Has anyone had the Stimwave spine stimulator installed?

Posted by WS4K @ws4k, Dec 12, 2018

Hello to ALL! I have a severe back injury and even after three surgeries and several fusions, I am still experiencing severe and chronic pain. My pain management specialist is talking about a spine stimulator. After some research I located the Stim Wave. With this unit, only the leads are implanted. No wires come through. The antenna is worn like a pager on your belt.

Has anyone tried one of the Stim Wave stimulators yet? Any feed back on them?

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So sorry that your mother suffers so much pain. I also have low back pain and have not had pain relief from a Medtronic stimulator. My physician is reducing my Vicodin to zero and I am using only gabapentin, which does not help with pain. Is your mother able to use Vicodin or other pain meds? Have her physicians stopped her pain meds? Has she had relief from steroid injections or a pain pack?

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I take gabapentin with Cymbalta for my Neuropathy & it helps a bit but mine is progressive.


I had stim wave put in and it’s causing sever burning and shocking pain


I had stim wave put in and it’s causing sever burning and shocking pain

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Hi @river197843, I moved your post to this existing discussion:

- Has anyone had the Stimwave spine stimulator installed?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/has-anyone-any-had-the-stim-wave-installed/

I did this so you can connect with members like @ws4k @marcya @martyk @newstimwaveuser @carolynbeers and others who have had spine stimulator and may provide some thoughts about the pain that you're experiencing.

River, have you contacted your doctor or Stimwave about the burning and severe pain you're experiencing? It sounds like you need an adjustment. How long have you had the stimulator?


Hi @river197843, I moved your post to this existing discussion:

- Has anyone had the Stimwave spine stimulator installed?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/has-anyone-any-had-the-stim-wave-installed/

I did this so you can connect with members like @ws4k @marcya @martyk @newstimwaveuser @carolynbeers and others who have had spine stimulator and may provide some thoughts about the pain that you're experiencing.

River, have you contacted your doctor or Stimwave about the burning and severe pain you're experiencing? It sounds like you need an adjustment. How long have you had the stimulator?

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Tomorrow will be one week I went to the doctor Monday and he says it’s a healing process but I don’t believe that because it’s the aweful pain


Tomorrow will be one week I went to the doctor Monday and he says it’s a healing process but I don’t believe that because it’s the aweful pain

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@river197843 I am sorry you are in so much pain. For what it’s worth I haven’t heard many positive outcome stories from any stimulators once they were actually implanted as opposed to the test in the doctor’s office. Like I have been told recently, you need to accept the pain and just know it’s ok if you can’t get out of bed or shower for long times. Chronic pain patients need to accept reality and that the pain won’t go away and stop feeling guilty that you can’t do anything but lie in bed.


I'm on the fourth day of a Stimwave "Freedom" trial implanted in my upper back for lower leg sciatic pain. Two days to go.

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It is now 2022. Did you do the permanent Stimwave and if so, how much pain relief did you get?


ws4k@ I forgot to mention that it's important to know about whether you can get an MRI with a device you get. With Nevro and leads and electrodes up the spine (as opposed to paddle leads, not sure about them) I could get an MRI of my hip. I just met with my rep, sat close to her and her computer and she read the impedance on all 16. They all were within proper function. When I went to the Imaging/MRI center, I was required to turn the stimulator off (via remote control) before entering the imaging area. After that, it was an MRI, as usual, and no ill-effects or harm to the stimulator or leads/electrodes.

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Hi Scruffy, where was your pain located and how much pain relief did you get?


Hi Scruffy, where was your pain located and how much pain relief did you get?

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L3/L4 : complete relief

I've been preoccupied lately with my SI joint fusion and forgot to charge a couple times. Both my back and my feet let me know 🙂


BE VIGILANT in your search! Not every product, and especially the leads they use, work for every person.


OK. Looks like there’s no info.

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