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Is there any immunity boosting meds?

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Aug 8, 2022 | Replies (25)

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Whoops! Sorry. Belatedly noticed you are in Fairfax, Virginia. Nice place. Wishing you and your skin well!

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Replies to "Whoops! Sorry. Belatedly noticed you are in Fairfax, Virginia. Nice place. Wishing you and your skin..."

I have since moved to Central Florida. I do want to clear up confusion. Since MOHS doctors are trained in plastic surgery and that is particular to their specialty, my MOHS surgeon was incensed that I would consider using another plastic surgeon. However, I happened to be reading doctor reviews online just prior to the procedure even though I had already been to the MOHS surgeon previously. Several reviews were negative about his ability to diminish the scar lines and highly recommended doing it in conjunction with a plastic surgeon who specialized in faces. Since I had previously had blepharoplasty surgery and thought highly of that surgeon I called to see if it was at all possible to have her do the facial work. Unfortunately they could only schedule the day after the MOHS and they recommended against doing it that way. They said it would be fine but uncomfortable not to be sewn up for a day. I took their advice and opted against it but the resultant scar from the MOHS surgeon is not good.