COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I totally agree - I believe it's because they don't want to support a Dr. that doesn't support the pharmaceutical industry. I was fortunate to find a Naturepath Dr. who is working with my budget.

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I will keep looking. Thank you so much.💕💕💕😘🌹🌹🌹🌹


I've had neuropathy in my hands and feet for two years due to chemo. I've participated in a clinical trial with little to no improvement. What I do do is read A LOT and get emails from medical news sites. Here are a few things I've learned. There are studies that have shown a correlation between the vaccine and neuropathy, but it also show a correlation between covid and neuropathy with the conclusion that there is a pre-existing condition that is triggered by the covid vaccine or infection. Therefore, if you developed neuropathy from the vaccine, you would also have developed it from a covid infection. To the person who got great results from the vaccine detox, I'm very happy for you! BUT flushing or detoxing the vaccine from your body just is not possible. This has been debunked so many times. Perhaps it wasn't the vaccine that caused your symptoms which is why this method seems to be working. Perhaps it is the overlooked but very much real power of the mind working for you. But as one expression used by a virologist goes, once vaccinated you cannot unring the bell. So whatever works, great! But you cannot flush the vaccine from your body. Sorry.


I've had neuropathy in my hands and feet for two years due to chemo. I've participated in a clinical trial with little to no improvement. What I do do is read A LOT and get emails from medical news sites. Here are a few things I've learned. There are studies that have shown a correlation between the vaccine and neuropathy, but it also show a correlation between covid and neuropathy with the conclusion that there is a pre-existing condition that is triggered by the covid vaccine or infection. Therefore, if you developed neuropathy from the vaccine, you would also have developed it from a covid infection. To the person who got great results from the vaccine detox, I'm very happy for you! BUT flushing or detoxing the vaccine from your body just is not possible. This has been debunked so many times. Perhaps it wasn't the vaccine that caused your symptoms which is why this method seems to be working. Perhaps it is the overlooked but very much real power of the mind working for you. But as one expression used by a virologist goes, once vaccinated you cannot unring the bell. So whatever works, great! But you cannot flush the vaccine from your body. Sorry.

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Which clinical trial was that?

Where did you get your medical degree?


I've had neuropathy in my hands and feet for two years due to chemo. I've participated in a clinical trial with little to no improvement. What I do do is read A LOT and get emails from medical news sites. Here are a few things I've learned. There are studies that have shown a correlation between the vaccine and neuropathy, but it also show a correlation between covid and neuropathy with the conclusion that there is a pre-existing condition that is triggered by the covid vaccine or infection. Therefore, if you developed neuropathy from the vaccine, you would also have developed it from a covid infection. To the person who got great results from the vaccine detox, I'm very happy for you! BUT flushing or detoxing the vaccine from your body just is not possible. This has been debunked so many times. Perhaps it wasn't the vaccine that caused your symptoms which is why this method seems to be working. Perhaps it is the overlooked but very much real power of the mind working for you. But as one expression used by a virologist goes, once vaccinated you cannot unring the bell. So whatever works, great! But you cannot flush the vaccine from your body. Sorry.

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Well, all I can say is that I've been extremely healthy prior to the vaccine, and 3 days after my 1st shot, I developed all the symptoms of neuropathy, starting in my feet and then progressing throughout my body. I truly don't believe it was a coincidence. And there was no other reason for my nervous system to go a bit crazy. It's possible I did get Covid on my way home from Mexico, March 2020, because I did have some of the symptoms, but they were not testing most people back then, even though I tried on several occasions to get tested. All I can tell you that is my reality, is that for the first time in a long while, my nervous system has relaxed (since detoxing) and I am feeling great! I don't need to know all the details because I may never find out - but I'm so grateful that I was guided to a wonderful healing method that my body is enjoying and responding to in a very healthy way. Everyone's journey is to create their own path and make their own choices. My journey is taking me to a wonderful place and so I am filled with gratitude & grace!


Hi Kim! Well, I have exciting news. I decided to not go through with the MRI, and instead I went to see a Naturepath Dr. in my area that I had recently met. She put me on a detox program to remove the Covid vaccine out of my system. Within only a week, already my neuropathy symptoms started to fade away. At this point (10 days of detox), I'm about 75% healed from all symptoms. My Naturepath said it takes about a month to have the vaccine out of my system 100%. So, I'm delighted and finally am feeling wonderful. I also have much more energy, and feel so much better. I thought you might enjoy hearing about this.

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That's great news! I'm glad you had such rapid recovery. What are the specific components of your detox program?


I have been diagnosed with SFN this year. My symptoms are constant tingling in my hands and feet and more recently what I describe as little shooting pins in my legs. I asked my neurologist if this could be tied to the moderna vaccine for COVID. He said it is possible. I didn’t develop these symptoms though until several months after my vaccines. I was wondering if any body got symptoms that long after they received the shot, or if the symptoms started right away after the shot. I’m trying to figure out if my SFN was caused by the shot or not.

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There seem to be two groups of vaccine injuries, those that occur immediately and those with the first symptoms about 2 weeks after vaccination. The antibody response to the vaccine peaks at about 2 weeks. Much of the nerve damage appears to be an autoimmune reaction triggered by the spike protein. The autoimmune reaction develops over time, so the neurological symptoms usually peak around 8 months after vaccination and then slowly improve. A great source of information and support is the Neuro V Long-Haulers group on Facebook. A note of caution: Some patients are fine with the first 1-2 vaccines, but then have a problem after the booster. There needs to be transparency about vaccine injuries, so that people can truly have informed consent when deciding to be vaccinated.


Which clinical trial was that?

Where did you get your medical degree?

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I never professed to have a medical degree; I just summarized the findings of a recently published study from a medical site. Sorry I can't provide the link. The clinical trial was at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, is ongoing and part of a nationwide trial. Why?


That's great news! I'm glad you had such rapid recovery. What are the specific components of your detox program?

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Honestly, I don't know. I am just taking 10 drops of a mixture that was given to me by my Dr., every night for 10 days.


I was diagnosed with neuropathy after my first Moderna booster shot. My neurologist had seen several other patients presenting similar side effects from the vaccine. I had an extremely robust reaction to the first shot. A week after the shot I had a rash that covered almost the whole front of my upper arm. My neurologist has advised against another booster, not wanting to tempt fate, as my neuropathy is greatly improved at this point. Is there any safe optional vaccine or another alternative for me to take to try to stay protected from Covid?


I was diagnosed with neuropathy after my first Moderna booster shot. My neurologist had seen several other patients presenting similar side effects from the vaccine. I had an extremely robust reaction to the first shot. A week after the shot I had a rash that covered almost the whole front of my upper arm. My neurologist has advised against another booster, not wanting to tempt fate, as my neuropathy is greatly improved at this point. Is there any safe optional vaccine or another alternative for me to take to try to stay protected from Covid?

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Welcome @detc, I moved your message about vaccine-induced neuropathy and alternatives to the booster to this existing discussion so you can connect with others.
- COVID vaccines and neuropathy

You might also be interested in learning more about Evushield in this related discussion:
- Have you been able to get Evusheld? Or find where it is offered?

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