Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

Posted by sieb369 @sieb369, Jan 3, 2022

It has been 5 weeks since my COVID symptoms began. I am well past the isolation date. I had nausea and diarrhea during COVID along with the usual symptoms of cough, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and sinus issues. I have felt like I was over this, but I began having GI pain in the last week. I feel as if my intestines are sore on the inside. I guess it is inflammation. Has anyone else had this and is there anything I can do to help it? Probiotics maybe?

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I had 2 Pfizer and boost from Moderna. I had high fever in the last 2 vaccines. When i had Covid also high fever. I thought i recovered but 1 month later I started gastro problems: bloating, occasional diarrhea and loss of appetite. It has been 5 weeks. I am losing weight so loss of appetite is bothering me the most. At one point it got better but down again. Anyone had this?


Experiencing on and off stomach pain, bloating and weight gain. Got severely hydrated when I had Covid
Now I am constipated all the time.
Probiotics are not helping


Experiencing on and off stomach pain, bloating and weight gain. Got severely hydrated when I had Covid
Now I am constipated all the time.
Probiotics are not helping

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Welcome, @nes, and @js47. GI issues with long COVID are common. Members here report a wide range of GI issues like diarrhea, gluten sensitivity, weight gain, appetitle loss, constipation, abdominal pain and more. To connect you with other members, like @trfb @dylynn @morningrobin @welchllb @lacy459 @rinadbq and more, talking about these issues, I moved your messages to this main discussion:
- Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

You might also be interested in this related discussion:
- Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?


Welcome, @nes, and @js47. GI issues with long COVID are common. Members here report a wide range of GI issues like diarrhea, gluten sensitivity, weight gain, appetitle loss, constipation, abdominal pain and more. To connect you with other members, like @trfb @dylynn @morningrobin @welchllb @lacy459 @rinadbq and more, talking about these issues, I moved your messages to this main discussion:
- Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

You might also be interested in this related discussion:
- Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

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Has anyone had Bacterial Vaginitis in combination with GI issues? I've never had it before. I took this horrible antibiotic, metroNidazole. Now, I hate to admit it to myself but think I'm not quite over the Vaginitis. Can't help feeling my GI constipation with marbles and this infection are related. See GI on October 11th. I , also, have Interstitial Cystitis. Joy, joy. Feeling discouraged!!


I had a mild case of covid in late May. It affected me long haul with loss of appetite and serious diaharria until a couple of weeks ago. My doc was even recommending colonoscopy. I won't do that since I am almost 80. Two weeks ago I started taking a prebiotic call Akkermansia from a company called Pendulum. For the first time in months, I feel like my normal, old self. Appectite is back and GI issues are improving. My energy has come back. Hope this helps.


Experiencing on and off stomach pain, bloating and weight gain. Got severely hydrated when I had Covid
Now I am constipated all the time.
Probiotics are not helping

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These blogs are helping me and hopefully will you and others also.
Neuropathy is the common ground for all of us with long COVID
My guess is that we have many variables in common outside of having had COVID
Age, gender, sports injury's, genetics, Pharma, alcohol, lifestyle and on
I am a 53 yr old female with a lifetime of excess
Vagus nerve damage??? Read up on it's relationship to gut...
Read up on that as well
I did from reading these blogs
Yesterday was my first day taking over the counter as prescribed
It also was my first day in 2 months without ridiculous diarrhea
Study on mice and Pepsid
I'm grateful for this blog!


I am currently really suffering with digestive issues. I can not digest my food properly and have massive amounts of expelled or trapped gas even when I drink water. I can barely eat. My NP has me on double Protonic and Carafate. I recently went to an integrative nutrionist. She is trying a special diet and supplements including some mild probiotics. It is very scary not being able to eat.


I’ve had Covid twice in four months. Most recent three weeks ago. Both times started with extreme fatigue and acid reflux.
I’m still dealing with reflux and have to see my doctor. I became allergic to wheat and red meat after the first time. I’m reading that some medication for reflux might make it worse. I take pepcid because it helps with allergies too. My IgE was elevated but I also have hashimotos.
Any suggestions to help with reflux? I’m a nurse but really struggling to find something. It’s not constant, it comes and goes.


I’ve had Covid twice in four months. Most recent three weeks ago. Both times started with extreme fatigue and acid reflux.
I’m still dealing with reflux and have to see my doctor. I became allergic to wheat and red meat after the first time. I’m reading that some medication for reflux might make it worse. I take pepcid because it helps with allergies too. My IgE was elevated but I also have hashimotos.
Any suggestions to help with reflux? I’m a nurse but really struggling to find something. It’s not constant, it comes and goes.

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I’m so sorry you’re dealing with the pain and disruption to your life that comes with severe heartburn. I’ve had nausea and GERD as well. What helped with those issues for me is a combination of figuring out triggers, taking Famotidine (I saw you already take Pepcid), Zofran, and time. Figuring out my food and beverage triggers was frustrating because it seemed like everything made me nauseas and have heartburn. So I initially gave up coffee (all caffeinated beverages), alcohol, gluten, dairy, red meat, nuts, tomatoes, onions, garlic. For a while I ate only oatmeal, unseasoned chicken breast, celery, cucumbers, applesauce and GF pretzels. I also took probiotics and drank a shot or two of lactose-free Kefir each day. After several weeks I slowly began to test other foods to see if I could tolerate them or if they’d trigger the nausea/heartburn. After almost 5 months I can now eat red meat again. I can eat most berries and a few raw vegetables. Spicy foods, onion & garlic, caffeine, sweets, alcohol, gluten and dairy, are all still triggers for me. And I still take Famotidine 2x daily as well as probiotics and Kefir. But I’m off Zofran and only occasionally deal with nausea or stomach pain or heartburn. Since inflammation seems to be the cause of all Covid related issues, it just depends on where that inflammation settles and clearly mine was in the gut, I’ve tried to learn ways to reduce inflammation in the body. I also practice slow breathing and yoga and avoid stress when possible. I hope you can find what works for you so you can get relief. I know how disruptive to life heartburn can be and how painful it can get. It will eventually get better with time, but see if any of the things I mentioned help. Or if you find something else that works, please post & share.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with the pain and disruption to your life that comes with severe heartburn. I’ve had nausea and GERD as well. What helped with those issues for me is a combination of figuring out triggers, taking Famotidine (I saw you already take Pepcid), Zofran, and time. Figuring out my food and beverage triggers was frustrating because it seemed like everything made me nauseas and have heartburn. So I initially gave up coffee (all caffeinated beverages), alcohol, gluten, dairy, red meat, nuts, tomatoes, onions, garlic. For a while I ate only oatmeal, unseasoned chicken breast, celery, cucumbers, applesauce and GF pretzels. I also took probiotics and drank a shot or two of lactose-free Kefir each day. After several weeks I slowly began to test other foods to see if I could tolerate them or if they’d trigger the nausea/heartburn. After almost 5 months I can now eat red meat again. I can eat most berries and a few raw vegetables. Spicy foods, onion & garlic, caffeine, sweets, alcohol, gluten and dairy, are all still triggers for me. And I still take Famotidine 2x daily as well as probiotics and Kefir. But I’m off Zofran and only occasionally deal with nausea or stomach pain or heartburn. Since inflammation seems to be the cause of all Covid related issues, it just depends on where that inflammation settles and clearly mine was in the gut, I’ve tried to learn ways to reduce inflammation in the body. I also practice slow breathing and yoga and avoid stress when possible. I hope you can find what works for you so you can get relief. I know how disruptive to life heartburn can be and how painful it can get. It will eventually get better with time, but see if any of the things I mentioned help. Or if you find something else that works, please post & share.

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Thank you. It’s frustrating. I think this second round really got me. I’m reading a lot about sibo but not really sure because I got better. Also seems to be a lot of people who relapse after getting better. Also reading that antacids can make things worse though pepcid isn’t really an antacid. It comes and goes and still trying to figure out triggers. I break out in hives though less since cutting out wheat and red meat.

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