Just started Xanax...anyone have experiences to share?

Posted by alanism @alanism, Jan 31, 2019

I recently moved to a new house I am not liking, and have always struggled with anxiety. My anxiety has spiked and has been out of control over this move which I feel was a mistake. My doctor prescribed sertraline, but I understand I will not feel the affect of the sertraline for 6-8 weeks. For the past couple of weeks I have been taking two .5 mg of Xanax a day, which has really helped. My doctor said Xanax is not a long term solution but that this is a safe dose. I am afraid of addiction and of Xanax, but right now it seems to be the only thing calming me down. Just wondering what others have experienced with Xanax.

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@laurine7, @artsy6013 And all...
I've taken xanax, 1/2 in am, whole tablet in pm. Now am experiencing a crisis with my son, so he added taking 1/2 at noon if needed.

I was on Xanax for several years few years ago. It helped a lot. Tapered slow off last year. Great response and tapering saved me from any issues.

This drug is one I love and for which I'm very thankful. My stress and anxiety have been high for many years. Xanax helped me so much. I got off several meds in last couple years, oxycodone, lyrica, gabapantin, Xanax and others. Tapering very slowly. With doctor help.

This is important! Slowly tapering with doc oversight. It's very dangerous to stopped any of these drugs. Benzo's are very dangerous. My son almost died by stopping cold turkey and a year later is having real problems.
Be careful...I'm getting great help with Xanax and hope you do. It's a good drug for me.

Be careful, be better, be blessed.


Which medications were you taking? Stopping abruptly since you have been on they for so long could come down on you dangerously. If they are BENZODIAZEPINES THEY CAN NOT BE STOPPED ABRUPTLY. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR DOCTOR TELLS YOU. Google your medications and ask should they be tapered off of. Please, please, be very careful.

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I was prescribed klonopin for over 10 years. My doctor dc it it cold turkey in the fall of 2019, leaving me with small fiber neuropathy.


@laurine7, @artsy6013 And all...
I've taken xanax, 1/2 in am, whole tablet in pm. Now am experiencing a crisis with my son, so he added taking 1/2 at noon if needed.

I was on Xanax for several years few years ago. It helped a lot. Tapered slow off last year. Great response and tapering saved me from any issues.

This drug is one I love and for which I'm very thankful. My stress and anxiety have been high for many years. Xanax helped me so much. I got off several meds in last couple years, oxycodone, lyrica, gabapantin, Xanax and others. Tapering very slowly. With doctor help.

This is important! Slowly tapering with doc oversight. It's very dangerous to stopped any of these drugs. Benzo's are very dangerous. My son almost died by stopping cold turkey and a year later is having real problems.
Be careful...I'm getting great help with Xanax and hope you do. It's a good drug for me.

Be careful, be better, be blessed.

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Thanks for your response @ess77. I was hoping that someone who took Xanax successfully and was able to taper off under a doctor’s supervision would write about their experience. I know that there are some horror stories about Xanax and other medications out there but I also know that there are people who get some real benefit from these drugs.
I just started on low dose of Xanax at 2.5 mg. daily. It helps take the edge off the anxiety but the depression part is still there to deal with. I had hoped that reducing anxiety would help me to do more to alleviate the depression but so far, no dice. Maybe it is too early yet and I need to be patient?


Thanks for your response @ess77. I was hoping that someone who took Xanax successfully and was able to taper off under a doctor’s supervision would write about their experience. I know that there are some horror stories about Xanax and other medications out there but I also know that there are people who get some real benefit from these drugs.
I just started on low dose of Xanax at 2.5 mg. daily. It helps take the edge off the anxiety but the depression part is still there to deal with. I had hoped that reducing anxiety would help me to do more to alleviate the depression but so far, no dice. Maybe it is too early yet and I need to be patient?

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Correction: .25 mg. Xanax daily.


Which medications were you taking? Stopping abruptly since you have been on they for so long could come down on you dangerously. If they are BENZODIAZEPINES THEY CAN NOT BE STOPPED ABRUPTLY. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR DOCTOR TELLS YOU. Google your medications and ask should they be tapered off of. Please, please, be very careful.

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I am currently taking Venlafaxine xl 300mg and bupropion 300mg daily in addition to the newly prescribed Xanax. My doctor has not made a decision yet about tapering off the medications. He wants to wait for one week to see what the Xanax does.


Thanks for your response @ess77. I was hoping that someone who took Xanax successfully and was able to taper off under a doctor’s supervision would write about their experience. I know that there are some horror stories about Xanax and other medications out there but I also know that there are people who get some real benefit from these drugs.
I just started on low dose of Xanax at 2.5 mg. daily. It helps take the edge off the anxiety but the depression part is still there to deal with. I had hoped that reducing anxiety would help me to do more to alleviate the depression but so far, no dice. Maybe it is too early yet and I need to be patient?

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@artsy6013 And all...
I think it does take a bit of time for our bodies to adjust with new meds. Xanax has always been a very helpful drug for me. I actually had no problem reducing. It takes the edge off the heavy anxiety for me, helps my tremors some, from parkinsons and stress. I have a bunch of stress and need it. So thankfully it is available.
Depression is another ball of wax. I have learned some tricks that help. Diaphragmatic breathing. Drinking good cool water. Talking to my kitty is great. She also comes to my head when I'm not doing well. Her loud purrrrrrrs help me relax.

I also use music and photos to help. I need to zone out sometimes and a lousy movie or baseball game on TV help. And, praying g for protection and healing is top of my list.

Depression for me can best be helped with the 94 temp pool therapy at my local rehab. Doc referred me basically for the rest of my life for pool therapy. That's the only time in my life I truly relax. I hang from a floating belt with ankle weights and leave my body I'm so relaxed. No pain while in water. At times, I use a stepper gently in the water or do other strengthening movements to help with life. Highly recommend!

Hope some of this helps you and oth we s. This forum taught me so much...helps to have connect friends who are or have been there.
Be blessed...Elizabeth


@artsy6013 And all...
I think it does take a bit of time for our bodies to adjust with new meds. Xanax has always been a very helpful drug for me. I actually had no problem reducing. It takes the edge off the heavy anxiety for me, helps my tremors some, from parkinsons and stress. I have a bunch of stress and need it. So thankfully it is available.
Depression is another ball of wax. I have learned some tricks that help. Diaphragmatic breathing. Drinking good cool water. Talking to my kitty is great. She also comes to my head when I'm not doing well. Her loud purrrrrrrs help me relax.

I also use music and photos to help. I need to zone out sometimes and a lousy movie or baseball game on TV help. And, praying g for protection and healing is top of my list.

Depression for me can best be helped with the 94 temp pool therapy at my local rehab. Doc referred me basically for the rest of my life for pool therapy. That's the only time in my life I truly relax. I hang from a floating belt with ankle weights and leave my body I'm so relaxed. No pain while in water. At times, I use a stepper gently in the water or do other strengthening movements to help with life. Highly recommend!

Hope some of this helps you and oth we s. This forum taught me so much...helps to have connect friends who are or have been there.
Be blessed...Elizabeth

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Thank you for your helpful tips. My anxiety coexists with depression so it is like fighting two beasts at the same time. Fortunately I can walk and my doctor recommends it for recovery from spinal surgery. Walking also has a calming effect which works well with Xanax. I have a kitty too and she always is at my side so I don’t feel alone. I know that this may be a long slog but I really hope not. I am tired of it already!


Thank you for your helpful tips. My anxiety coexists with depression so it is like fighting two beasts at the same time. Fortunately I can walk and my doctor recommends it for recovery from spinal surgery. Walking also has a calming effect which works well with Xanax. I have a kitty too and she always is at my side so I don’t feel alone. I know that this may be a long slog but I really hope not. I am tired of it already!

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@artsy6013, @jakedduck1, and all...Yes, it is a long slog. It is for me a lifetime of stress, illness, and struggles, but lots of good times as well. I just deal with depression and anxiety from stress every day to some extent.

You know what's helped me the most and I learned this on the Connect site...acceptance. I've finally, after all these 75years, just last year begun the acceptance process, accepting my life as it is now. No expectations about today, and acceptance of yesterday as it happened and tomorrow if it happens. This has released me from a heavy load on my shoulders and heart. No more do I dread every day or hate the past or expect wonderful things tomorrow, or the reverse. No more do I carry my life on my shoulders. What freedom to live life.

Today is just what it is. My body today is what it is. Not what I expected it would be but what it is. And that is ok. The same with tomorrow. Yes, I plan with appts and maybe a list or such, but no expectations anymore. Then, no disappointment and failure from missed expectations. Wow! that relieves me of a lot of pressure and sadness. I love this new thinking. Lost expectations used to set me up for failure and depression. I don't allow that most days now.

You know, it seems I'm much more in control now. I think that's what acceptance of my illnesses and aches/pains, my body now has done for me. I now control the way I think, to some degree. I'm not fighting the world every day to make it conform to my expectations. Phew...what a relief.

Hope some of this helps. It's helped me and again, from these folks on Connect come lots of goodies to help through whatever today is. Such as, my friend, Leonard,@jakedduck1, reminds me when I even think of him, that chocolate is my friend. And, Leonard, I now buy Stouffers sugar-free made with Stevia chocolate tidbits. Pretty darn good. And, much better for my health. Not as delicious, I agree, but still pretty good. A diabetic neighbor put me onto this trick. I have a chocolate or dark choc covered mint when I want it and it satisfies that permanent need for something sweet. The stevia sugar substitute is natural, so not a nasty chemical.

Enjoy this day. I'm in Florida, it's summer, and right now we're having a serious afternoon thunderstorm. I'm back in bed after taking my son for a nerve ablation procedure to attempt to slow some pain he suffers from dystonia. It's been 20 years of serious pain and he's at his end. So, with a Dilaudid pump, oral meds, medical marijuana, nerve blocks that last 12-15 hours-not the 1-2 months as advertised, and a lot of screaming the last several months, he got this ablation procedure today. He's quiet now, so it may be helping him some. I pray for relief. Next week we see a Mayo neurosurgeon re possible brain surgery. We'll see. Today, the thunderstorm is lovely from my bedroom window. I'm resting after a difficult morning with increased tremors.

Rest is a good thing. I'm hopeful that some of these thoughts help you figure out how for you to deal with this old nasty depression. It took me 75 years to learn these things. I suppose I'm a pretty slow learner, but thankfully I connected with this place and received some good advice.

Be well, my new connect friend. This is one day, live and be blessed. Elizabeth


@artsy6013, @jakedduck1, and all...Yes, it is a long slog. It is for me a lifetime of stress, illness, and struggles, but lots of good times as well. I just deal with depression and anxiety from stress every day to some extent.

You know what's helped me the most and I learned this on the Connect site...acceptance. I've finally, after all these 75years, just last year begun the acceptance process, accepting my life as it is now. No expectations about today, and acceptance of yesterday as it happened and tomorrow if it happens. This has released me from a heavy load on my shoulders and heart. No more do I dread every day or hate the past or expect wonderful things tomorrow, or the reverse. No more do I carry my life on my shoulders. What freedom to live life.

Today is just what it is. My body today is what it is. Not what I expected it would be but what it is. And that is ok. The same with tomorrow. Yes, I plan with appts and maybe a list or such, but no expectations anymore. Then, no disappointment and failure from missed expectations. Wow! that relieves me of a lot of pressure and sadness. I love this new thinking. Lost expectations used to set me up for failure and depression. I don't allow that most days now.

You know, it seems I'm much more in control now. I think that's what acceptance of my illnesses and aches/pains, my body now has done for me. I now control the way I think, to some degree. I'm not fighting the world every day to make it conform to my expectations. Phew...what a relief.

Hope some of this helps. It's helped me and again, from these folks on Connect come lots of goodies to help through whatever today is. Such as, my friend, Leonard,@jakedduck1, reminds me when I even think of him, that chocolate is my friend. And, Leonard, I now buy Stouffers sugar-free made with Stevia chocolate tidbits. Pretty darn good. And, much better for my health. Not as delicious, I agree, but still pretty good. A diabetic neighbor put me onto this trick. I have a chocolate or dark choc covered mint when I want it and it satisfies that permanent need for something sweet. The stevia sugar substitute is natural, so not a nasty chemical.

Enjoy this day. I'm in Florida, it's summer, and right now we're having a serious afternoon thunderstorm. I'm back in bed after taking my son for a nerve ablation procedure to attempt to slow some pain he suffers from dystonia. It's been 20 years of serious pain and he's at his end. So, with a Dilaudid pump, oral meds, medical marijuana, nerve blocks that last 12-15 hours-not the 1-2 months as advertised, and a lot of screaming the last several months, he got this ablation procedure today. He's quiet now, so it may be helping him some. I pray for relief. Next week we see a Mayo neurosurgeon re possible brain surgery. We'll see. Today, the thunderstorm is lovely from my bedroom window. I'm resting after a difficult morning with increased tremors.

Rest is a good thing. I'm hopeful that some of these thoughts help you figure out how for you to deal with this old nasty depression. It took me 75 years to learn these things. I suppose I'm a pretty slow learner, but thankfully I connected with this place and received some good advice.

Be well, my new connect friend. This is one day, live and be blessed. Elizabeth

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@artsy6013 and all...I overlooked mentioning something very important! Ck out @becsbuddy, Becky is a Connect moderator. She's a doll and has a great group, Let's Go Walking....Give it a look, especially since you do walk and get exercise. You'll meet some neat folks there from all over the country, world and have fun. It's a good group...enjoy.


@artsy6013 and all...I overlooked mentioning something very important! Ck out @becsbuddy, Becky is a Connect moderator. She's a doll and has a great group, Let's Go Walking....Give it a look, especially since you do walk and get exercise. You'll meet some neat folks there from all over the country, world and have fun. It's a good group...enjoy.

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Hey Lizzy,

“chocolate is my friend. And, Leonard, I now buy Stouffers sugar-free made with Stevia chocolate tidbits.”

I can't find Stouffer cookies. Did you mean Stauffers?

“dark choc covered mint when I want it”

You poor thing, mint, yuck!! & covered with dark chocolate yet, that's even yuckier.
No wonder you have so many ailments.

I'm glad you accept your conditions.
When people with Epilepsy write to me if they are in denial I tell them seizures are nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about and they need to accept it for what it is. Stress, anxiety and depression do more damage and lower the seizure threshold in many people. I'm glad you're able to control your depression etc.
Do you feel any better since you accepted your condition?
Take care of yourself,

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