Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect?

Posted by rose53 @rose53, Oct 21, 2021

I was just diagnosed with this uterine cancer. I am 68 and I'm so freightened. Waiting to see doctor for hysteroctomy. This is all I know. I had a biopsy done and this is the result. Anyone please let me know what ro expect and do before hand and any suggestions are embraced. ❤

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I went through the same thing. I did not see my oncologist either but the his RN. She explained to me the results of my blood work which was good. She did cervical exam (pap smear) but informed me by the reports he received, it has to be repeated because nor have enough cells collected. Therefore I have to get it repeated again when I go back in 4 months. So I hear you and feel for you.


I went through the same thing. I did not see my oncologist either but the his RN. She explained to me the results of my blood work which was good. She did cervical exam (pap smear) but informed me by the reports he received, it has to be repeated because nor have enough cells collected. Therefore I have to get it repeated again when I go back in 4 months. So I hear you and feel for you.

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@rose53 oh my! I am sorry that happened to you also. It is very frustrating. I asked what to expect at future visits and she said just an internal exam and pap smear. I said no blood work or other tests and she said not unless I had other issues.


I had my first 3 month checkup this past week. I must say it was an extremely stressful week and I was very nervous to go to the appointment in the first place and in the end I didn't even get to see my oncologist. Apparently there was some sort of issues throughout the day and he was running pretty late, so an assistant came in and talked to me for a moment and did a quick exam. I asked about my menopausal symptoms as they are quite intense at times and she told me that I could try to take an extra pill that he prescribed for a couple days and that they aren't meant to take all symptoms away and to pretty much live with it. I am pretty disheartened at this point. I didn't expect the HRT to take everything away, but I would love to feel a little more like my old self.

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@cmb2022 I've been thinking about you all week and sending positive thoughts for your exam. I was very nervous at my first follow-up exam in April (after the recurrence and radiation therapy I had in December, 2021). While I had to wait almost an hour to see the radiation oncologist the exam was thorough.

In my experience it is common to have a physical (pelvic) exam and no other tests such as blood tests or scans. After my hysterectomy the GYN/ONC surgeon told me this. She said that a recurrence is more likely to be found on physical exam and if that occurs a scan would be ordered. In fact, that's what happened to me in October, 2021 when the nurse practitioner that I see found a polyp-like growth at the top of my vagina on the vaginal vault.

What would you like to do next? Do you want to make an appointment with your gynecologist to discuss your menopausal symptoms and HRT medication? Do you want a referral to a gynecologist who specializes in menopause? It just seems to me that your oncologist is not responsive to your needs and I feel angry and sad for you.

I'm going to start a discussion in the Women's Health discussion group on HRT after hysterectomy.


@cmb2022 I've been thinking about you all week and sending positive thoughts for your exam. I was very nervous at my first follow-up exam in April (after the recurrence and radiation therapy I had in December, 2021). While I had to wait almost an hour to see the radiation oncologist the exam was thorough.

In my experience it is common to have a physical (pelvic) exam and no other tests such as blood tests or scans. After my hysterectomy the GYN/ONC surgeon told me this. She said that a recurrence is more likely to be found on physical exam and if that occurs a scan would be ordered. In fact, that's what happened to me in October, 2021 when the nurse practitioner that I see found a polyp-like growth at the top of my vagina on the vaginal vault.

What would you like to do next? Do you want to make an appointment with your gynecologist to discuss your menopausal symptoms and HRT medication? Do you want a referral to a gynecologist who specializes in menopause? It just seems to me that your oncologist is not responsive to your needs and I feel angry and sad for you.

I'm going to start a discussion in the Women's Health discussion group on HRT after hysterectomy.

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Thank you so much for remembering me this past week. To be honest I don't know what I want. I waited in the waiting area for a little over 90 minutes, and then like 20 more for the Nurse Practioner to come in and the exam was anything but thorough.
My appointment was late afternoon and it was well after 9 until I got home. I think I will message my gynecologist and ask what she thinks as far as the HRT. This too shall pass. Thanks again for always replying.
Also, thank you for starting a new discussion on HRT. I look forward to seeing other stories


Hello Helen,

Thank you so much for checking on me. <3 I had my CT scans done a week ago - a chest scan, and abdomen/pelvic scans with and without contrast. I got all of the results back, and I am ecstatic. My chest was clear - nodes are clear and no suspicious nodules, and I saw this:

"No adenopathy or ascites. Normal caliber abdominal aorta. Unremarkable IVC."

I looked up what adenopathy is, and it means lymph nodes. My pelvic nodes are clear. 🙂

I see Oncology tomorrow for my consult, so hopefully I will have additional news then, but I am still in a state of happy shock from seeing this. All of my other organs were fine - except for a small kidney stone, and two compression fractures in my back. I also have a fatty liver, and I went on medication two days ago to address that.

I will write tomorrow or Tuesday to let you know what the plan is for treatment. Thank you again so much! 🙂

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@andrea69 Hello. I'm wondering how you are doing. Last year (in November) you wrote that you had very good news from your CT scans and planned to go to Oncology. Did you receive treatment? Or watch and wait with frequent checkups? How are you feeling and doing today?


Hi 68 years old and on July 15 came down with my first UTI with bleeding, thought the bleeding was do to the UTI but after going to see a OBGYN and going to Urgent care first with test and a Pap Smear came back negative to seeing the OBGYN and doing test found out I have have Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, FIGO grade 3. I haven’t been bleeding a lot just more or less spotting and after I wipe when potty. I have had no symptoms, my appetite been awesome, no weight loss, no cramps or back pain what so ever. I just got a call from my OBGYN from Mayo Clinic today so she is referring me to Rochester Mayo Clinic to get me in ASAP. I am hoping it is in early stages cause I have had no symptoms . So nervous. What do they consider advanced stages of this cancer can’t really find a answer? My mind is all over the -lace worrying. I have read most of these stories has helped some what. So glad I have yours who have been through this and facing this as I am. So it sounds like surgery possible a radical hysterectomy. Don’t know, Thanks


Hi 68 years old and on July 15 came down with my first UTI with bleeding, thought the bleeding was do to the UTI but after going to see a OBGYN and going to Urgent care first with test and a Pap Smear came back negative to seeing the OBGYN and doing test found out I have have Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, FIGO grade 3. I haven’t been bleeding a lot just more or less spotting and after I wipe when potty. I have had no symptoms, my appetite been awesome, no weight loss, no cramps or back pain what so ever. I just got a call from my OBGYN from Mayo Clinic today so she is referring me to Rochester Mayo Clinic to get me in ASAP. I am hoping it is in early stages cause I have had no symptoms . So nervous. What do they consider advanced stages of this cancer can’t really find a answer? My mind is all over the -lace worrying. I have read most of these stories has helped some what. So glad I have yours who have been through this and facing this as I am. So it sounds like surgery possible a radical hysterectomy. Don’t know, Thanks

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Welcome Cherie. I hope you don't mind, but I moved your message to this existing discussion:
- Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/adenocarcinoma-1/

I did this so you can connect easily with fellow endometrial cancer patients like @rose53 @ejohn @naturegirl5 @cmb2022 @andrea69 @miriam57 and @valentinaz. Imagine that I just ushered you into the room and introduced you to some of the most supportive and informed women who get it. They've been where you are today.

You're in good hands at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. A few from the group get their care their too and can answer any questions you might have about Mayo etc.

I know you're nervous. Who wouldn't be. You will get more testing to determine the grade and stage, which will help decide what treatment is best for you. This will happen quickly it sounds like.

What helps you to calm your racing thoughts?


Thank you and your experience has given me a better perspective on what to expect. How did you do with total hysteroctomy?

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Hi Rose53,
I wish I would taken this advice early on.
One step at a time. Let’s get the hysterectomy, if they do Robotics, it is fast.
They will then stage you after that and have more in. Remember Dr.Google doesn’t have a medical degree and everyone is different.
I had stage 1A grade endometrial cancer. Treated at Mayo in Jacksonville with Dr.Dihn as the surgeon.
Let’s get through this, then we are all here for you.
There is a mayo connect group that anyone from anywhere and any hospital can attend for GYN cancers. It is once s month and you can find out more from Mayo connect. Can’t wait to hear when your Siri is, where and what the results are!!!!


@cheriels. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect and to this discussion. I know the reason that you are here is frightening and you will get emotional and information support from us. We've all been where you are now. @colleenyoung is right. Let your mind go to all of us who walk into a room with you to help you through this. We sit and listen to you. We pass the tissues around as each of us tells you that we have been where you are today.

First of all, the pathology department where your slides were read after your biopsy will send those slides to Mayo Clinic in Rochester. The pathologists there will examine your slides and submit their pathology report. Then, when you meet with the GYN Oncologist at Mayo Clinic all the information will be available so that the GYN Oncologist can discuss options with you. Like you what initially got to me my local gynecologist was vaginal bleeding. I didn't have any other symptoms but that was alarming enough to get my attention.

I was shocked and really, really frightened when my gynecologist called me with the initial results (FIGO Grade 2). Five days later I was at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Just getting that appointment set up felt like a plan was beginning to form and I could hand my worry and anxiety over to the doctors. And that's what helped my anxiety most of all. I knew I could not argue with the biopsy results and the reality of endometrial cancer. (My diagnosis was the same as yours: Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma). I know how worried you are. I really do.

Do you have skills or strategies you've learned that help you when your mind is racing? Visual imagery works for me. What works for you?


Hi Rose53,
I wish I would taken this advice early on.
One step at a time. Let’s get the hysterectomy, if they do Robotics, it is fast.
They will then stage you after that and have more in. Remember Dr.Google doesn’t have a medical degree and everyone is different.
I had stage 1A grade endometrial cancer. Treated at Mayo in Jacksonville with Dr.Dihn as the surgeon.
Let’s get through this, then we are all here for you.
There is a mayo connect group that anyone from anywhere and any hospital can attend for GYN cancers. It is once s month and you can find out more from Mayo connect. Can’t wait to hear when your Siri is, where and what the results are!!!!

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@miriam57 You are so right. Dr. Google doesn't have a medical degree!

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