Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi, I’m Jan and I’ve had severe headaches for one year now. They are not migrain. Pain is always there, but 325 mg of Tylenol give me relief for about 4 hours. That’s how I cope with it around the clock, 6 pills a day. I’ve had neck injections, lidocaine and last month, Botox. Neither changed the pain. Also had a test for killing a nerve and that didn’t work either. I’m researching Orthopedic Dr, John Sarno’s work on the nervous system. His first book, is Healing Back pain and there are numerous others he wrote. The syndrome is called Tension myositis, or TSM. Can’t report on its benefits as yet.

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I have had 1 laminectomy 2 failed fusions that did nit take, 3rd finally did but slit scare tissue nerve damage from infection . I did alit procedures burning roots ect nothing worked , I am in Duragesic and something for breakthrough pain go pain Doc every mo th Walking & swimming helps alit do I do nit have to take maybe 1 pull a day that’s it Good for me less is best 😊 I am trying to avoid another surgery at all cost My other went terribly , none are a guaranteed Everyone us different Put it off as long as you can Surgery unless the pain is unbearable nothing works but try hard PT , walking, swimming is easy on back 🤩Hope you feel better
Ice helps alit we have to use all tools in our box to combat pain


I force myself to walk around the house but sometimes the pain is too great. I find that sitting too long causes severe pain when I stand up. I am on a diet but am at a plateau. I hope I start losing weight again. I contacted my PC and she has ordered a hospital bed for me. I hope it will go low enough so I can get in the bed. She gave me the name of an orthopedic that might help me. I really don't know what to do. Thanks for thinking of me.

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@jmb73 I think you are doing the right things. I think you should be proud of the fact that you're not quitting. Forcing yourself to walk around the house is an accomplishment and we must focus on small wins each day to stay positive. Getting the new bed is another accomplishment and shows you are problem solving. Way to go! What kind of fun do you have? Do you have any distractions that give your brain a vacation from symptoms?


Hi, I’m Jan and I’ve had severe headaches for one year now. They are not migrain. Pain is always there, but 325 mg of Tylenol give me relief for about 4 hours. That’s how I cope with it around the clock, 6 pills a day. I’ve had neck injections, lidocaine and last month, Botox. Neither changed the pain. Also had a test for killing a nerve and that didn’t work either. I’m researching Orthopedic Dr, John Sarno’s work on the nervous system. His first book, is Healing Back pain and there are numerous others he wrote. The syndrome is called Tension myositis, or TSM. Can’t report on its benefits as yet.

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Hi @jan33, welcome to Connect, it's nice to have you join the conversation. Thank you for sharing the information about Dr. John Sarno and his books. He is highly regarded.

I'm sorry to hear about your failed attempts at headache relief. That is a long time to be trying to manage head pain. Unfortunately, treatments may not always be the answer. They all failed for me too.

So, you are a researcher? My kind of gal! I'm wondering if your familiar with central sensitization syndrome aka CSS. If you want to learn about the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, I recommend watching the following. It may tie in with some of Dr. Sarno's teachings.

During my research days I came across Mayo Clinic's video by Dr. Sletten and it home for me. A big AH-HAH moment. Perhaps you will connect with it too. Do you mind letting me know your thoughts?

I look forward to you reporting on the benefits you may experience from following Dr. Sarno's plan. Have you begun any lifestyle changes yet?


Hi, I’m Jan and I’ve had severe headaches for one year now. They are not migrain. Pain is always there, but 325 mg of Tylenol give me relief for about 4 hours. That’s how I cope with it around the clock, 6 pills a day. I’ve had neck injections, lidocaine and last month, Botox. Neither changed the pain. Also had a test for killing a nerve and that didn’t work either. I’m researching Orthopedic Dr, John Sarno’s work on the nervous system. His first book, is Healing Back pain and there are numerous others he wrote. The syndrome is called Tension myositis, or TSM. Can’t report on its benefits as yet.

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@jan33 I had a migraine for 3 months, getting even worse and I received Ozone and Plasma Rich Protein (PRP) injections in my occipital region on late Thursday afternoon. I woke up on Sunday without a migraine! This procedure was recommended by my naturopath doctor. I hadn’t had my headache near as long as you but it luckily worked for me. I wish your pain to go away soon!


@jan33 I had a migraine for 3 months, getting even worse and I received Ozone and Plasma Rich Protein (PRP) injections in my occipital region on late Thursday afternoon. I woke up on Sunday without a migraine! This procedure was recommended by my naturopath doctor. I hadn’t had my headache near as long as you but it luckily worked for me. I wish your pain to go away soon!

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Aren’t migraines episodic? And accompanied by nausea and halos? I don’t have that. I have constant pain 24 hrs, continuously. MDs called it migraine even without the migraine symptoms. Thanks for your info. Interesting. And you never had the headache again? I’ve had lidocaine injections and Botox injections without any results. I’m about to try CBD to get off OTC pain meds.


Aren’t migraines episodic? And accompanied by nausea and halos? I don’t have that. I have constant pain 24 hrs, continuously. MDs called it migraine even without the migraine symptoms. Thanks for your info. Interesting. And you never had the headache again? I’ve had lidocaine injections and Botox injections without any results. I’m about to try CBD to get off OTC pain meds.

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I’m going to make a note of what you had and see if anyone I know in the medical field would try it.


Aren’t migraines episodic? And accompanied by nausea and halos? I don’t have that. I have constant pain 24 hrs, continuously. MDs called it migraine even without the migraine symptoms. Thanks for your info. Interesting. And you never had the headache again? I’ve had lidocaine injections and Botox injections without any results. I’m about to try CBD to get off OTC pain meds.

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@jan33. I was in pain 24x7, throwing up regularly, nauseous all the time, saw “lightning” out of the corner of my left eye and then it moved into my neck, back. And even upper arms. I tried a couple PCP’s who diagnosed me with a migraine which is odd since this was my first one at 57 hrs old. I had to wait months to see a neurologist and she diagnosed me with occipital neuralgia. None of the migraine meds worked, and I’d been in bed most of the 3 months because of my head spinning and balance issues. I don’t expect the PRP to last forever but luckily I found a new PCP who is taking this seriously and has scheduled me for the earliest occipital nerve block possible at the end of September. I have to use a tennis ball every day to gently roll out tightness in my neck and upper shoulders or I can feel the start of a severe headache starting again. Sometimes several times a day. My myofascial practitioner also helps keep my fascia as loose as she can. The neurologist told me this may be lifelong. I really hope not. Oh I forgot. I was prescribed muscle relaxers to help but those knock me out.


Hi, I’m Jan and I’ve had severe headaches for one year now. They are not migrain. Pain is always there, but 325 mg of Tylenol give me relief for about 4 hours. That’s how I cope with it around the clock, 6 pills a day. I’ve had neck injections, lidocaine and last month, Botox. Neither changed the pain. Also had a test for killing a nerve and that didn’t work either. I’m researching Orthopedic Dr, John Sarno’s work on the nervous system. His first book, is Healing Back pain and there are numerous others he wrote. The syndrome is called Tension myositis, or TSM. Can’t report on its benefits as yet.

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Has anyone checked via mri brain and spine for answers


After 35 radiation treatments and 8 weekly Cisplatin injections for throat cancer, I'm slowly on the mend. Not without particular challenges, my esophagus is raw and a source of great pain. Adversity is my constant companion, unfortunately.


Aren’t migraines episodic? And accompanied by nausea and halos? I don’t have that. I have constant pain 24 hrs, continuously. MDs called it migraine even without the migraine symptoms. Thanks for your info. Interesting. And you never had the headache again? I’ve had lidocaine injections and Botox injections without any results. I’m about to try CBD to get off OTC pain meds.

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Nurtec otd

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