Looking for Mayo Primary Care patients to help us improve portal

This opportunity to help has been fulfilled. We will share updates on our research in this discussion.
Community Director

Mayo Clinic is interested in improving how primary care patients access care through their patient portal accounts. As part of the Center for Digital Health, we are actively recruiting up to 6 people for a 45-minute user research interview. The virtual interview will take place on August 23rd – 25th during business hours.

To take part in this study you must
1. be a Mayo Clinic primary care patient with an account on the patient portal
2. have access to a computer with internet connectivity and the free Zoom app installed

The research study will require about 45 minutes of your time for a remote interview. You are not required to be on camera.

An honorarium of $60 in the form of a gift card will be provided as gratitude for your time.

No private health information will be shared in this study (e.g., patient ID, test results data, your doctor, social security number.) However, you will be asked to share your experience scheduling appointments with your primary care physician at Mayo Clinic.

Thank you.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Visiting Mayo Clinic Support Group.


Is there a caregiver support group for Minnesota?

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Welcome @barbpeters, We have a Caregivers group with many different discussions available here on Connect. Here's a link to the Caregivers group page with a list of discussions: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/caregivers/.

AARP also has a Family Caregiver Resources for Minnesota page here: https://states.aarp.org/minnesota/caregiver-resources


I couldn’t find anything on shingles I just was diagnosed this week and need some advice from you guys that have had it my Dr has given me Valtrex and the shingles is in a weird place on my left inside thigh or leg can you tell me what to do for the pain I really don’t like taking pain pills
Any suggestions would be much appreciated thanks


Welcome @barbpeters, We have a Caregivers group with many different discussions available here on Connect. Here's a link to the Caregivers group page with a list of discussions: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/caregivers/.

AARP also has a Family Caregiver Resources for Minnesota page here: https://states.aarp.org/minnesota/caregiver-resources

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Thank you John!


I couldn’t find anything on shingles I just was diagnosed this week and need some advice from you guys that have had it my Dr has given me Valtrex and the shingles is in a weird place on my left inside thigh or leg can you tell me what to do for the pain I really don’t like taking pain pills
Any suggestions would be much appreciated thanks

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Hi @vernalen, Here's a discussion you might find helpful:

-- Anyone else dealing with shingles?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/shingles-6/


Be safe with medicines. Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor if you think you are having a problem with your medicine. Antiviral medicine helps you get better faster.
Try not to scratch or pick at the blisters. They will crust over and fall off on their own if you leave them alone.
Put cool, wet cloths on the area to relieve pain and itching. You can also use calamine lotion. Try not to use so much lotion that it cakes and is hard to get off.
Put cornstarch or baking soda on the sores to help dry them out so they heal faster.
Do not use thick ointment, such as petroleum jelly, on the sores. This will keep them from drying and healing.
To help remove loose crusts, soak them in tap water. This can help decrease oozing, and dry and soothe the skin.
Take an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as acetaminophen , ibuprofen , or naproxen . Read and follow all instructions on the label.
Avoid close contact with people until the blisters have healed. It is very important for you to avoid contact with anyone who has never had chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine. Pregnant women, young babies, and anyone else who has a hard time fighting infection is especially at risk.


Do you have any similar surveys for neurology patients? I am really struggling to get the great health care I know my Mayo team can provide. I feel like the portal is an obstacle to me getting accurate, thorough and timely responses from my HC team.


Do you have any similar surveys for neurology patients? I am really struggling to get the great health care I know my Mayo team can provide. I feel like the portal is an obstacle to me getting accurate, thorough and timely responses from my HC team.

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@seekingsupportjax, let's see if I can point you to the right places to get the answers you need. I'm sorry to hear that the portal is an obstacle to your getting the care you deserve.

Here are a couple of services available to you and all Mayo patients that people may not know about:

1. Mayo Concierge Services
The Concierge Services are well known for helping people with finding accommodation, transportation, mobility assistance, etc. There are other services too, like helping patients access and navigate your Patient Online Services account (aka patient portal).

Contacting Concierge Services
By phone 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT, Monday-Friday: 507-538-8438
Email: concierge@mayo.edu
Online: Request Concierge Services http://cdforms.mayoforms.org/mayocliniccom-ahbyn/pages/c9d36544cef4e41180d800155dcfc10f.html

2. Office of Patient Experience
Staff at the Office of Patient Experience address concerns about your care experience at Mayo Clinic, including issues with the patient portal communications and information.

Contacting Mayo Clinic Office of Patient Experience
Phone: 844-544-0036 (toll free)
Email: opx@mayo.edu

I hope that either or both of these services are helpful to you specifically, @seekingsupportjax.

Our design team often seeks patient feedback in requests that started this discussion thread in July for primary care. I'd welcome your feedback in a future design review if your interested. Let me know.

However, I want you to get your specific concerns addressed sooner. I hope that either or both of these services are helpful to you specifically, @seekingsupportjax.


Thank you for replying and your support. Unfortunately it's not that I can't navigate portal or need transportation help. It's that the portal prevents effective communication that anyone is held accountable for. Questions are left unanswered for weeks, when I do receive a response I'm always told let me speak with the Dr and get back to you. The follow up call never comes. I understand everyone is busy and overwhelmed. But so are Mayo patients. I'm afraid to use the Office of Patient Experience because I don't want to be dropped by Mayo for complaining. I came to Mayo for a "Comprehensive" approach to epilepsy treatment. New to epilepsy in my 40s and it's been scary. The portal provided me MRI results & Dr notes that increased anxiety and I couldn't get any response about the reports for months. Sorry to vent but truly desperate for care. Yes, please include me if a survey you see appropriate becomes available.


Thank you for replying and your support. Unfortunately it's not that I can't navigate portal or need transportation help. It's that the portal prevents effective communication that anyone is held accountable for. Questions are left unanswered for weeks, when I do receive a response I'm always told let me speak with the Dr and get back to you. The follow up call never comes. I understand everyone is busy and overwhelmed. But so are Mayo patients. I'm afraid to use the Office of Patient Experience because I don't want to be dropped by Mayo for complaining. I came to Mayo for a "Comprehensive" approach to epilepsy treatment. New to epilepsy in my 40s and it's been scary. The portal provided me MRI results & Dr notes that increased anxiety and I couldn't get any response about the reports for months. Sorry to vent but truly desperate for care. Yes, please include me if a survey you see appropriate becomes available.

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I encourage you to call the Office of Patient Experience. Your situation is valid. Calling them will not affect your status as a patient at Mayo Clinic. It will help improve care for all. Please feel free to contact me through this form https://connect.mayoclinic.org/contact-a-community-moderator/

On another note, your extensive knowledge and experience with eplilepsy would be very welcome in the Epilepsy group here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/epilepsy-2bb359/

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