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Hello, to all. I am feeling for all of us on this board today, as we struggle with cardiac conditions, treatments, and medications. It can be an emotional road. I myself have paroxysmal a-fib and problematic PVCs. I felt validated to see Dana mention that he has had 8 ablations. I have had 5 and had been told that that was probably the maximum, and I knew no one else who had had that many or more. But just last week my EP assured me that I am a candidate for another, perhaps with a newer technique using ethanol to create lesions in the vein of Marshall, which is coming to be understood as a critical location for the generation of arrhythmias. The malady is difficult, folks; I often use the word "perverse" - as if our errant heart beats enjoy creating problems for us! Silly, I know. Stay hopeful, keep up to date on technologies, and listen to your body - it can't lie, and will help you know your best next steps.

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Replies to "Hello, to all. I am feeling for all of us on this board today, as we..."

Hi Jen and I think you spot on with what your saying. I got a bit depressed with the never-ending arrhythmias and I too was always hopeful for some new science. So I see your comment
"But just last week my EP assured me that I am a candidate for another, perhaps with a newer technique using ethanol to create lesions in the vein of Marshall "
Is exactly what I also bring to this discussion as I put a link to another advance they are working on. Over the 10 years it was the hope of new advances that kept me going. What I didn't know at the time is never give up on options. Just when I thought there was nothing else that could be done. I was introduced to a new Heart with a transplant.
Granted it comes with a new set of rules and medications but it's another tool in the tool box. So don't ever give up now is my motto. And actually my life now is also great just different.
Please keep us updated as to the progress of your upcoming procedure .