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Insomnia and depression

Sleep Health | Last Active: Dec 15, 2019 | Replies (169)

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This week has been quite tough physically. I tried to keep up with activities and stay on the high but every second day I woke up with aches and tiredness. On Monday acupuncture wasn't quite relaxing but painful so on Thursday Dr Lau left those fatigue points alone. I felt quite relaxing and feel less pain. I still feel the need to rest and don't think pushing myself physically would be a good idea. I will do my meditation and a light exercise a little later.

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Replies to "This week has been quite tough physically. I tried to keep up with activities and stay..."

Hi Iraku I have had acupunture and felt pain too it's good to stop if it hurts. Your body is telling you to rest so try and do this my friend Hugs Anniex0

Thanks Annie ...you have a great day my dear. hugs xoxo

sun helps me soooo much. Miami heat helps u with sleep and sadness. I moved back n feel better

Glad you feel better with the move China. Warm weather helps since our body don't need so much energy to keep ourselves warm...The cold also bad for my arthritis too.

I am curious about acupuncture. Does it really work? I have been wanting to try it for years but have never been able to afford it. I have tried everthing else. I am getting help from an Herbalist right now. I'm praying it works. If not, maybe I can try acupuncture. Thanks, LovinJesus

Hi LovinJesus, The acupuncture I go to is a qualified doctor. I do believe that not every acupuncture knows the healing. This also covered by medicare so I don't have to pay for the service just like seeing a GP. At first, I want to try if it could helps with the pain on my legs and it works brilliantly. I am now working on the fatigue but it's too soon to tell. I hope you find something that helps.

For "tiredness' consider CoQ10 100 mg after a meal containing black pepper that contains a chemical, piperine, that helps with with the absorption of CoQ10. Also piperine is a non-specific monoamine oxiase inhibitor that has anti-depressant activity itself. BUT do not load yourself up with piperine in its over-the-counter very potent form. Then you might have interactions with medications, over the counters and alcohol that could greatly increase your blood pressure. It is hard to "overdose" on black pepper, except as pertains to your tummy. CoQ10 is a natural substance used by the body to generate energy in mitochondria. Sometimes "aches" might originate in small blood vessels more likely to spasm if depleted in CoQ10. Black pepper in a meal before taking CoQ10 can increase absorption into the body of the CoQ10 by about 130%. You thereby get more for your money.

Acupuncture might work in some by stimulating the release of nerve endings on small blood vessels of a chemical that causes the small blood vessels to dilate and thereby deliver more blood to the tissue, eg, muscle, thereby relieving some muscle aches caused by spasm of the small blood vessels. Aerobic exercise might help do the same thing by "stressing" the tissues for lack of oxygen, thereby causing the release of natural substances (eg heat shock proteins) by the body that positively affect blood flow in small blood vessels. This results in a pre-conditoning of the body to a tendency for the small blood vessels to "clamp down" as the result of physical and mental stressors. On the other hand depression enhances the body's tendency to have small blood vessels spasm and thereby cause not so nice "downsream effects".

Oh my, you are very knowledgeable yet made it simple for me to understand. Thank you so much. I will have to warm up on the exercises first because have very weak muscles and I pull them often, then I have to have pain and inflamatory medication with muscle relaxers. That tells me (I think) that I desperately need to srat exercising. Thank you so very much. Your response is much appreciated. Gerri

Iraku, thank you very much for the information. I am nt wrking now, I took early retirement but not old enough yet to get Medicare (or Medicade, which ever one it is) and my husband makes little money now, (economy stinks) so I just have to wait. However, cbahoskie explained a lot of thins to me that would involve arobics and I have to work my way moderately up to doing them but that I will try. I have very weak muscles, depression, anxiety attacks and more, so I need to work on one at a time. I am determined to get well. I am 63 and I look back 3 years ago and I had energy and I exercised. It seems like I just don't care anymore because I have just been strong to long, but I am coming back fighting. I do not want to be unhealthy and I do not want to depend on anyone to take care of me. Mu husbad is not the type to be burdened by anyone, even me. But God understands. Be Blessed, Gerri