Pain after recent Knee Replacement. What is normal? For how long?

Posted by pgcdds @pgcdds, Sep 4, 2021

Does anyone else feel a “ stabbing “ pain in the back of their knee when flexing it with slight resistance ? For example, when trying to rise from a chair and you bring your feet close to the chair’s base to stand up or just even standing and you flex your leg by raising your foot behind yourself ?

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Hi just reading all the post this morning sounds like you are doing all the right things… I had tkr at 59 because same bone on bone than revision on same knee year later so I am like 40 days out now …but I can relate to the sciatica my first tkr was so bad took months to be able to sit in a car longer than 10 minutes with that severe pain …. This second time I don’t have sciatica I thought it was but it was hip and a different muscle pain…. I suffered for few weeks I was going to mfr she was working on it I would get temporary relief she said it ran very deep …. She referred to chiropractor…. This chiropractor is amazing like no other I have been to…. I have had 6 visits the pain on scale of 1-10 has gone from 10 to a 2 at times 3….. which is so tolerable from where it was ….she did look at all my exercises and modified ones that hurt my hip, she uses machine for the nerves, cold therapy on my knee , and laser combination ….all has helped tremendously….. any chiropractor I have seen before adjust you put tense unit on you sent you out the door…. For your sciatica if you have chiropractor that does a little more than adjustment would be very helpful…..but yes the heat helped my sciatica also used tense unit if you have or can get, and a tennis ball I would roll around the area few times a day down my leg seem to help a lot to loosen it up…with palm your hand do circle’s….your doing great I like you look forward to the pain free days they are coming ….


Thanks, Chris! I am 65 years old. When I retired at the end of 2021, I didn't even know I had a problem with my knee, it was just stiff and a little sore. I went to see an orthopedics doctor in February and he took an xray that showed bone-on-bone arthritis in my right knee. The joint was so damaged it had turned my right leg inward and I was walking knock-kneed.
It took me a couple of months to decide to have the TKR. I just couldn't believe it was true. My surgeon not only replaced the joint but also straightened my leg. This added a risk of nerve damage and paralysis. Thank God, no damage occurred. I appreciate your encouragement. Knee surgery recovery is one of the hardest physical things I've ever endured.

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Good for you! i had TKR and also straightening of my leg because doc said I was a bit knock kneed. Two and a half years later and I have more pain and difficulty in walking than ever! Wish I never had it done.


I was feeling that sharp pain and giving out when first stood up and change of direction … my pt gave me few exercises in like two week it improved …. Now that issue all good….. she did tell me after sitting a bit prime my leg raising up and down few times before I get up …. Exercise standing on one foot help strengthen my leg a lot also….


I am 13 months out and am still in pain most of the time unless sitting with legs stretched out. My pain is most prominent on the outside of knee but do get pain behind the knee, around over the top and inside especially after swimming and cycling. ROM stretches also initiate pain. Haven’t resigned myself to be a couch potato but very tired, physically and mentally from pain. Use distraction as therapy. Hope you get better!


I had TKRs on both knees this year and everything went well. I got in shape well before surgery, and followed all PT instructions rigorously.

Even so, I get pain in my kneecaps when I get up from a cushioned couch or chair - basically my knees are above my butt. The pain is short and not all that bad. It's only been a few months, so I'll continue to strengthen my quads and hopefully next year it will be better. Also, I'll use my arms more and whenever I can when standing up.


I had TKRs on both knees this year and everything went well. I got in shape well before surgery, and followed all PT instructions rigorously.

Even so, I get pain in my kneecaps when I get up from a cushioned couch or chair - basically my knees are above my butt. The pain is short and not all that bad. It's only been a few months, so I'll continue to strengthen my quads and hopefully next year it will be better. Also, I'll use my arms more and whenever I can when standing up.

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You are lucky, don’t complain. Age, weight, condition all factor in. I would kill to have your issue after only a few months


You are lucky, don’t complain. Age, weight, condition all factor in. I would kill to have your issue after only a few months

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I'm not complaining. My point is posting is to show how well a TKR can go in most cases when one prepares themselves for the surgery and then is diligent in the PT follow up. Most posters here are unhappy with their results, and yet around 90% of all people with TKRs are pleased with the results.

I'd like to be able to help someone considering the surgery. I hope your knees get better.


Close to 4 months pain and no sleep
Little over a year now since TKR still following exercises my pt wants me to continue with forever new knee is awesome!


Interested in any opinions about ongoing pain, especially after exercise, eg swimming or biking.Pretty much feeLs tight and burning most of time. By nighttime, outside of knee is very warm and pain seems worse. Am 13 months out from surgery. Had bone scan and no infection found. Tried nerve ablation but didn’t do much. Possibly allergic to plastic or metal? Hope not but this doesn’t seem to be a successful surgery.


With everyone being different it's hard to say why some people have more pain than others. Me , its been almost 4yrs. since TKR , and my apin is at 8 on a good day, I have been told it's nerve damage that can happen with any surgery. To me it's doctors PRACTICING MEDICINE and they just don;t have answers. I guess on average TKR are pain free, NEVER, but on average 9months to year a half, is when a lot of people say they have complete turned the corner

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