Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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@lemartin417 Hello there. Thank you for joining the conversation about vibrations and sharing your experience.

You and @irr4et both mention the central nervous system. So true, the CNS is responsible and whether it's MS, CSS, Covid long-haul or other disorders, vibrations are annoying and worrysome, but luckily not harmful.

I have an overactive CNS due to central sensitization and neuropathy. I find progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness and deep breathing to be helpful. What do you find helpful to get your through vibration flares? Do you use stress-management tools?

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Normally my internal vibrations don’t last long. I haven’t tried any interventional techniques but may have to if they become longer lasting.


I just joined this forum so am a little late on commenting, but I have had internal vibrations for 3-4 months. Both my psychiatrist and my primary care physician say it is anxiety. I've seen a neurologist for tests of other types of pain and she didn't even comment on the internal vibrations, but then she doesn't comment on much of anything. I have them pretty much everywhere, but fortunately not all at once. They seem to move around.
I hope you are doing much better with your situation.

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Hi @maggie1960, welcome to Connect! Im sorry you're experiencing vibrations. Do you think anxiety could be the culprit? Unfortunately, it can cause and/or add to an uptick in the central nervous system resulting in various responses such as internal vibrations/ tremors. Has your neurologist tested for neuropathy? Has any thing been ruled out yet?


Hi @maggie1960, welcome to Connect! Im sorry you're experiencing vibrations. Do you think anxiety could be the culprit? Unfortunately, it can cause and/or add to an uptick in the central nervous system resulting in various responses such as internal vibrations/ tremors. Has your neurologist tested for neuropathy? Has any thing been ruled out yet?

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Hi Rachel,
As I mentioned, both my Primary Care Doctor and my psychiatrist think the vibrations are caused from anxiety. I've recently seen a neurologist for testing for neuropathy and not all the results are in yet. I did ask the neurologist if she thought the internal vibrations could be related but she hasn't given an answer on that. Nothing has been ruled out yet. I am being tested for neuropathy due to strange itching, stinging, and stabbing pains all over my body without any sign of redness of rash. This has gone on for about 10 weeks, but the vibrations started much sooner. Thanks for asking.


Karen Fuentes I Karen I was reading ur post I'm not sure the same for 6 months I wake up weather it's 4am or 6 or 7. With a 45 minute shaking inside more like a nervous fast vibration and it suddenly fades I do get a twitch where my thumb connects to my hand here a d there. It's very weird..
Noone can explain it had some mri but nothing... worried

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I have the exact same thing including the hand thing in my left hand.


Hi Rachel,
As I mentioned, both my Primary Care Doctor and my psychiatrist think the vibrations are caused from anxiety. I've recently seen a neurologist for testing for neuropathy and not all the results are in yet. I did ask the neurologist if she thought the internal vibrations could be related but she hasn't given an answer on that. Nothing has been ruled out yet. I am being tested for neuropathy due to strange itching, stinging, and stabbing pains all over my body without any sign of redness of rash. This has gone on for about 10 weeks, but the vibrations started much sooner. Thanks for asking.

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@maggie1960 You're welcome.
I'm happy that your on the right track with testing and the beginnings of some answers.

Your symptoms do sound like neuropathy. Did your doctor perform a skin punch biopsy to test for small fiber neuropathy?


@maggie1960 You're welcome.
I'm happy that your on the right track with testing and the beginnings of some answers.

Your symptoms do sound like neuropathy. Did your doctor perform a skin punch biopsy to test for small fiber neuropathy?

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Hi Rachel,
No, she did not do a skin punch biopsy.
She's not great at answering questions or explaining things. In fact, I am in the process of finding a new neurologist.


I too feel the internal vibration and sometimes my legs feel weak. Some say it is anxiety, but that seems too simple an explanation. It started when I began to experience severe GI problems, before that I did not have it. One GI doctor said visceral hypersensitivity, but what is the treatment? I wish I could get some answers and get rid of this as it is certainly frustrating.


Hi Rachel,
No, she did not do a skin punch biopsy.
She's not great at answering questions or explaining things. In fact, I am in the process of finding a new neurologist.

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@maggie1960 I hope today finds you well. I agree that you've got to do what makes you feel most comfortable and confident in your doctor, especially when exploring new territory. When are you due to go over existing test results?


I too feel the internal vibration and sometimes my legs feel weak. Some say it is anxiety, but that seems too simple an explanation. It started when I began to experience severe GI problems, before that I did not have it. One GI doctor said visceral hypersensitivity, but what is the treatment? I wish I could get some answers and get rid of this as it is certainly frustrating.

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Hello @dat. There sometimes is not a simple explanation and there may be mitigating circumstances that muddy the waters. You mention GI issues and vibrations. Your doctor mentions hypersensitivity and anxiety. I understand you feeling frustrated and wanting answers.

How long have you been having severe GI issues? Do you have any other symptoms? I ask because I'm wondering if you have learned about Central Sensitization Syndrome?


@maggie1960 I hope today finds you well. I agree that you've got to do what makes you feel most comfortable and confident in your doctor, especially when exploring new territory. When are you due to go over existing test results?

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Her idea of going over existing test results is posting them for access through the patient portal. When I messaged her through the portal about answering questions her nurse replied for her, saying she, the nurse, had called me the morning after the test results were posted to ask if I had any questions. I hate to call anyone an out and out liar but I never received the phone call, and there was no voicemail message from the nurse. The most the doctor did was to write a couple of little notes out to the side of a couple of things that were out of range saying I could discuss them with my primary care physician. Obviously she did not think it important enough to discuss with me, or that there was no relation in the test results to neuropathy. My primary care physician has been out of the office for two weeks and I won't be able to see him until Sept 2. I am scheduled to have a nerve conduction study on Sept 1.
However, I may delay that since I am in the process of finding a new neurologist. The referral for the one I want to see should be processed by tomorrow. He's very hard to get in to see so it may be awhile before I can get an appt. However, my follow up with the current neurologist isn't until Nov. 17th, so I probably will be able to see him before she wants to see me again. At this point I'm not even sure why she want to see me again since she has no comment on test results and won't answer questions.
I've been on gabapentin at 300 mg 3 x a day for about 10 days, as prescribed by her, with no relief whatsoever. I know it takes time for it to kick in, but I just didn't realize how long. I messaged her today to ask and she said it takes 4-6 weeks. My pain is worse on some days than others, but particularly bad at night. I asked her what can be done for pain while I'm waiting over the next few weeks for gabapentin to "kick in". Her answer was to take tylenol or ibuprofen, and other than that there were no alternatives. I told her that those two medications don't make a dent in the pain when it is at it's worst, and that it was a sad state of affairs that the medical profession could not do better to alleviate someone's pain. She had no reply to that which did not surprise me. I guess you can tell I am more than frustrated. A friend of mine jokingly said, well if nothing else helps just have a martini. Good thing I'm not a big drinker.

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