Grover's Disease: What works to help find relief?

Posted by 43219876x @43219876x, Sep 23, 2016

I have been diagnosed with Grover's disease under my breasts. I had a biopsy for diagnosis. Tried topical ointment with no really good results. Any ideas?

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Has anyone else had the experience of getting Covid-19 while dealing with Grover's? I've only had Grover's for a few months, but felt like it was calming down with the daily use of antihistamine and steroidal ointments. When I tested positive for Covid a week ago my Grover's got decidedly worse. Sleepless nights from inflammation, rashes and itching is making it more difficult to recover from Covid it seems. Vaccinated and boosted so overall this latest Covid variant isn't too bad. The virus seems to have stressed the body and/or immune system making Grover's worse is my guess.


Has anyone else had the experience of getting Covid-19 while dealing with Grover's? I've only had Grover's for a few months, but felt like it was calming down with the daily use of antihistamine and steroidal ointments. When I tested positive for Covid a week ago my Grover's got decidedly worse. Sleepless nights from inflammation, rashes and itching is making it more difficult to recover from Covid it seems. Vaccinated and boosted so overall this latest Covid variant isn't too bad. The virus seems to have stressed the body and/or immune system making Grover's worse is my guess.

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And perhaps more hours spent in bed. The mattress retains heat and sweat, especially memory foam.


Has anyone else had the experience of getting Covid-19 while dealing with Grover's? I've only had Grover's for a few months, but felt like it was calming down with the daily use of antihistamine and steroidal ointments. When I tested positive for Covid a week ago my Grover's got decidedly worse. Sleepless nights from inflammation, rashes and itching is making it more difficult to recover from Covid it seems. Vaccinated and boosted so overall this latest Covid variant isn't too bad. The virus seems to have stressed the body and/or immune system making Grover's worse is my guess.

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I contracted Covid in Jan. 2021, and ironically, my Grover’s subsided during my three-week illness. I was extremely weak and had no appetite during my Covid sickness, but my rash and discomfort unexplainably cleared.

Grover’s returned several months later, but it essentially disappeared during my Covid infection.


I have had grovers for 5 yrs the first two I wanted to shoot myself the itch was so bad. I thought that there nothing I could do it has ruened my life as I knew it. I was 74 at the time I,m now going on eighty, and it still sucks. I live alone so I had to come up with ideas to put meds on my back and legs I tried different stuff but I was painting my kitchen and it hit me, I got a 3 inch roller and a 2 ft. curved stick where I could reach any part of my back. I,ve tried all kinds of OTC crap but nothing worked for very long. then I thought what itched really bad, posion ivy right so I bought this cream and used my roller and it works great I take a hot shower to open my pores and roll it on. this may not work for everybody, byt I was willing to roll in cat crap if it worked. Grovers really sucks,ive never had any thing itch so bad. try my roller idea and let me know.


I have had grovers for 5 yrs the first two I wanted to shoot myself the itch was so bad. I thought that there nothing I could do it has ruened my life as I knew it. I was 74 at the time I,m now going on eighty, and it still sucks. I live alone so I had to come up with ideas to put meds on my back and legs I tried different stuff but I was painting my kitchen and it hit me, I got a 3 inch roller and a 2 ft. curved stick where I could reach any part of my back. I,ve tried all kinds of OTC crap but nothing worked for very long. then I thought what itched really bad, posion ivy right so I bought this cream and used my roller and it works great I take a hot shower to open my pores and roll it on. this may not work for everybody, byt I was willing to roll in cat crap if it worked. Grovers really sucks,ive never had any thing itch so bad. try my roller idea and let me know.

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What cream?


And perhaps more hours spent in bed. The mattress retains heat and sweat, especially memory foam.

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Good point.

In reply to @nodgabnoj "What cream?" + (show)

What cream?

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The cream is called Ivarest by Blistex only try a little at first because it is strong on the rash or bumps but for me it works better than anything tried. if you use my roller idea get the shortest nap so you don,t waste too much. inside the box there is a dollar coupon. I really hope it works for anyone that tries it. don,t get the spray ,same type box as the cream,good luck. STAN


Thanks very much. I will give it a try.


Hi, I am a 34 year old male. I live in Salt Lake and so I experience 4 seasons. I was just diagnosed with GD in June after getting home from Mexico and having a severe outbreak. I thought it was an allergic reaction to a sunscreen. My dermatologist guessed it was GD and confirmed once the biopsy came back. I do consider myself lucky because I haven't experienced any extreme itch. Mainly just red dots and rough texture with very little itch. I think it's going away and then will do a bike ride or something outside and they all come back. Interestingly when my red dots come back they are not too itchy- just unsightly.

I have started the cilantro smoothies but it's only been about 2 weeks since I've been consistent- I can update after a month of taking those.

I'm looking for comfort really- I hate the way they look and make it so I can't do so many of the outdoor activities I love doing. I'm hoping as the season changes I might go into remission. Has many people had success with going into remission and still being able to go outside in the heat with no flare up?

One tip that has helped when I get a flare up is I put those thick hand towels that you see sometimes in nice hotel bathrooms, get them wet and put aloe on them, put it in a bag in the fridge so they are really cold. After outdoor activities and the dots get red, I lay it on my stomach (primary area) and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. It has always helped. You can order those hand towels on amazon. I use them in my guest bath- that's why I had them.


Hi, I am a 34 year old male. I live in Salt Lake and so I experience 4 seasons. I was just diagnosed with GD in June after getting home from Mexico and having a severe outbreak. I thought it was an allergic reaction to a sunscreen. My dermatologist guessed it was GD and confirmed once the biopsy came back. I do consider myself lucky because I haven't experienced any extreme itch. Mainly just red dots and rough texture with very little itch. I think it's going away and then will do a bike ride or something outside and they all come back. Interestingly when my red dots come back they are not too itchy- just unsightly.

I have started the cilantro smoothies but it's only been about 2 weeks since I've been consistent- I can update after a month of taking those.

I'm looking for comfort really- I hate the way they look and make it so I can't do so many of the outdoor activities I love doing. I'm hoping as the season changes I might go into remission. Has many people had success with going into remission and still being able to go outside in the heat with no flare up?

One tip that has helped when I get a flare up is I put those thick hand towels that you see sometimes in nice hotel bathrooms, get them wet and put aloe on them, put it in a bag in the fridge so they are really cold. After outdoor activities and the dots get red, I lay it on my stomach (primary area) and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. It has always helped. You can order those hand towels on amazon. I use them in my guest bath- that's why I had them.

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One other tip- my dermatologist and her team are incredibly smart and I really trust her judgment. She has been having me use sunflower seed oil as soon as I get out of the shower (helps with inflammation) as well as Cerave. I use this combo in the morning. At night I use sunflower seed oil and amlactin. This can sometimes sting but just for a second. She said this will help rebuild new skin cells which may help with a long lasting remission. Anyone else try these?

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