What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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It's from the link posted by @tsc just above my post, to which I was replying.

I assume 680mg is not considered "low dose" since the report hypothesizes that it is helpful for bones.

I am skeptical of this report since there is no mention of the effect of strontium on DEXA scores.

I am not for or against strontium use at this point. I tried it 15 years ago, briefly, and might consider it after Tymlos and Reclast or even for maintenance after Tymlos, if studies show it is safe.

Strontium ranelate was taken off the market in Europe for safety concerns about clots and other cardiovascular effects but it seems it is now allowed for those without those risks. US manufacturers like Doctor's Best stopped making strontium citrate for awhile. I am not sure of the current status.

Strontium use is sometimes, perhaps, driven by fear of meds. I shared those fears, and also could not tolerate Fosamax or Forteo. But I am a big fan of Tymlos now (starting at a low dose) With fractures and severe DEXA score, I would not use a slower, gentler supplement like strontium but once stable I may look into it.

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Windyshores..good job..just reading about the Ralenate and that it causes false Dexa.and stays in the body 7–10 years!! Not so sure that’s a good idea. If you are fighting a battle I don’t want things confused for 10 years! The citrate version which is in the over-the-counter Algaecal (and their claims are that their version is very safe) there is no FDA verification and nothing to substantiate that their product doesn’t do the same. They make a lot of claims and their advertising budget must be huge …the supplement market is a huge mess.
You are very helpful. It is amazing how much research it takes to try and help ourselves! Oh, if only this was easier!


Windyshores..good job..just reading about the Ralenate and that it causes false Dexa.and stays in the body 7–10 years!! Not so sure that’s a good idea. If you are fighting a battle I don’t want things confused for 10 years! The citrate version which is in the over-the-counter Algaecal (and their claims are that their version is very safe) there is no FDA verification and nothing to substantiate that their product doesn’t do the same. They make a lot of claims and their advertising budget must be huge …the supplement market is a huge mess.
You are very helpful. It is amazing how much research it takes to try and help ourselves! Oh, if only this was easier!

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Algaecal and Algaecal don't have strontium, according to their website. They sell strontium boost that has 680mg (the suggested dose to be therapeutic).

Many supplements say they have strontium but the amount is insignificant so it helps to read labels.


Do A LOT of research on strontium. It shows great progress for bone but the side effects can be heart and clotting issues. It is used a lot in the UK but the clotting freaked me out. Do your reading on that supplement.
There is LOTS of info on K2 thst can be safe and effective. Also the calcium from Hydroxyapatite shows big benefits! Welcome to the world of internet searching. Full time job!
Good luck and stay safe.

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Are you taking calcium from hydroxyapatite? Is so, do you what it's derived from? I recently started using toothpaste that contains hydrozyapatite, if I recall correctly, which, in theory and backed by some research, helps strengthen tooth enamel. [And I use an ionic toothbrush, which does a great job and has soft bristles.]


Are you taking calcium from hydroxyapatite? Is so, do you what it's derived from? I recently started using toothpaste that contains hydrozyapatite, if I recall correctly, which, in theory and backed by some research, helps strengthen tooth enamel. [And I use an ionic toothbrush, which does a great job and has soft bristles.]

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Yes.. from the NIH:
an alternative to calcium, ossein hydroxyapatite compound is a complex protein mineral that has higher osteogenic effect when compared with mineral compounds or calcium supplement administered orally.
Since it has been shown to aid osteoporosis better, I take that.
If you search for NIH study on hydroxyapatite, you should find it. It is LONG but scroll to Conclusions for a general consensus.
Hope this is helpful.
Also, if you google “hydroxyapatite and dental care” you will see lots of great articles..just be sure they is are not ads and from sites you trust!
Stay safe and well


Yes.. from the NIH:
an alternative to calcium, ossein hydroxyapatite compound is a complex protein mineral that has higher osteogenic effect when compared with mineral compounds or calcium supplement administered orally.
Since it has been shown to aid osteoporosis better, I take that.
If you search for NIH study on hydroxyapatite, you should find it. It is LONG but scroll to Conclusions for a general consensus.
Hope this is helpful.
Also, if you google “hydroxyapatite and dental care” you will see lots of great articles..just be sure they is are not ads and from sites you trust!
Stay safe and well

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Thanks. I've wondered
if hydroxyapatite would help bones but don't know if there is a supplement and whether ingesting it would reach bones anyway.

I like the hydroxyapatite toothpaste and swear it keeps my teeth cleaner but, if it helps enamel, it is due to the direct (topical) application.


Algaecal and Algaecal don't have strontium, according to their website. They sell strontium boost that has 680mg (the suggested dose to be therapeutic).

Many supplements say they have strontium but the amount is insignificant so it helps to read labels.

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Yes.. saw your reply and true.
I’m doing a deep dive on this now after seeing the COMB study results and they used it in their testing.
I live and learn every day… my mind is open and the search is real.


I started a discussion for resources for learning about bone health and posted a link to this video from U. Calif. which, I think, is excellent.

Boosting Bone Health to Prevent Injury and Speed Healing - Research on Aging


Well.....not exactly to heal osteoporosis, but to improve.....yes. I eat yogurt every day, with fruit, low carbs, good protein, take daily Centrum Silver for Women, Super B Complex, D3, Zinc, Citrical or a calcium supplement. AND, I use water therapy 2-3X daily in a pool for conditioning, exercise. That is probably the best suggestion you can try, if your doctor approves. My doc said I have to do that for the rest of my life...I consider that a direct order from someone who knows me and my body and wants my best. So, I do it. I love it. I'm stronger, have less pain, move better. I walk in the water-sideways/backwards/front, do marching, use water barbells. Simple, easy and lots of hard work to feel and be better. It works wonders for me. Wishing you well!

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Thank you.
Do you do water exercises 2 to 3 times a day or a week?


Thank you.
Do you do water exercises 2 to 3 times a day or a week?

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@sheilad1 and all...Hello, Sheila. No, I go 2X weekly for prescribed pool PT. I go to a physical therapy pool, with a 95-degree temp water temperature that the neurologist I see for tremors, etc prescribed for the rest of my life. He said that is the exercise I should be doing for my entire body, mind, and spirit. He's absolutely right!

I walk as I can with my walker in a controlled atmosphere for comfort and at Mayo between 3 buildings...so beautiful and lovely surrounded by nature on one side out the full wall windows and lovely artwork on the other, with smiling, kind faces walking through the corridors. That's my exercise routine. The pool addresses so much that needs attention...my muscles, bones, strengthening my entire body. I use ankle weights, a waist floating devise, and in the deep water, I hang letting my ankles pull my legs and help straighten my spine, improve posture, gently stretch the muscles and helps them relax. Important as this is the only time they relax, don't hurt or feel tight or achey or whatever. I sometimes do marching, walking forward/backward, sideways, and other general exercises. Not so much those anymore other than added to the relaxation things. Seems like that's what really helps me most, with all the junk going on in our lives, to have true relaxation of my body and mind. It's wonderful for me. Has changed my life, eased a lot of pain, and relaxed my mind as well. I so very much thank that wonderful doctor.

This general gentle physical conditioning has changed my life. Given me new and more life. Land-based exercises tend to increase my pain and cause overuse. The water is a gentle touch plus lovely warmth. A good combination for my good health. I wish you well on your journey...Be blessed, elizabeth

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