Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Center (PRC) - What’s Your Experience?

Posted by robyn @boltz7555, May 13, 2022

Hello - my Mayo neurologist recently recommended the pain rehabilitation center (PRC) to me. They have scheduled my consultation for next week. I’m interested in hearing from others who have gone through this program. What was your experience?
@rwinney Hi Rachel - I had you in mind when I came to make this post and I found the helpful feedback and information you shared in a post from April, here:
Did your condition impact your ability to work? If so, were you able to return to work with no special accommodations after PRC?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


Hi, thank you for the speddy reply. Actually you are correct we live in california. I am in a lot of pain and reaching out. I would request a video or telephone meeting. I will look up a teaching hospital ( not clear as of a teaching is) and health facility.
Thank you

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Hi John, we also live in california. I would very much like a video meeting to pursue my pain management. Thank you


Good morning, no I am not interested in pursuing min arizona.probably pain management in general.where could I find information on this?
Thank you

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Hi, I'm sorry you are in so much pain. Have you reached out to your primary care provider for a referral to a pain medicine program or pain rehabilitation center in your local area? Also, local teaching hospitals may be a place to inquire.

Connect is unable to set up video or telephone meetings, but as mentioned, your PCP should offer help and guidance.

How is navigating Connect going for you? Are you getting the hang of it?


Hi, I'm sorry you are in so much pain. Have you reached out to your primary care provider for a referral to a pain medicine program or pain rehabilitation center in your local area? Also, local teaching hospitals may be a place to inquire.

Connect is unable to set up video or telephone meetings, but as mentioned, your PCP should offer help and guidance.

How is navigating Connect going for you? Are you getting the hang of it?

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Hi, thank you for the reply. Yes I reached out to my primary doctor, she referred me to the pain clinic. Just started so I’ll see how it goes. Thanks.


Hello, Cindy @samz0429. I feel your frustrations of having chronic pain and want to help as best I can.

My earlier post, that you are replying to is regarding Mayo's Pain Rehabilitation Center. The closest PRC to California is Arizona. Are you interested in pain management in general or the Mayo PRC? Do you mind providing a bit more about yourself and your needs?

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Hi Rachel, not sure if I responded earlier but I am enrolled in our local pain clinic. So far it’s just a group of people complaining.mi need more results of how I can help myself with pain. Any suggestions?


Hi Rachel, not sure if I responded earlier but I am enrolled in our local pain clinic. So far it’s just a group of people complaining.mi need more results of how I can help myself with pain. Any suggestions?

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Hi there - yes, I do have a suggestion, but first a few comments and questions so I can better understand.

Pain management through pain clinics are not typically the same as pain rehabilitation centers or programs. It's good you recognize that you don't want to be a part of a group of people complaining, that's toxic and doesn't accomplish much. I admire your willingness to want to learn self-help pain management.

Did you mention that you are not near any of the 3 Mayo Clinic's nor are able to get to one for their world-renowned Pain Rehabilitation Center?


Hi there - yes, I do have a suggestion, but first a few comments and questions so I can better understand.

Pain management through pain clinics are not typically the same as pain rehabilitation centers or programs. It's good you recognize that you don't want to be a part of a group of people complaining, that's toxic and doesn't accomplish much. I admire your willingness to want to learn self-help pain management.

Did you mention that you are not near any of the 3 Mayo Clinic's nor are able to get to one for their world-renowned Pain Rehabilitation Center?

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Hi Rachel, I truly appreciate your time. No I did not know there is a difference in pain clinic and programs or pain rehab. Do you have suggestions how I may find a rehab within the kaiser facility? I will heck local hospitals for a program. No we live in california and unable to afford travel.
Thank you


Hi Rachel, I truly appreciate your time. No I did not know there is a difference in pain clinic and programs or pain rehab. Do you have suggestions how I may find a rehab within the kaiser facility? I will heck local hospitals for a program. No we live in california and unable to afford travel.
Thank you

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Hi Rachel,b finally got into see a pain specialist surgeon who will give me cortsoid injections in the stomach. This will be my second treatment. Sure hope it helps.


Hi Rachel,b finally got into see a pain specialist surgeon who will give me cortsoid injections in the stomach. This will be my second treatment. Sure hope it helps.

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Hello there,

I'm happy to hear you got in with a pain specialist and are trying steroid injections for relief. How'd that first one go? Sometimes it takes a series to achieve max effect. I sure hope it helps too!

The difference between pain clinics/pain management and pain rehabilitation centers are the methods used to achieve relief. Pain clinics focus on medications and procedures like injections, nerve blocks, radio frequency ablations and implants whereas rehabilitation programs are more of a holistic self-management method not relying on medications and doctors to treat chronic symptoms.

Please learn more about rehabilitation here:
Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center -


Many people, including myself typically start with pain management like you're doing. We hope for help, a quick fix, buying us time from pain. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, each of us is different. If or when procedures, injections and meds run their course and that band aid is no longer cutting it, we are left with other choices such as rehabilitation and learning self-help tools like moderation and modification through physical therapy and occupational therapy, emotional and behavioral therapies, sleep hygiene, diet, calming and relaxation techniques. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

Considering you aren't able to get to a Mayo Clinic and have started with a pain management clinic locally I say keep on trucking and see how those injections help you. One step at a time. Try not to get too far ahead of yourself. Learning how to calm your body and mind can be very helpful in symptom management. Do you practice diaphragmatic breathing? How about mindful meditation?
Are you interested in learning other self-help tools?


Hello , I am in the middle of the application process for the Mayo clinic chronic pain rehab program in Arizona. Is there anyone who has attended this program who can help me with an issue concerning the application travel requirement. ? They have just received all my application materials and have now requested that I travel to Arizona to be interviewed .
This seems rather bizarre .. a program designed for people with severe pain that is unresponsive to treatment, being asked to travel long distances ( I live in Canada ) as part of an application process in this day and age when huge parts of the workforce are working from home . Travel is very challenging for me and needless to say I have written back making a case for an exception to this request . It seems obvious when we’ve just come out of a pandemic when it was all done remotely , to make this request .
Has anyone else found this a problem and been successful in doing their interview remotely ?


Hello , I am in the middle of the application process for the Mayo clinic chronic pain rehab program in Arizona. Is there anyone who has attended this program who can help me with an issue concerning the application travel requirement. ? They have just received all my application materials and have now requested that I travel to Arizona to be interviewed .
This seems rather bizarre .. a program designed for people with severe pain that is unresponsive to treatment, being asked to travel long distances ( I live in Canada ) as part of an application process in this day and age when huge parts of the workforce are working from home . Travel is very challenging for me and needless to say I have written back making a case for an exception to this request . It seems obvious when we’ve just come out of a pandemic when it was all done remotely , to make this request .
Has anyone else found this a problem and been successful in doing their interview remotely ?

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Hey there @alh123. I agree, given your distance I would think Mayo PRC would make an exception on travel. What you received may just be standard protocol. Give the AZ program ditector a call. It may be easier to speak with someone personally.

I attended during COVID so my interviews were remote on Zoom. I live in NY and attended the Florida program.

Pease keep me posted on how it works out.

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