How did you wean off Metoprolol?

Posted by kenny48 @kenny48, May 11, 2018

I've been taking both flecainide and metoprolol now for eight years, as a prophylactic for Afib. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. Have had a lot of PVC's this past two months, and had to wear a heart monitor for an entire month. He said that although I had a lot of PVC's I didn't have even one PAC! He also noted that my BPM was low in the low fifties most of the time. He asked why I was taking metropolol. I told him that the only thing my previous doctor had said was " it makes the flecainide, work better". He suggested I stop taking the metoprolol to see how I do without it. Unfortunately I read a lot of information on the internet. I read that it can be very dangerous to stop taking it. I take 25 mg metoprolol succinate, split in half. Once in the morning with my flecainide, and then again in the evening for a second dose. He wants me to take half in the morning and skip the evening dose for two days, then stop entirely. Has anyone else stopped taking this drug in a similar manner? I'm worried that the cut off is too soon.

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I went off it over the course of a month, cutting in halves and then quarters, then every other day, etc. No problems

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Thank you Nancy for this reply. I was thinking of doing every other day . . . good to hear it worked for you. How long have you been off it?


Thank you Nancy for this reply. I was thinking of doing every other day . . . good to hear it worked for you. How long have you been off it?

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About a year. I take low dose digoxin now


About a year. I take low dose digoxin now

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Hi. New here, and I'm a little worried. Folks are talking about getting off of 25 mg metoprolol cut in half. I take 100mg twice daily. Is that OK? Richard


My cardiologist wants me to switch from Metoprolol to Atenolol. I'm wondering if anyone has done an abrupt switch and did it go okay. I'm very scared to just switch since I'm having so many horrific side effects already from the metoprolol. He said there would be no tapering off the Metoprolol just a clean switch. Help! Did this work for other people?


Thank you for your comment KLH. I am so very happy to have found this website and know it's going to be helpful to connect with others regarding heart issues. So far this is the second day off of the Metoprolol, 12.5 mg daily. I went on a mile hike in the woods today and did well. I will continue to take the Hawthorn leaf, flower, and berry tincture twice daily and also drink 2 cups of the infusion (strong tea). I also believe my 15 minute meditation with abdominal breathing exercises are important for stress reduction.
Good to hear you are a gardener, working with the earth is good for the heart and mind. Just go easy and enjoy the plants.

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How are you doing now? Any increased side effects?


Hi all!

My doctor is allowing me to wean off Metoprolol succinate 25g. I was on this for somewhat high BP. My BP has significantly dropped. The side effects from being on this medication have made me feel awful, and just blah. My doc said since I was only on 25 mg that I could just stop but my anxiety isn't allowing me to do this. The pharmacy said I could taper off but gave no strict schedule. I've taken 1/2 dose for 5 days, skipped yesterday and haven't taken yet today either. It's been 48 hrs since my last dose and all I feel is a little anxious but my shortness of breath is improving, my energy is improving, and so is the heart pounding feeling in my upper parts of my body. Considering dropping to 1/4 of a pill today for the next week or just stopping overall but im so scared.

Did anyone have a delayed reaction when weaning off? Im on day 2 with barely any symptoms but not sure if i should expect them within the next week or if im lucky enough to not get the bad side effects during the weaning off process.

Wishing everyone the best during this journey! This drug is awful. Im hoping to be an advocate for others regarding this in the future. Thank you!


How are you doing now? Any increased side effects?

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I was off the 12.5 mg Metoprolol for 6 days and then I started getting a high resting heart rate at night and after a few hours I got anxious and took half a pill and things settled down in less than an hour. I took another half a pill the next night. Now I am skipping this night and will try taking 12.5 mg every other day and see how it goes. I continue taking the Hawthorn tincture and infusion (strong tea) daily. The main side effect with stopping the Metoprolol is an increased resting heart rate and anxiety and sometimes arrhythmia.


Hi all!

My doctor is allowing me to wean off Metoprolol succinate 25g. I was on this for somewhat high BP. My BP has significantly dropped. The side effects from being on this medication have made me feel awful, and just blah. My doc said since I was only on 25 mg that I could just stop but my anxiety isn't allowing me to do this. The pharmacy said I could taper off but gave no strict schedule. I've taken 1/2 dose for 5 days, skipped yesterday and haven't taken yet today either. It's been 48 hrs since my last dose and all I feel is a little anxious but my shortness of breath is improving, my energy is improving, and so is the heart pounding feeling in my upper parts of my body. Considering dropping to 1/4 of a pill today for the next week or just stopping overall but im so scared.

Did anyone have a delayed reaction when weaning off? Im on day 2 with barely any symptoms but not sure if i should expect them within the next week or if im lucky enough to not get the bad side effects during the weaning off process.

Wishing everyone the best during this journey! This drug is awful. Im hoping to be an advocate for others regarding this in the future. Thank you!

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Hi @bayxo

I'm 35, male, and was prescribed Metoprolol for what we believe was high BP caused by steroids (prescribed to fight an infection). I've never had issues with BP before and was told to take 25mg twice daily of M-Tartrate. Primary said stopping it shouldn't be a problem, but... IT WAS. I even went down to 12.5mg for two days and was feeling much better (less fatigue vs. 25mg). Then, I stopped this morning and had an acute reaction to MT being out of my system; heart palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, and BP through the roof (for me; 130/101). It was hell.

All to say - I'd really like to get out of this mess and I'm sad my Primary ever prescribed this drug. But, I'm going to copy you and continue to cut dosages. Spend about a week or so here @ 1/2 dosage and then go to 1/4 and see how my body takes to it. DO NOT STOP ALTOGETHER. If you're here reading this, that means you have had some sort of side effect or symptom. We're all helping each other to figure out the best way off this drug, but it's going to take longer than (I) expected. @bayxo , would love to hear about your journey and progression! Thanks to all for sharing their advice!


I decided about five weeks ago, to cut the 25mg of Met in half. My side effects were too much. So I did. I felt anxious about it and consulted with a therapist to help me with my fear. It helped. After about 4 days I was feeling a lot better. Still with fatigue but didn't have the shortness of breath. Also my libido was back, my mental strength improved, my creativity and incentive was back. I did well for about a month, and then the shortness of breath came back and I wasn't feeling well. Scheduled apt with Dr and went back on the former dosage. After five days, my water retention is down, I don't have that sense of being strangled around the chest, but very low energy and shortness of breath. I have leaky heart valves, mitro valve prolapse, and afib. Hearts enlarged to near fatal event six years ago of heart failure. Would like to suggest to Dr another med that doesn't drain me of life. Wondering if there is one or if it would make any difference. I'm 74 female, retired teacher.


I decided about five weeks ago, to cut the 25mg of Met in half. My side effects were too much. So I did. I felt anxious about it and consulted with a therapist to help me with my fear. It helped. After about 4 days I was feeling a lot better. Still with fatigue but didn't have the shortness of breath. Also my libido was back, my mental strength improved, my creativity and incentive was back. I did well for about a month, and then the shortness of breath came back and I wasn't feeling well. Scheduled apt with Dr and went back on the former dosage. After five days, my water retention is down, I don't have that sense of being strangled around the chest, but very low energy and shortness of breath. I have leaky heart valves, mitro valve prolapse, and afib. Hearts enlarged to near fatal event six years ago of heart failure. Would like to suggest to Dr another med that doesn't drain me of life. Wondering if there is one or if it would make any difference. I'm 74 female, retired teacher.

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Didn't mention, three weeks into this experiment off metro., my security blanket, ie husband, was away. I think I missed him lot's and also the therapeutic massage we are into. Touch is so beneficial. This probably added to my stress which made matters worse. No way to know for sure.

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