CLL leukemia: Just diagnosed, what can be done?

Posted by kegraves @kegraves, Jun 6, 2022

Husband 84 just diagnosed with CLL,
Is this common in older people and what things are done to stop from progressing?? We are new to this site and this diagnosis..

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Thank you, I was 71 when diagnosed.

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I keep getting some of the same old signals. I fell yesterday, CPVT, I believe. Just standing there, realized I was fogging out, so started to sit on the floor. Didn't make it. Woke up spread all over the floor. This happens 2-3 times each year. I apparently fell against some steps, did some damage, maybe to the inner workings. Bent up glasses, got headache and possible broken rib. I need a stronger girlfriend, but my wife won't let me have one. _(*&(*&%. oldkarl


Hi shirlpat, sounds like you are still in the diagnostic process to determine the treatment plan. Has it already been determined that you’ll have surgery? To remove the spleen? How are you doing?

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I will have Wide Neck Dissection surgery on Sept. 29th. Then will meet with the oncologist to determine what treatments are necessary on October 4.


Hi @sonia85, it looks like you must have received results of some bloodwork and there were numbers flagged high or low? Were you having any symptoms which prompted the labs or was this with a routine physical?

CLL is a slowly developing leukemia and can take years before treatment is even needed. It’s often managed quite well.

Have you spoken with a hematologist yet?

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Dear My Result As below


Tell me your opinion about that?


Dear My Result As below


Tell me your opinion about that?

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Dear My Result As below


Tell me your opinion about that?

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Hi, @sonia85 Members on Connect aren’t medical professionals so we can’t diagnose or offer treatments for other members. We can use our life experiences to help support each other though and I’ve had more than my share of blood tests…
The two blood result numbers you’re showing are for white blood counts and lymphocytes. According to standard value charts, they are both higher than the ‘normal’ ranges.
But they are part of a larger picture. So, all of the lab work that was ordered for you, along with your bone marrow biopsy need to be considered before your doctor can make a diagnosis.
I know you’re anxious to get your results back from your tests. Do you have a followup appointment scheduled?


Hi, @sonia85 Members on Connect aren’t medical professionals so we can’t diagnose or offer treatments for other members. We can use our life experiences to help support each other though and I’ve had more than my share of blood tests…
The two blood result numbers you’re showing are for white blood counts and lymphocytes. According to standard value charts, they are both higher than the ‘normal’ ranges.
But they are part of a larger picture. So, all of the lab work that was ordered for you, along with your bone marrow biopsy need to be considered before your doctor can make a diagnosis.
I know you’re anxious to get your results back from your tests. Do you have a followup appointment scheduled?

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the doctor said my head can go bald because of the hot chemo drugs, my hair will fall out, my skin can get wrinkled, just hearing it ,I'm not strong, how can I live it later,lori is that how the treatment for chronic melody leukemia, and she bleed out all the time from her nose


Hi, @sonia85 Members on Connect aren’t medical professionals so we can’t diagnose or offer treatments for other members. We can use our life experiences to help support each other though and I’ve had more than my share of blood tests…
The two blood result numbers you’re showing are for white blood counts and lymphocytes. According to standard value charts, they are both higher than the ‘normal’ ranges.
But they are part of a larger picture. So, all of the lab work that was ordered for you, along with your bone marrow biopsy need to be considered before your doctor can make a diagnosis.
I know you’re anxious to get your results back from your tests. Do you have a followup appointment scheduled?

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Hello dear Lori,

Just i want to give you update we made another test blood as i said before( i want to tell you that for my mom not me ) , today her Dr said that
You have a blood disease that can live with you ,also that occur in the most of people any only need , only need she make blood test every 3 month , That all update i have ,
Any Advise ?

Am very uncomfortable because i dont know what i should do for her


Hello dear Lori,

Just i want to give you update we made another test blood as i said before( i want to tell you that for my mom not me ) , today her Dr said that
You have a blood disease that can live with you ,also that occur in the most of people any only need , only need she make blood test every 3 month , That all update i have ,
Any Advise ?

Am very uncomfortable because i dont know what i should do for her

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Hi @sonia85 From the doctor’s comment it looks like your mother has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. (CLL)
This blood cancer is slow to develop and often doesn’t need any immediate treatment, sometimes for many years. She will have blood tests every three months to check for any changes. This is called “watchful waiting”.

I found an article online that discusses the Watchful Waiting for patients with CLL. You’ll be able to read that this is a very common approach to your mom’s disease.

So I would take this as a good sign that your mom is in the early stages and nothing needs to be done at this time. 🙂
Does this help ease your mind a little?


the doctor said my head can go bald because of the hot chemo drugs, my hair will fall out, my skin can get wrinkled, just hearing it ,I'm not strong, how can I live it later,lori is that how the treatment for chronic melody leukemia, and she bleed out all the time from her nose

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Hi @majid12 I sure wish there was another way to treat the Acute myeloid Leukemia for your wife. But that level of chemotherapy is the only treatment at this time that will kill the cancer cells.
The chemo kills fast growing cells. That is what acute leukemia is; rapidly reproducing, out of control, defective blood cells. It can be a very aggressive disease and the chemo needs to be equally as strong.

Yes, unfortunately losing hair is one of the side effects of these treatments. She also might lose weight as the drugs may make her nauseated. That’s what can make her skin look wrinkly, from the weight loss. But these side effects are temporary and her hair will grow back and her skin will look healthy again when her body is free from the cancer.

Your wife may be bleeding from her nose because her platelet level is low. Her doctors may need to give her a platelet transfusion and possibly a blood transfusion. Those are often necessary while undergoing treatment for leukemia. I had this happen often too. The nosebleeds were very common when I needed platelets.

I know this is a very difficult challenge for your wife. Our hair is often our crowning glory and a shock to lose it. I had long hair when I started treatment. I knew I would lose my hair so I had it shaved off by the beautician at our hospital. It felt liberating to have the hair cut off. That way I didn’t notice it falling out after my chemo.
Your wife will be beautiful even without hair! And it will grow back! Until it grows, there are lovely scarves, little caps and wigs she can wear if she feels more secure that way. I actually loved my bald head! Now, mine has grown in healthy and strong again. But it takes a lot of work. Being bald was easy. 🙂

Tell her she is much stronger than she thinks! The chemo is important so that she can live a healthy life again! The hair loss is temporary. It is more important to focus on having the cancer gone!
This treatment should start soon. Are you able to be with her?


Hi @majid12 I sure wish there was another way to treat the Acute myeloid Leukemia for your wife. But that level of chemotherapy is the only treatment at this time that will kill the cancer cells.
The chemo kills fast growing cells. That is what acute leukemia is; rapidly reproducing, out of control, defective blood cells. It can be a very aggressive disease and the chemo needs to be equally as strong.

Yes, unfortunately losing hair is one of the side effects of these treatments. She also might lose weight as the drugs may make her nauseated. That’s what can make her skin look wrinkly, from the weight loss. But these side effects are temporary and her hair will grow back and her skin will look healthy again when her body is free from the cancer.

Your wife may be bleeding from her nose because her platelet level is low. Her doctors may need to give her a platelet transfusion and possibly a blood transfusion. Those are often necessary while undergoing treatment for leukemia. I had this happen often too. The nosebleeds were very common when I needed platelets.

I know this is a very difficult challenge for your wife. Our hair is often our crowning glory and a shock to lose it. I had long hair when I started treatment. I knew I would lose my hair so I had it shaved off by the beautician at our hospital. It felt liberating to have the hair cut off. That way I didn’t notice it falling out after my chemo.
Your wife will be beautiful even without hair! And it will grow back! Until it grows, there are lovely scarves, little caps and wigs she can wear if she feels more secure that way. I actually loved my bald head! Now, mine has grown in healthy and strong again. But it takes a lot of work. Being bald was easy. 🙂

Tell her she is much stronger than she thinks! The chemo is important so that she can live a healthy life again! The hair loss is temporary. It is more important to focus on having the cancer gone!
This treatment should start soon. Are you able to be with her?

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What an inspiring lovely response, Lori! So glad you are doing well!

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