Is there any immunity boosting meds?

Posted by fdixon63 @fdixon63, Aug 2, 2022

I've had a second squamous cell cancer come back quickly in the same location. They said it could be due to an immuniosuppressive med (Budesonide) that I took for three months before the first one appeared. I'm now facing a second surgery. My thought is, will another one come behind that? Is there such a thing as an immune booster, i.e. infusion? Having a hard time dealing with the possiblity. This will be #6 total--others were in a different location and did not return there--thank God.

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Whoops! Sorry. Belatedly noticed you are in Fairfax, Virginia. Nice place. Wishing you and your skin well!


Whoops! Sorry. Belatedly noticed you are in Fairfax, Virginia. Nice place. Wishing you and your skin well!

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I have since moved to Central Florida. I do want to clear up confusion. Since MOHS doctors are trained in plastic surgery and that is particular to their specialty, my MOHS surgeon was incensed that I would consider using another plastic surgeon. However, I happened to be reading doctor reviews online just prior to the procedure even though I had already been to the MOHS surgeon previously. Several reviews were negative about his ability to diminish the scar lines and highly recommended doing it in conjunction with a plastic surgeon who specialized in faces. Since I had previously had blepharoplasty surgery and thought highly of that surgeon I called to see if it was at all possible to have her do the facial work. Unfortunately they could only schedule the day after the MOHS and they recommended against doing it that way. They said it would be fine but uncomfortable not to be sewn up for a day. I took their advice and opted against it but the resultant scar from the MOHS surgeon is not good.


Hope you and others will be able to look beyond those surgical changes, to the person within. A friend needed both upper heavy eyelids trimmed back for the sake of her vision. After she was furious for she didn’t recognize herself in the mirror. Her lids had gained new skin folds. The surgeries came out well though.

Locally, a father and his two sons are opthamologists. One of them also does plastic surgery on eyelids. That may have been ideal for you, though I don’t know if he does Moh’s.
Hope you enjoy your new location.


Although it can be done the next day, my MOHS surgeon and my plastic surgeon advised against it for that reason of having an open wound all that time. Plus, they both said the scar wouldn’t be as clean if the wound wasn’t closed right away. I’d find another plastic surgeon and schedule the MOHS and other plastic surgeon on the same day to get it closed on the same day. The MOHS surgeon I used was so busy performing specifically cancer removal he wouldn’t have time to do any other type of surgery. The cosmetic plastic surgeon specialized in face and neck only. I think its best to stick with surgeons who specialize when it comes to these types of procedures.

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Getting two doctors to coordinate their schedules, locations on where to do the surgery, etc. would be a rare accomplishment. We have to make the best decisions we can with what we know and then move forward. Thanks for the input.


Its not as difficult as you might think. All I had to do was schedule time at the plastic surgeon’s on the day of MOHS procedure, drive myself to the plastic surgeon’s office after the MOHS procedure. The issue I had was I didn’t realize I could choose a different plastic surgeon than the MOHS surgeon until two days before and my plastic surgeon didn’t have an opening until the day after the procedure. If I were still in Virginia and had another MOHS scheduled, I’d coordinate it with my own plastic surgeon. She was chinese and had the tiniest hands and fingers to work with the smallest needles. The MOHS surgeon was a big man with big hands, it does make a difference.

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