Agent Orange/Dioxin related illnesses
I know this is a touchy subject for many, but I am still looking for answers. My trip to Jacksonville helped with some, but not all. I am suffering from a mystery illness and it seems to be related to my father's exposure to Agent Orange. Me and my sister both have the same symptoms, except she is more advanced. My niece is starting to show the symptoms. In my search online, I have found many other children of Vietnam Vets going through this. I guess I'm just wondering if there are any here, and if so, do you have a diagnosis yet? I have some such as fibromyalgia and connective tissue disease, but it doesn't cover all of the symptoms. The symptoms are very ms like. I am 35 years old and some days have to use a walker. I fall. I lose feeling in limbs. I can not even hold a job right now. I have met many other children who have had a wide range of illnesses and birth defects. I know a lot of us are suffering from mental illness including bipolar. I'm bipolar myself. But I have that answer. I want the answers for the pain and weakness and fatigue. I plan on revisiting the mayo clinic after I get better insurance since new symptoms have come on since my last visit. I know they did everything they could. I know my local doctors are. I'm just hoping to get more information to take to both there and my local doctors of people with similar symptoms and had a hard time getting diagnosed. My own research on dioxin is showing that these are very common symptoms of it. So just wondering who else is in the same boat.
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I too suffer from many autoimmune diseases including severe spinal stenosis and ANKLYLOSING SPONDIOLYSIS with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, colon cancer, rectal cancer, cancerous tumor, thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism, bladder cancer, bladder disease, peripheral neuropathy, sciatica, ischemic heart disease, psoriasis, degenerative joint and disc disease, and more. I handled, mixed by hand and power sprayed AGENT ORANGE HERBICIDES ON ANDERSEN.AFB GUAM and off base from September 68 to June 78. My daughter is severely affected with joint disease, hip dysplasia, reproductive issues and cancer. My only grandchild suffers from multiple birth defects including 24 fingers and toes, heart disease, autism, blindness, add/ADHD and more. <br />
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For your information<br />
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Thanks for jumping in on this discussion @retairforceman. I can't believe the number of conditions this #%*&! agent orange caused and for generations!
Welcome to Connect @eeversmann.
I too have my only child suffering from asthmas, joint diseases, cancers, etc. And my only grandchild was born with multiple birth defects like 24 fingers and toes, autism aspergers syndrome, eye deformities and blindness, growth problems , etc. I have 33 autoimmune diseases including 4 cancers, ischemic heart disease, , ANKLYLOSING SPONDIOLYSIS, SPINAL STENOSIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT AND DISC DISEASE, OSTEOPOROSIS and osteoarthritis, psoriasis, chloracne, scar tissue, peripheral neuropathy in all limbs and more. I handled, mixed by hand and power sprayed AGENT ORANGE HERBICIDES ON ANDERSEN.AFB GUAM DURING THE VIETNAM WAR AND LATER. I am very ill and very short life left in me.<br />
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OMG I will pray for UR child & grand child. I don't know what to suggest to U .
And I thought I had problems. I feel fine? I'll pray for your whole family.
Agent Orange is a chemical that will attack our immune system - I was told by my VA Nero/ Doctor, he diagnosed me with Agent Orange Parkinson's two years ago- I went through a 4-5 hour agent orange exam at the VA Hospital in Phoenix, they also put me through an interview with the VA' " Agent Orange Registry Office" this is where they looked at my Army 201 file and my two tours in Viet Nam and where I was based both times, which was within the Iron Triangle - why this is important, 80% of troops within that area was sprayed the most and at times we were in the jungle for two weeks-wearing the same Jungle Fatigues( which was soaped with the chemicals) The reason I bring this up- the VA after looking at my record and seeing that were I was- gave me an approval Agent Orange Certificate- this proved that any health issues you have that is listed in the health problems that doctors from the VA has added, automatically assumed it's from Agent Orange. I had My Certificate copy for all my children- which they use when they go to the VA and file a medical complaint that complied with the medical list approved by the VA-do to agent orange. I hope this makes sense- and it's something that can help anyone fighting the system for approval and medical care. JJ
New clinic in texes!
I see you are a mentor here; please look into the agent orange clinic in Texes. It seems very promising.