Soy posible donante de riñon | I am a possible kidney donor
Estoy en examenes para donar un riñon a mi padre. Tengo mucha ilusión y deseo de verlo de nuevo sano y feliz pero por momentos me da miedo el procedimiento y las posibles consecuencias. Algún testimonio de donante por aquí?
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@luna69, How is your recovery coming along? Has the pain diminished?
Hola @rosemarya , todo muy bien. Yo cada día me siento mejor, con menos molestias y casi totalmente recuperada. Mi papá va bien en la parte renal aunque se siente aún débil lo cual es normal por su edad. Pero su ánimo muy alto y llevando al pie de la letra las recomendaciones médicas. Mil gracias por tu mensaje y por pensar en mi. Un saludo desde la muy caliente Europa.
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@luna69, Thanks for letting me know that your are feeling more comfortable. I was hoping that you would be feeling better after resting and recovering from the long flight and car ride.
It sounds like your dad is making progress. Tell him that he should listen to his body and to get enough rest. He will continue to gain strength and energy as his body adjusts to the new medications and as he slowly increases his activities.
I wish that I could send you a cooling breeze! But is is hot and humid where I am in the central US.
Buenos días @rosemarya, a mi papá le han detectado el azúcar alta, lo cual nunca le había pasado y le explicaron que un porcentaje de pacientes tienen esta situación debida a la medicación post trasplante. Sabes de pacientes que les haya pasado esto? Cual ha sido su experiencia? Se puede estabilizar con el tiempo?
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After my transplant, my labs also detected high blood sugar. My husband just told me that it was called post transplant diabetes. It was really a worry for me because I had never been told that my blood sugar level was out of range. I had to test it daily with a finger prick and took insulin for a while. I had never had any indication of diabetes before that, and it as a new experience for me, just like it must be for your father. My doctors explained that it was caused by the high doses of prednisone that I was taking. As my prednisone levels were lowered, the insulin was no longer needed.
I remember that I had to check my levels for a while after I returned home. After the levels became stable, I didn't need to test or take insulin anymore.
It sounds like his doctors and my doctors are in agreement - it will improve as the meds are adjusted. 🤍
Hi, @luna69 I too had high blood sugar after my transplant. Before that I did have diabetes but it was mild and controlled with diet, no medications. After my transplant I did need to check frequently and take insulin. As with @rosemarya when they lowered my insulin the problem went away.
I do still have diabetes but my A1c is so low it's not even in the pre-diabetes range so I continue to not need any medications for it.
Oops, @luna69 I meant to say when they lowered my prednisone the problem went away. I was on a very dose of prednisone for a long time but they finally let me stop taking it at all so I am now prednisone free.
@contentandwell, muchas gracias por tu aporte. Estos comentarios le han dado tranquilidad a mi padre. Un saludo.
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