Has anyone tried treatment for diabetic neuropathy?

Posted by beetlejeuse @beetlejeuse, Apr 25, 2022

My dad (age 60) was recently diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy and I have been researching all about it this past week. I know there is no cure but I have run into multiple treatment centers that claim they can help alleviate the pain. My dad lost so much weight recently, I could barely recognize him and it scared me half to death, and he can't sleep through the night because of the pain. Has anyone tried Loma Linda's INF treatment or HFX spinal cord stimulation? The meds given by his doctor don't seem to help much so I am also going to try to give him some medicinal edibles to sleep through the night.

Thank you to anyone who can give me some insight.

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Hello @beetlejeuse, Welcome to Connect. I know it must be difficult watching your father in pain and trying to help him find some relief. Thank you for being his health advocate in the search for relief from the pain of diabetic neuropathy.

@sash has posted about Loma Linda's INF treatment in another discussion here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/nerve-treatment-anyone-tried/. I'm not sure @sash has tried the INF treatment but they may be able to share their thoughts with you.

Here are a few spinal cord stimulator discussions that might be helpful also.
-- Has anyone tried the HF10 Spinal Cord Stimulation Device? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/hf-10-spinal-cord-stimulation-device-relieves-back-and-leg-pain/
-- Comparison of Spinal Cord Stimulators from Boston Sci., Nevro: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/comparison-of-spinal-cord-stimulators-from-boston-sci-nevro/

If you want to learn more about neuropathy and different treatments available, here are a couple of really good informational sites:
-- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy: https://www.foundationforpn.org/
-- Neuropathy Commons: https://neuropathycommons.org/neuropathy/neuropathy-overview

It can really be confusing with all of the advertising and false claims. You might find these links helpful for evaluating information.

Quazar's guidance about avoiding scams and snake oil cures
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/how-to-avoid-quacks-and-snake-oil-treatments/
FDA's Health Fraud Page
-- https://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ProtectYourself/HealthFraud/ucm539101.htm
NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) which offers guidance about integrative health and how to evaluate it.
-- https://nccih.nih.gov/health/decisions

Has your father's doctor or neurologist made any suggestions to help with his pain?

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Thank you for explaining this very insightful


Upcoming Webinar on diabetic neuropathy...
FPN Webinar: Demystifying Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy with Rodica Pop-Busui, MD, PhD
Wed, Sep 7, 2022 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT

Nerve damage caused by diabetes, a condition called diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), is a common and debilitating complication that most often affects the extremities. Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy often develop painful symptoms which is known as painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy or diabetic nerve pain.

Diabetic nerve pain can be an extremely challenging condition to diagnose, treat and manage effectively, and the excruciating pain patients may experience has a significant impact on their quality of life.

This webinar is designed to help patients recognize key symptoms associated with diabetic nerve pain of the feet (achiness, throbbing, burning sensations, etc.) and serve as a foundation to help empower patients to speak with their healthcare providers – fostering more productive conversations around diagnosis, disease management and potential solutions for painful diabetic neuropathy.

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) is pleased to welcome Rodica Pop-Busui, MD, PhD, a prominent diabetologist at Michigan Medicine and a recognized leader in the field of diabetes and diabetes complications. Her research interests involve chronic complications of diabetes, particularly diabetic peripheral and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, as well as diabetic foot complications, diabetic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, and the design and conduct of traditional and pragmatic clinical trials for patients with diabetes.

Webinar generously sponsored by Averitas Pharma.
*** Edited Jan 8, 2023 - You can view the webinar here: https://youtu.be/WAzI0mK4cyk


I have been using a med called Lyrica for many many years and it works great. I highly recommend it

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Hi @bobf46. I recently (last month) started Lyrica’s generic, Pregabalin. I am on 150 mg total a day. I am still having a lot of pain especially with the spasms and pain in legs, bottom of feet and toes. It progressed over one year. It wakes me up at night and is excruciating at times. I walk with a cane and don’t get any exercise because of this. My neurologist is going to review my 4 week diary in a week to discuss what we will do with the medicine (go up or down on dose). My rheumatologist has me on steroids low dose to see if it helps my autoimmune arthritis. So, based on if we decide to try me on injectables, its a big decision. So how does the Lyrica relieve your symptoms? Which symptoms are impacted by it most? When the pain is excruciating I can’t do a thing. Massage, stretch, soak. That is it so far. I am looking into other ways to help this. I just found this website and thought I would give you a shout out. Thank you,


Hi @bobf46. I recently (last month) started Lyrica’s generic, Pregabalin. I am on 150 mg total a day. I am still having a lot of pain especially with the spasms and pain in legs, bottom of feet and toes. It progressed over one year. It wakes me up at night and is excruciating at times. I walk with a cane and don’t get any exercise because of this. My neurologist is going to review my 4 week diary in a week to discuss what we will do with the medicine (go up or down on dose). My rheumatologist has me on steroids low dose to see if it helps my autoimmune arthritis. So, based on if we decide to try me on injectables, its a big decision. So how does the Lyrica relieve your symptoms? Which symptoms are impacted by it most? When the pain is excruciating I can’t do a thing. Massage, stretch, soak. That is it so far. I am looking into other ways to help this. I just found this website and thought I would give you a shout out. Thank you,

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Nemo1. I must have a mild case because I was never in any great pain. My symptoms were burning, tingling, and numbness in my feet. Some pain but manageable. I am on the generic too at 150mg x3 daily but honestly only take 2. You probably should ask to increase the dose. Be well and good luck.


My doctor has me on 300mg Gabapentin daily at bedtime, but I cannot tell that it has helped. Because of that, I have added CBD+THC Full Spectrum Sleep Gummies from "Five". They are 25mg CBD + 2mg THC per gummie. They do take the edge off, although it does not eliminate the pain completely. That said, it does help a lot.


Nemo1. I must have a mild case because I was never in any great pain. My symptoms were burning, tingling, and numbness in my feet. Some pain but manageable. I am on the generic too at 150mg x3 daily but honestly only take 2. You probably should ask to increase the dose. Be well and good luck.

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I do plan on asking my neurologist to increase the dose. I experience what you describe and stabbing pain which is ridiculous.
The spasms are no joke either.
Thank you for responding @bobf46
I hope she will increase me.
Thank you.


Im interested , what brought on his neuropathy ??? Its tuff.


My doctor has me on 300mg Gabapentin daily at bedtime, but I cannot tell that it has helped. Because of that, I have added CBD+THC Full Spectrum Sleep Gummies from "Five". They are 25mg CBD + 2mg THC per gummie. They do take the edge off, although it does not eliminate the pain completely. That said, it does help a lot.

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Im taking 300mg of Gabapentin 3x a day, and I can't even tell Im taking it.


DN and and waking up with ring and little fingers asleep left or both, Not always but sometimes, usually left hand outside 2 fingers, sometimes both hands?


DN and and waking up with ring and little fingers asleep left or both, Not always but sometimes, usually left hand outside 2 fingers, sometimes both hands?

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I have the same, and it seems odd being those 2 fingers vs the others. I had an ulna nerve entrapment (cubital tunnel syndrome) about 12 yrs with surgery to widen the canal. A symptom of that nerve was what you describe in your 2 fingers. (My arm also often felt like my funny bone was going off). My orthopedic surgeon told me that carpal tunnel affects the other fingers on your hand. Two years ago I got shingles on my elbow- it seemed to hit my ulna nerve. It has been extra sensitive and numbing since. I’m sure typing on my computer and the way I hold my cell phone don’t help those fingers, but sleeping seems to bring out the worst of both hands. I just ordered wrist supports for sleeping that @johnbishop recommended, but I would certainly have your neurologist check out your arm/shoulder/ulna nerve.

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