Mucociliary Escalator: What is your airway clearance routine?

Posted by becleartoday @becleartoday, Apr 26, 2022

Did your medical team ever discuss the mucociliary escalator with you? My New York doctors never mentioned it, and I came across the term on the Australian Bronchiectasis Toolbox website,

The “mucociliary escalator” is a term used to describe a built-in mechanism to keep our airways clean. Just as we might run water on a patio to sweep off leaves and debris, this is what happens automatically in our air passages.

This clearing system is complex, but in the simplest terms, it uses mucus to trap dirt, air pollution particles and pathogens. Then cilia, small hairs that undulate in the moving mucus, sweep the unwanted matter towards our throat where it is expectorated or swallowed.

This cleansing system is ongoing in healthy lungs as they too produce daily mucus to clear the decks. However, in diseased lungs such as those in bronchiectasis (BE), the ciliated areas are damaged and therefore, we make more mucus to compensate. The body does its best to sweep the airways clean, but often it is a herculean task that cannot be automatically accomplished day after day.

For this reason, we need to help out our lungs with daily airway clearance. Airway clearance is a broad term describing the effort to help the mucociliary escalator function more effectively. With BE, there are damaged areas in our lungs with little or no cilia allowing mucus to pool. This mucus needs to be removed, otherwise bacteria, viruses and fungi can feed on it and multiply.

Whether we use exercise, breathing and coughing techniques, gravity, or medical devices will depend on availability and preferences. What is important is that we do our best to assist our lungs in clearing airways regardless of how often we cough or how much mucus Linda us throughout the day. Working together with our lungs is essential to maintaining overall health and well being.

How do you feel about airway clearance? Do you do it daily or when you have an exacerbation?

Linda Esposito

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

Thanks so much Linda and Sue! I will rest well tonight not feeling so guilty! Will watch closely for tightness and first signs of cold symptoms, etc.! Carol


That is a great discussion to have with your pulmonologist when they have a new CT and lab results to compare with the previous set. I too neb once a day & do clearance (no vest), only moving to twice for a tight feeling, increased cough, when ill, etc. I also only add a levalbuterol neb as needed. Also, if I have an inflammatory flare in my body, I do more to keep it from settling in my lungs. My pulmonologist is fully supportive of my variable schedule.

I also use singulair daily, flovent, Mucinex 600 LA & N acetyl cysteine 600 twice a day.

Caution: I tend to push the limits. Right now that is safe for me as my Bronchiectasis is stable and my general health is as good as it gets. If anything changes, I leap into action.

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Sue, does NAC really helps with Bronchiectasis?


Sue, does NAC really helps with Bronchiectasis?

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Over time my biggest issue with staying healthy has been extremely sticky, thick mucus. Over the past years the combination of Mucinex, NAC & 7% saline nebs has kept me healthier than I have been in at least 10 years. It doesn't cure bronchiectasis, but definitely makes it easier to breathe. We'll see what the pulmonologist says next week.


Over time my biggest issue with staying healthy has been extremely sticky, thick mucus. Over the past years the combination of Mucinex, NAC & 7% saline nebs has kept me healthier than I have been in at least 10 years. It doesn't cure bronchiectasis, but definitely makes it easier to breathe. We'll see what the pulmonologist says next week.

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Thank you for your response. May I know the dose of Mucinex, NAC and your airway clearance routine?


Thank you for your response. May I know the dose of Mucinex, NAC and your airway clearance routine?

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Here is the order in which these were added to my routine, allowing about 1month for each to work.
1) Airway clearance, huff coughing plus Aerobika to vibrate secretions
2) Mucinex LA600 mg time release (guaifenesin only, no other ingredients)
3) 7% saline neb once or twice a day
4) 500mg N-acetylzcysteine twice a day
This is in addition to prescribed inhaler for opening airway, and asthma meds as needed.
I learned about the saline after the other methods, or I would have started it before Mucinex, but my lungs seem to need all of this to stay healthy.

Now I will add my cautionary note, this was all with the agreement of my pulmonologist and has worked for me AFTER 18 months of the big 3 for MAC and 2 months of treatment for Pseudomonas. I was so sick at first that that I doubt my routine would have worked without those meds.

I'll be seeing my pulmonologist next week - we'll see how she thinks I'm doing.

Have you been doing airway clearance?


Here is the order in which these were added to my routine, allowing about 1month for each to work.
1) Airway clearance, huff coughing plus Aerobika to vibrate secretions
2) Mucinex LA600 mg time release (guaifenesin only, no other ingredients)
3) 7% saline neb once or twice a day
4) 500mg N-acetylzcysteine twice a day
This is in addition to prescribed inhaler for opening airway, and asthma meds as needed.
I learned about the saline after the other methods, or I would have started it before Mucinex, but my lungs seem to need all of this to stay healthy.

Now I will add my cautionary note, this was all with the agreement of my pulmonologist and has worked for me AFTER 18 months of the big 3 for MAC and 2 months of treatment for Pseudomonas. I was so sick at first that that I doubt my routine would have worked without those meds.

I'll be seeing my pulmonologist next week - we'll see how she thinks I'm doing.

Have you been doing airway clearance?

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Thank you Sue. I used to take Mucinex and I think it liquify/thin mucus and making me cough more. I was afraid that time but I will try and use it again. Same thing with NAC, we have granules (Fluimucil) from Asia and have been taking 200mg, and it makes me cough often. Not sure what I should do. I do airway clearance but lying on my back and do deep breath. I also use 3% saline and Arobecca. I think I will get a smartvest this week. I always cough when I wake up and produce white jelly like mucus. Then after breakfast and around 12-1pm, I have yellow green color mucus. How was your appointment?
I want to try this brand:
Premier Research Labs NAC 300 Mg N-Acetyl-Cysteine Blend


Thank you Sue. I used to take Mucinex and I think it liquify/thin mucus and making me cough more. I was afraid that time but I will try and use it again. Same thing with NAC, we have granules (Fluimucil) from Asia and have been taking 200mg, and it makes me cough often. Not sure what I should do. I do airway clearance but lying on my back and do deep breath. I also use 3% saline and Arobecca. I think I will get a smartvest this week. I always cough when I wake up and produce white jelly like mucus. Then after breakfast and around 12-1pm, I have yellow green color mucus. How was your appointment?
I want to try this brand:
Premier Research Labs NAC 300 Mg N-Acetyl-Cysteine Blend

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I had a great visit with my pulmo, was given the news that my current shortness of breath is from my asthma, and am trying a different inhaler regimen in place of daily levalbuterol & saline nebs. So far, so good, and my chest pressure has eased quite a bit. But this is my peak allergy season, and my mucus is getting to be a bit thicker, so I will add back 7% saline 3z4 times a week before airway clearance. CT and visit will repeat in 3 months to confirm all is going well.
By the way, coughing more is a good thing if the cough is productive - my ENT had us quit using most cough suppressants over 30 years ago.
If your clearance and cough are productive, why are you getting a vest?


Love this analogy. Thank you. This past month I had to stop big 3 due to lo platelets. So I am now religiously doing airway clearance daily. My routine is 13-15 min. 7% saline nebulizing. ( with intermittent cough clearance). Then aerobika about 20 breaths. Then blow my nose. Then 3 ( or more) slow rise and hold, yoga bridges. (Postural drainage) I intermittently huff cough with a cup by my side). This clears at least 1/4 cup of sputum daily. To finish, I drink 10 oz or more of water.
All these techniques were handed to me from this wonderful group. Thank you to everyone.

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I just read your post. I did google & found the yoga bridge but couldn't find "slow rise", would you please share what that might be?



Love this analogy. Thank you. This past month I had to stop big 3 due to lo platelets. So I am now religiously doing airway clearance daily. My routine is 13-15 min. 7% saline nebulizing. ( with intermittent cough clearance). Then aerobika about 20 breaths. Then blow my nose. Then 3 ( or more) slow rise and hold, yoga bridges. (Postural drainage) I intermittently huff cough with a cup by my side). This clears at least 1/4 cup of sputum daily. To finish, I drink 10 oz or more of water.
All these techniques were handed to me from this wonderful group. Thank you to everyone.

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where did you get saline ?


Over time my biggest issue with staying healthy has been extremely sticky, thick mucus. Over the past years the combination of Mucinex, NAC & 7% saline nebs has kept me healthier than I have been in at least 10 years. It doesn't cure bronchiectasis, but definitely makes it easier to breathe. We'll see what the pulmonologist says next week.

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Sue I think it was you who one wrote that you had always had mucus plugs and I know from your posts that you are free of MAC. How did you deal with the mucus plugs? I had them on my Feb CTscan and I still have them on the last one. I am concerned because I do not cough up anything and never had but I still cough- becomes better after the morning routine (symbicort, 3% saline, aerobika, autogenic drainage app) and azythromycin and clofazimine at night. How bad your mucus plugs were and is there even a way to deal with them besides what i do?

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