is in addition to a CBD capsule I take every morning. That one, I had to do "trial and error " for many months to find the correct dose. We are all so different, it cannot be just passed on information that works for one and all.
Best wishes to all going through this nasty foot problem.


I am in chronic pain with peripheral neuropathy. I have had it for over two years and it's got worse. The pins and needles and pain in my feet and lower legs is excrutiating. Does anyone else suffer with this condition?

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Join the club. Some days are bette than others. Cold weather causes me more spasm hence more pins and needles.


Hi @fisbo, You will notice we moved your post to an existing discussion on the same topic here:
-- Neuropathy Feet and legs:

Have you tried any topicals or other treatments to see if they might provide some relief?

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I wasalready in that discussion No matter I havenot tried any topicaltreatment.My GP has not suggested a topical treatment.


Join the club. Some days are bette than others. Cold weather causes me more spasm hence more pins and needles.

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It's Relentless and ruins your whole lifestyle in my opinion


You need to change your life style to suit your needs. I’m retired so my main job is staying pain free or as much as I’m able to and nothing else. If I’m going to do something I know will cause me pain afterwards I prepaid for it and treat it appropriately. Sounds like you’re still trying to live your old life style, which has since changed. Sorry but you have to play with the deck you’ve been handed.


I have severe Neuropathy in my feet. As the years go by it does get more painful. The thing that helped reduce the amount of pain for me, is THC cream. I use it every morning and night. (Every once in a while I will use it during the day as well.) This is in addition to a CBD capsule I take every morning. That one, I had to do "trial and error " for many months to find the correct dose. We are all so different, it cannot be just passed on information that works for one and all.
Best wishes to all going through this nasty foot problem.

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What does the THX cream do and what does it stand for. I have severe PN in feet and lowerlegs. Severe pain and need something that will work


You need to change your life style to suit your needs. I’m retired so my main job is staying pain free or as much as I’m able to and nothing else. If I’m going to do something I know will cause me pain afterwards I prepaid for it and treat it appropriately. Sounds like you’re still trying to live your old life style, which has since changed. Sorry but you have to play with the deck you’ve been handed.

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Was this in reply to me? I am not trying to live my old lifestyle but am not really living at all with this condition peripheral neuropathy. It is difficult to be positive with so much pain


Was this in reply to me? I am not trying to live my old lifestyle but am not really living at all with this condition peripheral neuropathy. It is difficult to be positive with so much pain

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Hi @fisbo, I know it's not easy to live with chronic pain and it's definitely difficult to be positive with so much pain. A lot of us have issues trying to deal with neuropathy and adjusting to our for lack of better words - new normal. There is an older discussion where members have shared their thoughts on the topic and might provide some help while you are searching for treatments that provide some relief.

-- Have You Made Any Kind of Peace With Having Your Neuropathy?:

A few years ago I found a TED Talk by Dr. Amit Sood that gave me a new perspective along with some humor. I thought you might enjoy it also.
-- Happy Brain: How to Overcome Our Neural Predispositions to Suffering | Amit Sood, MD | TEDxUNI:


I have severe Neuropathy in my feet. As the years go by it does get more painful. The thing that helped reduce the amount of pain for me, is THC cream. I use it every morning and night. (Every once in a while I will use it during the day as well.) This is in addition to a CBD capsule I take every morning. That one, I had to do "trial and error " for many months to find the correct dose. We are all so different, it cannot be just passed on information that works for one and all.
Best wishes to all going through this nasty foot problem.

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to fala - When you posted - we are all so different - talk about hitting the nail on the head! So true, a med or treatment might help 10 people out of 100. The 90 other people wonder why a certain drug or treatment did not work for them. We with PN have such different causes and such different symptoms. The trial and error as you mention is needed. We all need to find what might give us some degree of relief. There is no one magic pill for a cure. Meanwhile, sharing information is helpful and for now, if each person can find something that helps to improve their life style while living with PN, then that is a step in the right direction. Best to all! Ed

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