← Return to Essential Thrombocythemia: Looking for information and support

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Good morning everyone! I am a 50 year old female and went to get my annual exam at my OBGYN. I have never been on any medications and I am fairly healthy but have been tired and less energetic for the past few years. When my blood work/panels came back, my platelets were around 779, so she sent me to my family doctor to re-test. After re-test a week later, my platelets increased to 810. My family doctor then referred me to my Hematologist and when she ran my CBC 3 days after my family doctor visit, my platelets increased to 847. She told me to begin taking an aspirin a day immediately because the high platelet count could possibly mean that my blood could clot too much and cause a stroke/heart attack. Being that it kept increasing within a few days, my Hematologist scheduled a bone marrow biopsy/aspiration on 9/20/22. The results from this came in on 9/30/22. I do have the Jak2 mutation and she diagnosed me with ET (Essential Thrombocythemia). She prescribed Hydroxyurea (500mg) daily with food and my 81mg of aspirin daily as well. When asked, she stated that this would be for the rest of my life because this medication will keep my platelets in normal range, if it does what it is suppose to do in my body. I started taking the Hydroxyurea this past Saturday at lunch (10/1/22) and so far, I have had no side affects. Praying this will be the case so that I can continue this plan of action. I have a blood work/panel scheduled for 10/20/22 with my Hematologist to make sure the Hydroxyurea is bringing my platelets down and doing what it is suppose to. If so, we will continue this regime. If not, she will adjust dosage and check again in 3 more weeks of the new dosage to make sure it is working and so on and so fourth. I will keep everyone updated as I find out what my body is doing in response to the Hydroxyurea. This has been the most shocking, anxious season in the waiting from test results and not knowing what is happening in my body! But, as I reflect back on this time, I know God has this and I have had a calmness at the same time in my gut that I would be ok and continue living my life with a positive outlook. No one wants to be on meds the rest of their lives, however, if this is what I need to do to prevent stroke/heart attack or some form of aggressive cancer, I will faithfully follow my doctors recommendations. ET is what I have, but it will not define who I am! I pray that this helps someone who may be going through this, or may have a friend or family member or know someone going through this.
Tifnie Queen (Cajunqueen)

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Replies to "Good morning everyone! I am a 50 year old female and went to get my annual..."

Good morning, @cajunqueen and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You’ll never know how many people you’ll be giving a lift to with your information about ET and how you’re handling this bump in the road in your life journey.

I love your positive spirit and attitude. I swear that is one of keys to facing any situation. It helps keep us focused to the future. You’re right in that this blood condition doesn’t define who you are. You’re the same vivacious woman you’ve always been just with a little medical drama tossed in for intrigue. 🙃

Again, welcome to the Connect forum. May I ask how you found out about us?

I am. 55 yr old woman who just got diagnosed a month ago , (physical)my platelets were over a million,hemacrates ,red and white cells very high too . Reading your story is how I feel . I put it in Gods hands . I could cry and think why me ,why is this happening….or I can go on LIVING. I am not quite sure about anything yet ,I see my hematologist once a month and go to the cancer center 2x a week for blood draws . I am not going to lie ,I am scared of all the uncertainties,but we will deal with it the best we can . I was put on HU 500 2x a day . All but my platelets have lowered ,they keep going the roller coaster up anddown . Yesterday they were quite high again ,waiting on hematologist to call . I don’t even know what to ask,this is all new and confusing.