Fibromyalgia: Anyone out there with the same diagnosis?

Posted by dknnkn @dknnkn, Apr 29, 2012

Hello! I was just diagnosed this Friday with Fibromyalgia. Is there anyone out there with the same condition. I am a 37 yr old female that was pretty active until I took a drastic decline with severe increases in pain in August. Initial blood tests were pointing towards lupus, but after a thorough exam---fibromyalgia it is. My rheumatologist started me on a 2 week trial of savella. Thanks so much for any insight you may have for me 🙂

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Welcome @pgbarnes99, Thank you for sharing your experience with Fibromyalgia and what you have done to help the symptoms. I think you hit the nail on the head that diet is so important for a lot of different health conditions. I definitely need to watch my sugar intake to help with my PMR and keep it in remission.

You mentioned you still have other issues but they are much easier to live with. Do you mind sharing a little more about the other issues or what you were searching for when you found Connect?

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When I overwork in the yard or just do too much in a day, I ill ached everywhere. It will be hard to move at all.once I sit down. I moved a few years ago and packing and unpacking were killers. Hot showers and Tylenol PM help along with electric blankets.
Layers of Arnica Cream help.
I also have wax Therabath for hands and feet.
I try not to get too cold or I will ache for hours.
Good luck.


You know I had acupunture too and it did wonders as well

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sorry, my comment did not go with the subject I was commenting on. I just deleted it... first time commenting! I will need to do some investigating!


I had fyromyalgia. But once a stopped eating sugar; controlled my diet(not eating too many carbohydrates), and started exercising regularly, I no longer have symptons. Don't fibro take over your life.


What test is for fibromyalgia


Hi, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in April 2019. Looking at all the symptoms & body systems it covers, I believe I’ve had it all my life. In my early tween years, my sins hurt so much, it felt like my bones were shattered glass, always stabbing & slicing through my calves. I stopped growing at 12. What had been put down as growing pain was now just not listened to. I’ve had a host of other issues, but you don’t need to be bored! (Let me know if you want me to list all of them. I will.) I see a neurologist instead of a rheumatologist. The “best” in the area was rude, never let me finish a sentence & only wanted to get to his next patient. His attitude was awful. I have never back talked to a doctor, but this ma needed it. The “rooms” we were in were tall cubicle walls with accordion walls going across—in other words, zero privacy. I’m standing there in my little paper top & I stopped the doctor by calling his name. I said, don’t look at your notes. What’s my name? Don’t help him, Ms ——(can’t remember her name now). Long story short, he was horrible. After my next neurology appointment, I might look up a different rheumatologist. My neurologist just tosses prescriptions at me. She doesn’t seem to have any real idea of what to do with a fibromyalgia case. I also have an acoustic neuroma (benign inner ear tumor), and thought since fibromyalgia pain is from your nerves, a neurologist would make more sense than a rheumatologist I was given Lyrica (pregabalin) for my pain & I also got Cymbalta. Lyrica stops pain for some reason. It began as an epileptic med. Cymbalta is an antidepressant. Antidepressants and anti anxiety meds are usually given to fibromyalgia patients, since stress, nerves, anger, etc can all cause pain, keeping your muscles tense. I’m still tense with an antidepressant, anxiety meds & Lyrica (along with diabetes & cholesterol meds). The only time I’m not in pain is when I’m asleep, but I don’t sleep well because my muscle spasms, zaps, zings & pain never stop. I hope you start feeling better soon, though if it’s fibromyalgia, meds just dull the pain. I wish you well.

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Oh, I am so sorry to hear of your pains and troubles finding doctors who will listen and really try to help!!
My son also has horrible pain every minute of every day unless he is asleep, which doesn't happen much because of health problems. So I understand your pain and struggles...tears now for you and all the others who struggle to find just a little peace and comfort! May each of you find a doctor or two who really care and try to find some way to my prayer and hope! Hugs!


Hello everyone 😊. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 13 years ago.
The last 3-4 weeks I have been getting numbness, tingling, twitching and pain in the bottom of both feet, blurry vision and my feet and toes constantly cramp up day and night. I've also been getting horrible cramping along the tendon that runs on the outer side of my lower right leg.
I have triger finger in my left ring finger.
Of course I have been investigating other possible diseases such as MS and Lupus.
While researching I remembered that after donating blood several years ago the blood bank sent me a letter to inform me that I have HLA Class 1 antibodies. I also had viral meningitis 36 years ago.
I'm wondering if HLA Class 1 and maybe viral meningitis may have made me more susceptible to get MS.
Has anyone else had experience with this?
Any info will be helpful.
God bless


Hello everyone 😊. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 13 years ago.
The last 3-4 weeks I have been getting numbness, tingling, twitching and pain in the bottom of both feet, blurry vision and my feet and toes constantly cramp up day and night. I've also been getting horrible cramping along the tendon that runs on the outer side of my lower right leg.
I have triger finger in my left ring finger.
Of course I have been investigating other possible diseases such as MS and Lupus.
While researching I remembered that after donating blood several years ago the blood bank sent me a letter to inform me that I have HLA Class 1 antibodies. I also had viral meningitis 36 years ago.
I'm wondering if HLA Class 1 and maybe viral meningitis may have made me more susceptible to get MS.
Has anyone else had experience with this?
Any info will be helpful.
God bless

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Have you seen your physician and been evaluated for MS or Lupus? This is serious enough that you ought not try to self-diagnose.
Here is what Mayo Clinic has to say about diagnosis and treatment for MS:
and for lupus:
Keep in mind that many other conditions can cause the symptoms you are experiencing as well.
When were you last seen for a thorough physical evaluation?


Thanks so much for your quick response.
I have an appointment with my PCP Friday morning.
I am definitely going to tell him.
I have bulging and herniated discs in my lower back and Osteoarthritis.
I realize my symptoms could be many things.
I'm assuming my PCP will send me for x-rays and back to my Neurologist.
I will find out on Friday.
Thank you for your care and concern and for the additional resources.
I will definitely read it all.
I will try to update you when I find out more.


Thanks so much for your quick response.
I have an appointment with my PCP Friday morning.
I am definitely going to tell him.
I have bulging and herniated discs in my lower back and Osteoarthritis.
I realize my symptoms could be many things.
I'm assuming my PCP will send me for x-rays and back to my Neurologist.
I will find out on Friday.
Thank you for your care and concern and for the additional resources.
I will definitely read it all.
I will try to update you when I find out more.

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I see my PCP every 3 months and my blood and urine are tested every 6 months as required by Indiana State law regulating the use of Norco. I take 10/325 mg twice a day.


I've been dealing with fibro for about 20 years. This month it's been in the 90s just about everyday and has been totally wiping me out. Starting soon to go to a fitness wellness ctr with an indoor heated saltwater pool. Staying out of the heat as much as possible.

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