My teen grandson has oppositional defiant disorder, need input

Posted by kay jay @kayjay1, May 12, 2012

has anyone had children with this dosorder .My 15 year old grandson has this disorder would very much like some first hand knowledge please

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kayjay...My 15 year old son was diagnosed with ODD along with a mood disorder, anxiety and ADHD at 5 years old. We have been through the ringer with him, special ed schools, a wilderness therapeutic program for 8 weeks, therapy. My husband and I are in the process of working with a psychologist weekly in order to better learn how to parent him. He has been raised in a loving home with both parents, no trauma or environmental situations that could explain his behavior. It is purely neuro biological. Your grandson might need a specialized therapeutic environment, at the least, you will need to learn special parenting skills. But most of all, keep in mind that you/ his parents, have only 3 more years of control over him with regard to his schooling.

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