What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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Hello back Teri~
Thank you so much for reaching out to me...much appreciated. I realize that I'm in a real pickle here...nothing definitive to point to as to which malady to consider first....this is all new to me..being a ''patient' and not the roll I've had (fortunately) for so many years being my husband's caregiver. So now playing catch-up is a 'b++ch' to do. Right now..I'm a very leaky ship!
My primary had me do a cat scan on my arteries in April..that showed that I had mild atherosclerosis...swell..I am 77...but I switched to a plant-based way of eating and I know I can lower my lipid levels when next checked..next month.....and the scan also showed my compression frx. T-8 from 2012....Now...I had a back x-ray because my mid back was giving me so much pain..and it showed that I now have two new compression frxs. in T-9, 10.....since April!!
I have not fallen...BUT...I also was using the vibration plate..and loving it, by the way...but maybe that was the cause of the two new frx's? I never went passed P3 and was only standing on the jogging foot pads....but even that might be the culprit here...I am awaiting an appt. for an MRI and then to see an Orthopedic Surgeon.....which implisit in its name means 'surgery'...which I don't think I can go for. I've been a very healthy individual for the vast part of my life...getting osteoporosis, I feel was caused by the drugs I had to take when I was in my early twenties from Endometriosis. Depo-provera is known to cause bone loss....I was not made aware of that then..nor could I have done anything else...as my life was slipping by with this horrible ailment. But..all's' well there..I had a partial hysterectomy when I was 25..and was blessed to adopted a beautiful baby boy.
I have bad knees, finally got diagnosed as osteoarthritis...and waited too long for treatment..so I'm bone on bone there...BUT..am getting relief from the infrared light therapy pad I use everyday...also on my lower back and hips as well as my mid back...truly helping out here. I stopped the vibration plate usage...kinda scared of what I might have already caused....
I looked up Alendronate..which is fosamax and a bisphosphate. Just more affordable than the newer drugs out there. I'm glad this is working for you.
I started doing stronthium again as well as adding in turmeric and glucosamine sulfate (have to add in (chondroitin) and various other supplements...plus collagen.
Right now...I feel like I've stepped on a land mine..and have no good exit strategies at this moment. People like me have fought against mainstream medicine for many years...so to now reboot my mainframe into another way of thinking about big pharma..is a hard one for me to swallow. Mind, body, spirit have to meld...I've got work to do here.
Have you had any tests done since you started the vibration plate?...My husband and I, many years ago...tried out a machine a friend of ours was selling...it was out of the question for us to buy it..it was around $2,000..a standing vibration platform. He tried it and thought he hurt his back....I tried it and loved the feeling. He developed a spinal collapse of a vertebra, had to have a rubber washer placed in to hold that place open..and he always thought it was caused by the vibration plate! I went against his feelings on this when I bought this one...maybe I should have listened to him....
I haven't even dealt with my osteoporosis yet with all of these other issues coming to the forefront. At this time..I'm barely exercising..I don't know what I should be doing..or doing too much? My cat weighs over 14lbs. and needs to get a vaccine..but I can't pick her up..or shouldn't and carry her..in her carrier that also adds weight.... Since my husband passed..it's only me now. I know my son would be helping me out..but sadly he passed away 7 years ago....but everytime I see a lizard run past me..I know it's him....
So..I'm not a nutty ol'lady..just a bit 'out there' and proud of that! Actually, my best friend right now is a lovely sweet young lady of 27 that just adores me and me her. I can count on her if I need too...even though I'm fiercely independent.
I wish you all the best..and hope to keep in touch with you and others as well travel this wobbly road together.

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Hi Bunky,

I don't know if the vibration plate caused the compression fractures. I guess it's possible. So far, I haven't had any problems. In the review of studies I read the vibration exercisers decreased the participants' back pain. Have you looked into the proper body mechanics of movement for osteoporosis? It's possible to get a compression fracture just by bending the back forward or sneezing.

If you need some exercise, check out Dr. Loren Fishman's 12 Poses vs Osteoporosis - there are modified programs for osteoporosis and osteopenia and Algaecal has three different videos demonstrating each variation. And Sara Meeks says the most important exercise is spinal decompression for 15 minutes everyday. You can find all these online by googling them. Of course, your doctors may advise you to do nothing until your fractures heal. Probably best to check with them.

I'm sorry about your son. You have a lot on your shoulders.

It'll be a year before I get another Dexa scan - I'm hoping for better results.

You take care. I hope things go well for you,


@tsc are Tymlos, Forteo and Evenity not on the Best Pills, Worst Pills site because they are not pills?!

Recent studies have shown it might be better to start with those meds first to grow bone, before doing biphosphonates, because biphosphonates may decrease the effectiveness of the other meds, to some degree.

I'm sure you will be fine, and at this point insurance has criteria for who can take Forteo, Tymlos or Evenity- which I hope can change in the future.

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Hi @windyshores,
I don't know why they're not included. I don't know how long they've been on the market. I'll keep checking to see if anything changes.
Take care!


Here is my Osteo journey: Look for a clinic that does Echolight sonagrams scans. Echolight is used in Europe and is now FDA approved. It measures bone strength as well as density without radiation and cost $80-$125 Then with your endocrinologist determine why you are losing calcium. I had a kidney issue where the kidneys were ‘spilling’ calcium rather than absorbing it for my bones. . Also, look for Osteogenic loading equipment which is based on Wolff's law of how the body builds bones. Developed by the German anatomist and surgeon Julius Wolff in the 19th century, states that bone in a healthy animal will adapt to the loads under which it is placed. If loading on a particular bone increases, the bone will remodel itself over time to become stronger to resist that sort of loading. Endocrinologists know this law, but prescribe medicine rather than weight bearing exercise. I asked my doctor to prescribe physical therapy, which gave me a daily bone exercise program for bone strength. I can get an Echolight scan (in Asheville NC) every 6 months to monitor progress and use the Osteogenic equipment (at a near by bone clinic) to stimulate bone growth. Bone loss is slow and so is rebuilding. Meds are designed to either stop the loss or build new bone. The bone may be denser but not always stronger.

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I'm new to Asheville and now live here part of the year. I've noted the Echolight information you've written about and look forward to getting that done. Is there a bone clinic in Asheville? Who uses osteogenic equopment in AVL? And have you checked out OsteoStrong? I've seen more ads for it than documented, verifiable results but am reserving opinion as I've not been you one yet.


Hi @windyshores,
I don't know why they're not included. I don't know how long they've been on the market. I'll keep checking to see if anything changes.
Take care!

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Forteo has been around a long time, Tymlos less , and Evenity is new.


I was interested in the supplement Strontium however after reading up on it I would advise caution. I am on blood thinners blood clots and heart problems can be a problem when taking this supplement. Please do all your research before taking any supplement as there is no miracle pill. I wish there was as I have had my share of fractures from weakened bone in my right leg.


I"m 82, walk every day for 25-30 min and do Combo YMCA exercise daily, I take calcium and AREDS2 containing large amounts of zinc. I've had OP since 2010 was on alendronate without great improvement, I've had no falls, no fractures, and don't want to go on meds now. What might I do to keep myself without a fracture, I eat plants mostly and daily protein--poultry, eggs dairy, and legumes. Any other thoughts?? Thnks


I was interested in the supplement Strontium however after reading up on it I would advise caution. I am on blood thinners blood clots and heart problems can be a problem when taking this supplement. Please do all your research before taking any supplement as there is no miracle pill. I wish there was as I have had my share of fractures from weakened bone in my right leg.

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@calicat what are your DEXA scores?


Hi Bunky,

I don't know if the vibration plate caused the compression fractures. I guess it's possible. So far, I haven't had any problems. In the review of studies I read the vibration exercisers decreased the participants' back pain. Have you looked into the proper body mechanics of movement for osteoporosis? It's possible to get a compression fracture just by bending the back forward or sneezing.

If you need some exercise, check out Dr. Loren Fishman's 12 Poses vs Osteoporosis - there are modified programs for osteoporosis and osteopenia and Algaecal has three different videos demonstrating each variation. And Sara Meeks says the most important exercise is spinal decompression for 15 minutes everyday. You can find all these online by googling them. Of course, your doctors may advise you to do nothing until your fractures heal. Probably best to check with them.

I'm sorry about your son. You have a lot on your shoulders.

It'll be a year before I get another Dexa scan - I'm hoping for better results.

You take care. I hope things go well for you,

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Hi Teri..
I was interested in the vibration plate since seeing a fascinating interview with the inventor. YouTube video by Margaret Martin (on her channel) called “Does Vibration Therapy Improve Osteoporosis “ .. sounded so promising and I do remember him saying there is a vibration frequency that is the limit ..after that it is useless…and it seemed so little!
The Algaecal… Is that the supplement I’ve seen advertised? Any info on the legitimacy? Goodness, the supplement industry is just the Wild West and unfortunately you have to dig ..thus I seek out sites to read stories from like minded individuals to help. I just got my diagnosis Saturday and have had 3 days of overload!
Also, FYI, Margaret Martin specializes in osteoporosis exercises..(and others… but this is her specialty now) I have started and enjoy so much.
I have enjoyed your input..and any info you have on the vibration machine.
Thanks! Barb


I"m 82, walk every day for 25-30 min and do Combo YMCA exercise daily, I take calcium and AREDS2 containing large amounts of zinc. I've had OP since 2010 was on alendronate without great improvement, I've had no falls, no fractures, and don't want to go on meds now. What might I do to keep myself without a fracture, I eat plants mostly and daily protein--poultry, eggs dairy, and legumes. Any other thoughts?? Thnks

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Good evening @dorth14 and welcome to Connect. Osteoporosis and Bone Health is a new group on this forum. It is now easier to hear from others with similar issues and questions.

First, congratulations on making the necessary decisions needed to stay in the very best health you can. I am 80 and find that exercise is very important. I do stretch yoga, 2-mile walks, and special anti-falling exercises that focus on balance and stability. My diet has been refined to lots of greens, modest meats, and yogurt for calcium along with alendronate to maintain my bone density, I think I do need more eggs though.

Do you have any aches that require attention? I have SFN, small fiber neuropathy so I know when a storm is brewing.

My PCP and I work on everything together.......what is called shared decision-making. We have been together for about 10 years and have been through a number of rough places.

Good luck to you.....stay here and don't hesitate to ask questions and make comments. I am sure you can help others live a similar quality life.

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.


Good evening @dorth14 and welcome to Connect. Osteoporosis and Bone Health is a new group on this forum. It is now easier to hear from others with similar issues and questions.

First, congratulations on making the necessary decisions needed to stay in the very best health you can. I am 80 and find that exercise is very important. I do stretch yoga, 2-mile walks, and special anti-falling exercises that focus on balance and stability. My diet has been refined to lots of greens, modest meats, and yogurt for calcium along with alendronate to maintain my bone density, I think I do need more eggs though.

Do you have any aches that require attention? I have SFN, small fiber neuropathy so I know when a storm is brewing.

My PCP and I work on everything together.......what is called shared decision-making. We have been together for about 10 years and have been through a number of rough places.

Good luck to you.....stay here and don't hesitate to ask questions and make comments. I am sure you can help others live a similar quality life.

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.

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Thanks. I have knee and foot OA, but I keep walking with 650mg Tylenol. I don't want to be on drugs as I had used alendronate for 2 years without the progress docs wanted

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