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Anybody else have Factor V Leiden?

Blood Cancers & Disorders | Last Active: Apr 19 12:08pm | Replies (43)

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Yes, in 2017...Memorial Day I went to the hospital ER feeling sick but not sick enough to go to the hospital, I thought. But my late husband thought otherwise. I had been experiencing shortness of breath. But attributed this to an upcoming birthday! After several tests at the hospital, I was told I would be hospitalized. I had dvt and PE's. I looked at the dr. and said..."Am I going to die?" He said "No...but if you had not gotten here in a timely manner, you could have experience a heart attack, stroke....or even death. For 3 days, I had both arms inserted with IV's and one of the medications was Heparin which dissolves clots. Because I had not been in an accident, gone on a long flight where I could not move around, had surgery (but I had cataract surgery but they said during cataract surgery one is not sedated very long), a hematologist was called in. She diagnosed me with Factor V Leiden. Sent me home with Xarelto which broke me out in a rash and then changed to Eliqus. I have been fine since but don't like being on a blood thinner....which she said I will be on indefinitely.

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Replies to "Yes, in 2017...Memorial Day I went to the hospital ER feeling sick but not sick enough..."

Just happened to me. Had shortness of breath and thought I had pneumonia so went to hospital and was told I had PE in multiple arteries and DVT in calf on left side. Kept in hospital 3 days with lovenox injections and sent home with 10 day supply of injections and then to switch to a pill. This just happened and came out if blue. I was walking 5mls a day. I’m 55 and have teens at home. This thread makes me feel better that thus will resolve eventually. Thank you!

Hi, I have Factor V Leiden as well and am on Eliquis for life. Blood clot portal vein of liver (no liver damage thankfully.)…
I too dislike (to put it mildly) the lifelong need for Eliquis and am frightened because of the chance of severe or deadly bleeding if injured. Next CT in April to see if clot has cleared. I picture it being absorbed safely by my body when I think of it. We are in this together and we will make it! I have faith that it’s just a matter of time before the next amazing blood thinner that won’t pose a severe risk of bleeding is on the market! Science rocks!
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